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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Newtype said:
"Connor wouldn't want me to strike you down nor do I want to now that I see you without your cloak. In fact anytime you feel like you need upgrade you should.... how do you say.... call me..... then we could maybe..... Netflix and Chill." Raitei responded with a smile and a wink. 'Dangerous and good looking, she gets me all charged up!' Laxus thought to himself.
(Felt like we needed some humor in this.)
Nevermore blushed despite herself. "I wouldn't 'chill out' with you if it meant the end of my life!" She spat on the ground.

Hypnas smiled. "Attagirl," she whispered.
Raitei though nothing of Jordan's comment, sometime you just have to be direct and obvious. 'She said she won't chill out not Neflix and Chill. Though her blushing tells a different story.' Raitei thought to himself. But he replied anyway in a flirtatious manner "You never know, maybe you could find it stimulating or maybe we could have that spark as shocking at it would seem to you." He lowered himself to the ground between Nevermore and the Avengers.

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"Stop! I'm gonna have to stop you there lightning crotch...IF there's one thing I can't stand more than obvious flirting" Jordan stopped and thought about it "And pie...and any child of Hope Summers.....as well as any version of Ivory, it's bad puns. You sir, are a hack."
Nevermore smiled coyly. "Oh really?" She asked, walking up to him. She got almost nose-to-nose with him. "Well," she said softly, her eyes flashed dangerously. She looked at the other Avengers with a wink. She turned Invisible. "I'll give you a kiss if you can find me." She laughed and went around behind him. She tapped him on the shoulder.
Raitei ignored Jordan's comment as Nevermore proposed her challenge and then turned invisible. "I accept.' He said turning around as he felt her tap his shoulder. "Okay, invisible to my eyes not everything else." He said to himself. He focused on smell and hearing, he pointed to the spot where he last smelled Nevermore and last heard her move to. "I guess you're there." He said. He half expected an actual kiss but half expected a knife or worse because it's ironic a liverpool kiss known as a headbutt in these times.
Jordan just couldn't resist, he made a small gesture with his fingers and and a gust of wind flew at Raitei's face like a brick wall
Raitei's supernatural durability made him much harder then a brick wall, the gust of wind that hit him was little more then an annoyance. "Jealous much, now you see how I don't doing dying better then you." Raitei said turning toward Jordan. "Is the little baby upset at not receiving enough attention? Let's see if you can get me to use the esoteric properties of lightning." The air became charged almost as Raitei emitted an aura of lightning. The sky darkened once more with storm clouds suddenly forming in the sky. "I ask you to pause our game a bit invisible girl with the cloak." Then from the sky came several bolts of lightning upon Jordan.
"~Oh?" Jordan looked at the storm clouds and merely smiled slightly, it had been a while since he was able to let loose, even just a bit. Maybe he'd show this Thor wannabe what true power looked like. "Interesting, but I won't even need to attack you~ And if I'm lying...then may God strike me down where I stand" Jordan said as the lightning bolts crashed home, however when the light had faded, Jordan had not moved and not one lightning bolt had hit its target. The ground around Jordan was blackened from the impact "Guess I wasn't lying~"
A sword went into Raitei's back as Pyrite stood there, huffing. He weakly pulled his blade out of the demigods back and fell to his knees, "Stop it! Stop trying to kill me, stop trying to harass Julia, stop fighting for no reason!" He stood up and got into Raitei's face, "You know what? I finally see it! Jordan's right, because of people like you and me we waste valuable time! We need to grow up and act like a team! So stop over compensating for what you lack and help the girl who just went through mental torture back home! We need to make sure she's okay so we can talk about our next steps to fighting Thanos!"

He tried to stand up and walk to Cassie, "As a team, for the first time in a long time. No fighting within our ranks, no more secrets, no more going behind backs!" He attempted to pick up Cassie but collapsed, "Please....Lets just do what we said we'd do and protect people for once...."

@Newtype @sitanomoto
Before Pyrites speech:

"You think yourself of real power boy. Well not too long ago you humans called my kind gods, if you can push me far enough you'll find out why." Raitei replied with smirk of his own. Raitei considering just jumping up to the next level and ending this kid now but that wouldn't be satisfying. It would be better if the kid thought he had all in his hands before seeing it snatched from him, Connor doesn't seem to like him much anyway so !likely none of the other Avengers would mind.
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CasualDragon said:
Finn broke into a jog and hopped that the trio behind him could keep up. Well he knew that Luna and Minerva would have no problem, and Jade would also be able to, but one of his best friends had been hurt and there was possibly nothing that could get in his way. He barreled through things that were in his way until he had found Dimitri and Cassie. He bent over panting for breath before regaining his cool. He also noted Hypnas and nodded a little wearily her way. He knew that they trusted her but she was still in his version of a trial period. "What happened?" @Steel Zinogre
Jade was able to keep up well, and Luna rode on minerva's back as she hopped on all fours, and swung on lamp posts. When they got to the tower, Jade had a feeling that something was off with Hypnas. @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
LokiofSP said:
A sword went into Raitei's back as Pyrite stood there, huffing. He weakly pulled his blade out of the demigods back and fell to his knees, "Stop it! Stop trying to kill me, stop trying to harass Julia, stop fighting for no reason!" He stood up and got into Raitei's face, "You know what? I finally see it! Jordan's right, because of people like you and me we waste valuable time! We need to grow up and act like a team! So stop over compensating for what you lack and help the girl who just went through mental torture back home! We need to make sure she's okay so we can talk about our next steps to fighting Thanos!"
He tried to stand up and walk to Cassie, "As a team, for the first time in a long time. No fighting within our ranks, no more secrets, no more going behind backs!" He attempted to pick up Cassie but collapsed, "Please....Lets just do what we said we'd do and protect people for once...."

@Newtype @sitanomoto
Nevermore appeared and helped Pyrite stand. She kissed him on the cheek and then looked at Raitei. "The boy is right. Cassie needs our help, and you idiots were too blind to see she was in pain." She looked at her cloak, which floated there and then shrugged, like it was on a real body. "So was I." She looked at Connor and then at Cassie in dimitris arms.
"....Wait..." Jordan looked at Connor with an incredulous look "He doesn't know? You haven't told anybody? Oh Connor, my old friend, this is the best gift you could have ever given me...and it's not even my birthday..." Jordan was quite surprised that the guy didn't know who he was, he was almost sure that the Avengers couldn't wait to spread that information around, but it seemed that only the people he had told knew "I....I don't know how I should proceed now, this is a magical moment for me..."
Nena see's all this going on well no wonder my old man run's solo to much drama for my taste she walk to the boy that tried to pick up Cassie 'I can take her home if you want I can fit one more person on my bike and you look like you need medical attention' I take Cassie from Dimitris and get on my bike I make sure she secure on there 'so are we going to stand here or what cause I'm bouncing out of here with Cassie and taking her back home'

'Oh' she look at the cards were did this person thing come from I play along for now she picks Ace of Hearts 'Good pick yes no maybe so'
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'O I get it know' she puts the card back in to be honest she a sucker for magic shows starts up the bike ready to go back but she wanted to finish this first then leave
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(In the back @Newtype)

Pyrite blushed as Julia kissed his cheek, he leaned on her. For the first time in a long time he was sharing his weight....It felt nice, maybe it was something he should do more often, "Okay, so first off, we need a designated person to take Cass back, we also need a way to get us all back to the Tower."
The cards disappeared and the Harlequin pulled out a long cape and gestured to it like he was putting on a magic show. All of a sudden he flipped it and both he and Cassie were gone and the Ace of Hearts remained in their place. The Harlequin appeared in the Avengers Tower and laid Cassie down on a cot gently before looking extremely pleased with himself...err...well you would have gotten that vibe from him seeing as he was wearing a Harlequin mask
Raitei spun around as he felt a blade against his back he did so with his supernatural speed he left a solid afterimage giving the impression he had been stabbed as the afterimage faded Raitei was standing in front of Pyrite with his rod aimed to blow out Pyrite's chests. Then he saw the look in Pyrite's eyes and heard Pyrite's words. Raitei suddenly felt kind of bad for waging battle so close to a mentally ill Cassie. He moved his rod out of the way as Pyrite stumbled toward Cassie.

Raitei considered ceasing hostilities against Jordan for the moment but didn't drop his guard. Raitei looked at Pyrite and said to himself "Maybe he has finally done something to reconcile his crime of cannibalism of his friends......"
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Marth Flames

Sirens blared, signaling trouble. "copy that i'm on my way" a small voice said into a reciver as it sighed "awight.... just gotta focus it..." the small kid thought and he stepped into the light, his hair very dirty. if it was not so dirty, he would have nice blonde hair. he slipped on a tattered cloak and bolted off to the crime.

"EVERYONE GET YA ASSES DOWN!" a man in a pink ski mask yelled and a smaller man walked up, a gnome mask. "cool j we got's ta go bra" the small guy said as cool j saw a small figure walk in. "awww.... a little Brat!" cool j hissed as he sighed "rip kid" the small guy said before he saw the kid smile behind a elaborate mask and cool j was smashed in the face with the kid's foot. "BEWM!" the blonde boy said triumphantly as cops arrived and they all looked at eachother and one yelled "Kid! get outta there those men are dangerous!" and the kid sighed as he tripped the smaller guy and his gun went off, shooting cool j's leg. he howled in pain and the blonde boy said "evwy one up and out! fast as mice! GO!" some left but a few where paralyzed with fear. the small guy raised a gun up and shot at a boy with brown, buzzed cut hair, hitting him in the stomach and the blonde child hissed at the kid's scream. the small guy stood up, pointing at the blonde boy "you little shit. you already took out four gangs by yo-self but do you see what a gun does? HUH?!" the blonde boy flinched "Deuces and drones is gonna pop ya. and unlike my friend you ain't seeing light again don-" the guy was caught off as the little boy threw a rock at him, hitting him in the eye. deuces hissed and dropped the gun, scrabbling his hands over his now bleeding eye and the swat rushed in, one grabbed the boy and held him. all he said was "you seem to be emerging from no where kid. I think you better stop meddling in cop affairs." and he was set on the back of a ambulance.

he still had his mask on his face and refused to take it off. he was going to be on the news for the twelfth time within two and a half weeks. this was the first time he had let someone grab him as whenever someone tried in previous times, he would lash out and bolt off. he shook in fear at everyone being so close. swat held back the press but even the three nurses in the ambulance made him afraid. he said to them "nu! fine. this person here is fine. tend to others. just... weave be" his grammar was notorious and someone asked where his parents where. he stiffened and retreated under the ambulance which made everyone go silent and they waited for him to come out.

(so.... how was this? is this acceptable @sitanomoto ?)
Pyrite looked down to see Cassie gone and he began to panic, "Wait....What?" He went for his phone but dropped it due to his injuries with a wince. He wanted to ask Julia to pick it up but felt now was a good time to try to trust people, in very small baby steps, "Jordan, can you please pick up my phone and turn it on? It should help tell us where Cassie is ."

Sarah got up from the couch to see somebody there with a sleeping girl. "So somebody finally came? Bout time. Who is this? And who are you? Are you Avengers? Can I join, because I REALLY want to join, I've been trying for months but nobody is ever here."

@LucianGrey7971 @sitanomoto

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