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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

'What not again damn it stupid Nena' but I don't get any bad vibes from who never that was I grab the card well I did say I was taking her home and it appeared I take off flying on the bike back to the tower I land on the platform walk inside the tower I see the Harlequin 'That was not cool man here' I give him the card back 'So I'm guessing your a good guy'
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Harlequin magically made a card appear and it turned into another cloak. Harlequin swished it around them so that it completely covered them and when it started to fall he pulled it away from her. They were standing near the Avengers that Harlequin had just disappeared from.

Jordan looked at Harlequin "....Well that was easier than I thought it would be..."
One moment Sarah was at the Tower with an unconscious girl and a weird guy in a weird mask, the next she was next to Dimitri, Conner, Jordan and her asshole "brother" the handful of Avengers she knew. But the others? Well the history books never mentioned them. She breathed a sigh of frustration and looked to the sky, "Finally!" She turned back to the group and smiled, she put one hand on her hip and put the other in a sort of salute for a split second before taking it off her head and turning it into a wave of sorts.

"Hey! My name is Sarah Reilly, I would like to join up!"

Pyrite went to voice an objection, "Um...Who are yo-" He was met with a quick roundhouse kick from Sarah, he fell to the floor unconscious. Sarah regained her composure and smiled again, "So where do I sign up?"

@Newtype @Reaper @Crono @sitanomoto
'Pyrite is really in and out of it today.' Raitei thought to himself. When she asked where does she sign up, he pointed toward Dimitri and Connor but even more so looked at the Harlequin who has been in and out location wise. He also took Cassie, Raitei was about to over react especially if it towed someone looking to join the Avengers.
(Sorry, uber distracted and trying to stay caught up too.)

Connor had been glad that the hostility had died down, he was seconds from throwing his shield at the first person that incited it further. The blonde blinked at Jordan, "Wait, what are you talking about? What'd I miss?"

"You seem to have failed to mention to certain individuals, like lightning crotch over there, what exactly I am...Don't bother telling him...I wanna see his face when he finds out on his own..."

Harlequin went over to Hypnas and made a card turn into a rose and gestured that it was for her.

@Chronos @sitanomoto
Connor gave a light eye-roll at the realization of what Jordan meant, "I'm not one to go spouting out information that's arguably not mine to tell. I mean, did you want me telling everyone?" Crossing his arms over his chest he looked towards the girl who seemed enthusiastically asking to join, where'd she come from again? With that masked person...that had come from taking Cassie to what he assumed had been home.
Finn stared in shock when Cassie disappeared and at first was going to try and find out where they went, but Ghost Rider's daughter hopped right on that and there was gunfire nearby that he should check out. He listened closely for the direction before setting out after it. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes." He said to the group before he was out of earshot. On his way there all of New York's screens had footage of the fight that was going on. Finn couldn't help but be impressed by the small kid, but also a little angry that they were watching a small child fight and not try to stop it.

He picked up his pace and arrived in time to see the child hide under the ambulance. Thanks to the registration act the police recognized him and wearily let him pass the blockade. He walked over to the ambulance and slowly lowered himself to the ground. Something that was easier said than done. He smiled towards the child. "Hey buddy. That was some fight. But you're alright now. The guys are gone." He slowly pushed his hand under hoping to show that he wasn't dangerous.

Marth Flames

the kid shook violently but allowed himself to be dragged out. he grew pale and shook worse then a leaf in the wind. he only said one word. "Scared..." he squeaked out.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"You seem to have failed to mention to certain individuals, like lightning crotch over there, what exactly I am...Don't bother telling him...I wanna see his face when he finds out on his own..."
Harlequin went over to Hypnas and made a card turn into a rose and gestured that it was for her.

@Newtype @Reaper @Crono @sitanomoto
Nevermore glared at the girl as Pyrite collapsed, but did nothing other than beckon her cloak over. She pointed at Pyrite, and the cloak wrapped itself around the boy once again. She sat down on the ground next to Pyrite and glared at everyone, daring them to hurt him again.
"Where do you sign up?" Dimitri scoffed. "This isn't the best time.... Look, I think we need to move this back to the tower. Cassie's arm needs to be looked at, and if we are 'signing anyone up' we need privacy." He said before standing up with Cassie. Noticing the rose in Hypnas' hand, he turned to the harlequin and bucked at him.

@Newtype @sitanomoto @Crono @LucianGrey7971
sitanomoto said:
((Be patient padawan. She will respond in due time.))
(EH! I wanna get marth with the others asap! cause I wanna have them react to him and possibly teach him better English and notie his worn clothes and dirty skin. SNEAK PEAK he was livin in a network of allyways. he had three spots. that's all you get 4 now)
GoldenCharizard4 said:
(EH! I wanna get marth with the others asap! cause I wanna have them react to him and possibly teach him better English and notie his worn clothes and dirty skin. SNEAK PEAK he was livin in a network of allyways. he had three spots. that's all you get 4 now)
(It'll happen soon, time zones suck though. Not to mention any and all personal business)
Reaper said:
"Where do you sign up?" Dimitri scoffed. "This isn't the best time.... Look, I think we need to move this back to the tower. Cassie's arm needs to be looked at, and if we are 'signing anyone up' we need privacy." He said before standing up with Cassie. Noticing the rose in Hypnas' hand, he turned to the harlequin and bucked at him.
@Newtype @sitanomoto @Crono @LucianGrey7971
Hypnas smiled. "Jealous much?" She said to Dimitri.

Cassie was still shaking like a leaf, and her forehead was wet with perspiration.

Nevermore thought of Cassie and her heart sank. This happened once before.... Cassie.... Nevermore closed her eyes and reached out her mind to touch Cassie's, and a tear slid down Nevermore's cheek. The Cassie in her timeline used to be so strong.... So valiant and brave.... And here she was reduced to nothing more than a child. She looked at Dimitri. "You're right." She stood and released Cassie's mind from her own gentle grip as she picked up Pyrite. "We need to get to the tower ASAP."

((@GoldenCharizard4 just be PATIENT.))
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(Umm Harlequin took Cassie back to the Tower already...in a very enigmatic way mind you...)

Harlequin tilted his head at Dmitri before ignoring him completely.

The girl sat near Cassie and started treating her wounds, sloppily but effective enough. It was almost as if the girl was using military style treatments for Cassie. The girl found it odd that no-one had ever asked why she was there, she had thought a strange child showing up would provoke at least a few questions.
Raitei walked just between Connor and Dimitri placing one hand of their shoulder. He then used a form of short range telepathy that invovles the projection of thought through electromagnetic pulses the reason he has to do it with his hand on their shoulder is so he can receive their thoughts back. ' I can take use back to the Tower in a flash put some space between us and these guys for a little while. Connor you can bring Hypnas along by simply placing a hand on her before we teleport. That's if we're done here and have something more important to do then help Cassie through another mental attack.' Raitei said telepathically.

@Crono @Reaper
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It was a little odd hearing Raitei's voice in his head, but he got the gist of what it was. Sure, but we're bringing him too. Connor spoke in his mind, while nodding towards the unconscious Pyrite. He's injured, your doing. So now we treat him, and the quicker he's at the tower the faster he can get that treatment.

"We'll meet back at the tower." Connor said before looking at Nevermore and holding out his arms, "I can take him on ahead and make sure he's comfortable, if you'll let me." Connor raised a brow, after her earlier words it was clear she was protective of Pyrite which was not only curious to Connor but he wasn't stupid enough not to ask before trying to take him.
Finn smiled again and picked the kid up. "Let's get out of here eh buddy? I know a place where us heroes go and you'll be welcome there. We'll help you." He walked back in the direction of the Tower still carrying the kid. He had no idea how old the boy could be, he had only heard him speak one word so he couldn't judge by the voice. He was dirty and wearing ratty clothing so he obviously didn't have a place to go. But he wouldn't just assume. "Do you have a home buddy? What's your name? I'm Finn." He had no experience with young kids and most people could probably see that but he was determined.

@GoldenCharizard4 ((Sorry pal for the long wait. It's 1:05pm on a Sunday so trying to get my act together for school tomorrow as well as memorize a six minute speech so my presence on here today is going to be a bit rare.))
Marth Flames

Marth sniffled. "I wive in a allyway..." the child says "I mawth fwames...." he says. he placed his thumb in his mouth and sniffled. he still shook but not as much.

(aight casual. I can be patient. just thought u where like, flitting around other places and just not responding here. xD sorry for being pusheh! do forgive me.)


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