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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor groaned at Dimitri's disappearance and turned to Raitei, "You might have more sense than our leader does. Of course he goes it alone." When Hypnas showed up Connor nodded, "And I have a guess who." Connor's eyes returned to Raitei, admittedly he still hadn't gotten the chance to know much about the guy as far as powers went other than the lightning. "Are you able to fly? If so you should go after him as quickly as possible. We..." Connor glanced at Hypnas beside him, "...aren't as well equipped to get there as fast."
Pyrite leaned closer to his monitor, "Wait, hold up. Cassie's heartbeat just shot up and the others are picking up as well." He typed a few commands and picked up his phone turning to Nevermore, "I want to go in for a quick check up, nothing to serious, but be on guard just in case." He grabbed his briefcase and headed out, using his phone to follow the signal.

Hermes chuckled and turned to Dazzle. "Maybe now we can try something more physical." He said, turning his hand into something of a bone machete with Alexander's abilities. He felt a gust of wind and turned around to see Cassie gone and a note that read "How does it feel ;P".

Dimitri slowed down in an alleyway with Cassie a few blocks away. "Did they hurt you?"
Cassie was unresponsive, shivering in Dimitri's arms. Her tears dripped from her face onto the pavement.


Nevermore followed Pyrite, grabbing her dagger and sheathing it. "What do you think happened?" @LokiofSP
Pyrite stuck out his hand for a Taxi, "Don't know, but people's heartbeats don't just shoot up to such a rate for no reason. We stay behind for a bit and if there's trouble we jump in." He got inside a cab and rattled off the address her signal had moved to, he held the door for Nevermore, "Come on, lets go."

Raitei nodded to Connor and then he produced an aura of lightning as he shot out the window in the sky then moved at the speed of lightning towards the address he saw Dimitri exit the building carrying Cassie. He decided the enemy will likely go after Dimitri and Cassie so he backed off and dropped back to cover Cassie and Dimitri. But he did throw an explosive bolt of lightning to blow up a section of the warehouse.

@Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto
Nevermore looked at the Cab, then at Pyrite, then stepped into the cab. She buckled her seatbelt and waited for her friend to get in. "Alright. I trust you."
Dimitri saw the vacant look in her eyes that she had before, the day dazzle attacked. He also saw the burns on her arm. "So that's how he escaped." He turned on his comlink. "Careful, there's Alexander inhabiting Rush's body, plus a hypnotist in there."

Hermes jumped when the lightning hit the corner of the warehouse. "They're here, dazzle. We don't have to fight. I can just pick you up and we can get away now."
"Your helping right?" Connor asked Hypnas though he didn't wait for an answer before rushing towards the stairs. He could take them much faster than waiting for that elevator. It was frustrating being left behind, though not exactly a new concept with his lack of ability to catch up. The frustration was clear as he noticed he was freezing a bit of the railing to the stairs on the way down and he had to take a breath to collect himself and his ability. Once outside he hailed a cab and turned to see if the girl had followed before jumping in.
Dazzle thought for a moment. "Alright. But this isn't over."

Hypnas followed Connor, noticing the ice on the rails, but said nothing about it. She got into the cab, waiting for the boy to get in too.
Pyrite got out of the cab, they were across the street from an alleyway, that and Dimitri's call in was all he needed, "Somebody went after Cass, not sure if they'll do it again, but we DEFIANTLY need to be on guard now."He turned to Nevermore, "Hey, I hate sending you off like this, but I need to feed me info. I need someone who can get into the Avengers and tell me when something is going down so stuff like this..."He pointed at Cassie, "....Doesn't happen." He smiled a gentle smile at her, "Julia, it would help immensely, more than getting a splint on my leg ever would, which is sayin something, because I'm pretty sure I'd have to had ammputated it if you hadn't helped."

"Of course not." Hermes said, picking her up and zipping east, out of the building and beyond.
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"Forty-sixth and Melon!" He shouted to the driver as Hypnas slid into the cab. "Get us there as quickly as possible, and as close as possible. We'll hoof it from wherever."

Minutes passed by as they drove and Connor found himself tapping his fingers along his knee quietly. "So you and Dimitri huh?" He blurted, half-awkwardly. Surely not the place or the time but there wasn't anything better to do, and he was horrible at small talk.
Raitei had landed on one of the buildings on the left side of the alleyway. Then he spotted not too far away the same person that had fled the Tower and the same person he wanted to turn to ashes. The sky began grow dark with stormclouds and then lightning flashed through the clouds. With a deadly glare and a simple hand motion he called down a bolt of lightning 10 feet away from Pyrite to warn him to not take another step. Raitei then slowly hovered towards the cannibal with his eyes turning a bright gold with lightning surging around him. "CANNIBAL! Explain why you had committed such act and what you have done to reconcile it?" He thundered as electrical appliances in the area began to start going on the fritz.

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite got out of the cab, they were across the street from an alleyway, that and Dimitri's call in was all he needed, "Somebody went after Cass, not sure if they'll do it again, but we DEFIANTLY need to be on guard now."He turned to Nevermore, "Hey, I hate sending you off like this, but I need to feed me info. I need someone who can get into the Avengers and tell me when something is going down so stuff like this..."He pointed at Cassie, "....Doesn't happen." He smiled a gentle smile at her, "Julia, it would help immensely, more than getting a splint on my leg ever would, which is sayin something, because I'm pretty sure I'd have to had ammputated it if you hadn't helped."
Julia smiled back. She nodded. "You got it big guy," she said, hugging him gently before turning Invisible and gently tugging a strand of his hair playfully. "Thanks for admitting it," she whispered she started to walk away when The bolt of lightning struck her exact spot and she turned visible again, collapsing to the floor.

Crono said:
"Forty-sixth and Melon!" He shouted to the driver as Hypnas slid into the cab. "Get us there as quickly as possible, and as close as possible. We'll hoof it from wherever."
Minutes passed by as they drove and Connor found himself tapping his fingers along his knee quietly. "So you and Dimitri huh?" He blurted, half-awkwardly. Surely not the place or the time but there wasn't anything better to do, and he was horrible at small talk.
Hypnas blushed. "Oh... I don't know... She twirled a strand of her flaming red hair. "Is it that obvious? I mean, he wouldn't go for me, would he?" The Cab stopped and Hypnas got out, running over to Dimitri, still blushing a little. She heard his request and bit her lip again. "I'll try...." She closed her eyes and looked inside of Cassie's head, a technique that she had developed over the last week or so. She gasped and her eyes shot open, and she staggered back a little. Her eyes, full of horror, now turned to anger. She looked Cassie in her vacant eyes and the panicked girl's eyelids closed. Her breathing became slightly more regular, but the shivering didn't stop.
He shrugged. "If you're sure about it." Seconds later the call went out that Cassie had been taken and he bolted upright into standing position. "Jade it seems our time of peace has come to an end. Something happened to Cassie." He looked apologetically at Jade again. "I think it would seem that you're a part of the team because we're related but we do almost have a bit of a trial period. You're welcome to stay at my place but if you don't want to get involved with the hero stuff that's understandable." He put some money down on the table. "I would feel bad if I made you pay for it all. I've got to run though. You coming?"

@Steel Zinogre
Pyrite's eyes widened as the bolt struck Julia, he yelled her name and rushed to her side, she was still alive, but someone had hurt her.It was then he heard Raitei's words. Usually he would explain the situation, but right now, he had frustrations to let loose. He opened the briefcase and put on the armor, put the rifle on his back and picked up the new sword his his good arm. He also picked up his magic sword with his bad arm, but it was shaking a bit before the suit made the arm lock up, making it easier to move.

He pointed his new sword at the child of Thor, "You just struck down my friend, I don't care about your reasons or your talks, raise your blade and fight me!"

@Newtype @sitanomoto
Nevermore looked at Pyrite and raised her head as much as possible. "Pyrite.... Don't......" She rasped. Her cloak was smoking and so was the rest of her. The charred areas of her cloak began repairing themselves and the hood moved like magic to cushion her head as it fell back to the pavement.
"Is it that obvious?" Connor could have laughed had they not been on the way to try and save Cassie. Instead he just kind of facepalmed a bit into his forehead before rubbing it, "You did just kiss him in front of me, remember that?" Then they'd arrived and Hypnas was off towards the alley, and Connor nearly after her before he noticed the cackling in the sky. The cab drove quickly away and he spotted Raitei, Pyrite, and some unknown. Another brief moment hit where he wondered how Pyrite was involved, he'd hang back for the time being, halfway between the alley and the streetside. With his luck he'd walk in and end up getting a session of Raitei's Shock Therapy. It didn't sound very pleasant.
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite's eyes widened as the bolt struck Julia, he yelled her name and rushed to her side, she was still alive, but someone had hurt her.It was then he heard Raitei's words. Usually he would explain the situation, but right now, he had frustrations to let loose. He opened the briefcase and put on the armor, put the rifle on his back and picked up the new sword his his good arm. He also picked up his magic sword with his bad arm, but it was shaking a bit before the suit made the arm lock up, making it easier to move.
He pointed his new sword at the child of Thor, "You just struck down my friend, I don't care about your reasons or your talks, raise your blade and fight me!"

@Newtype @sitanomoto
"So be it, let's see if you can make me go all out!" Raitei replied raising his rod and activated his conditioning. He briefly looked at the girl who wandered into the bolt. She was clearly invisible and talking with Pyrite likely a spy of his. Raitei charged his rod with his esoteric lightning and then wanting to carry this fight to somewhere for all to witnesses and away from Cassie and the already downed spy of Pyrite's. So he teleported in the sky and beckoned to Pyrite to join him if he could.
CasualDragon said:
He shrugged. "If you're sure about it." Seconds later the call went out that Cassie had been taken and he bolted upright into standing position. "Jade it seems our time of peace has come to an end. Something happened to Cassie." He looked apologetically at Jade again. "I think it would seem that you're a part of the team because we're related but we do almost have a bit of a trial period. You're welcome to stay at my place but if you don't want to get involved with the hero stuff that's understandable." He put some money down on the table. "I would feel bad if I made you pay for it all. I've got to run though. You coming?"
@Steel Zinogre
"Hell yeah I am!!" Jade shouted with enthusiasm as she gets up. "If your friends need rescuing, then call on me to help." she added as she added her money on the table. Luna and minerva followed the two as they walked. @CasualDragon
Pyrite scaled the building and got on top of it,gesturing for him to make the first move, "Can't fly buddy, you'll have to start this."

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"Connor. You were right about stark tower. But we don't need to keep people elsewhere. We might just need to beef up the security." Dimitri said as he arrived. "How is she?" He asked Hypnas.
Connor backed up towards the alley as he watched the sky as Pyrite and Raitei prepared to face off, when he got close enough he turned around to look at the others. "So it was...Alexander and the girl from before? Thought you handed them over to S.H.I.E.L.D?" The blonde shook his head, sensing it wasn't what he should be asking, "They still in there?"
"I did give them to shield. And I don't know if they're still in there. They would be if it wasn't for zappy and his lightning bolts." He said.

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