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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite scaled the building and got on top of it,gesturing for him to make the first move, "Can't fly buddy, you'll have to start this."
"Well then this just got awkward." Raitei commented. He called down several different bolts of lightning from different directions down upon Pyrite each focusing on where Raitei's supernatural senses detected on Pyrite rather then where he saw Pyrite.
Connor rolled his neck with a sigh, "I sent him ahead to back you up. Not to pick fights." Connor shook his head as he took the shield of his back, "I'll have a peek just to be sure. You've got her." He told Dimitri before jogging out of the alley and heading through the fenced area and to the warehouse.

The hole that Raitei had blown into the corner gave him easy access. There wasn't much to the place, and upon inspection of it being empty he stepped over to the chair that Cassie had been held in with the sign pinned to it. "Some things never change."
Pyrite saw the bolts coming and knew he was trapped between a rock and a hard place. On one hand he couldn't move as they surrounded him, on the other they were coming right at him. So he did what he had to, he jumped at three of them, allowing them to his him as the others passed over him. He fell to one knee and looked up, "Hey! Come down here and fight like a man!"

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite saw the bolts coming and knew he was trapped between a rock and a hard place. On one hand he couldn't move as they surrounded him, on the other they were coming right at him. So he did what he had to, he jumped at three of them, allowing them to his him as the others passed over him. He fell to one knee and looked up, "Hey! Come down here and fight like a man!"
"I prefer to see you blasted by my esoteric lightning. But so far you haven't gotten me to make use of any of it's esoteric properties. Maybe when you stole from Stark you should've gotten yourself a device to help you fly. You probably enjoy the smell of burning flesh consdidering you ate other humans." Raitei taunted Pyrite. Then he called down another volley of lightning to strike Pyrite while with his free hand he charged a large ball of lightning and threw launched it at where he sensed Pyrite due to vision being obstructed by a all the dust the lightning strikes were kicking up.
Pyrite clenched his teeth and used his broader sword to soak up the damage, the sword nearly overloading with the massive amount of the electricity it soaked up. After the volley calmed down he stuck the sword in the ground to use it as a launchpad, he jumped off and grabbed Raitei by the collar. He pulled his sword back and got ready to strike.

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite clenched his teeth and used his broader sword to soak up the damage, the sword nearly overloading with the massive amount of the electricity it soaked up. After the volley calmed down he stuck the sword in the ground to use it as a launchpad, he jumped off and grabbed Raitei by the collar. He pulled his sword back and got ready to strike.
Raitei teleported the exact moment Pyrite grabbed him so that they would both teleport about 2000 feet above the city. Then he spun his rod to smack the flat of Pyrite's sword to parry the strike with his other hand he formed a halberd with his first two fingers then focused and condensed electricity into them to make his fingers have more cutting ability then a blow torch and shoved those two fingers towards Pyrite's hand to sever it at the wrist.
Jordan grabbed Raitei's fingers and grimaced from the pain of the fire like electricity. "Now, now children, there's no need for that level of violence...I don't know why I have to constantly STRESS the fact that killing and severely injuring each other before Thanos even arrives is as vacuous as it gets."
Reaper said:
"Connor. You were right about stark tower. But we don't need to keep people elsewhere. We might just need to beef up the security." Dimitri said as he arrived. "How is she?" He asked Hypnas.
Hypnas touched Cassie's forehead and Cassie closed her eyes. She rubbed her own eyes in exhaustion. Today was taking a lot out of her. "She's still having a nightmare, but now its more of a dream. I don't know if what I did helped, but I'm doing my best." She watched as Cassie's breathing became more even, but she was still shivering. "When I get my hands on Dazzle, I'm going to tear her to pieces."

Julia's cloak repaired itself and tapped its owner on the shoulder. Her head shot up from the ground and she looked at the sky where she could barely make out Raitei and Pyrite and a third person. She reached her mind out to Pyrite and told him that she was alright, that he could stop fighting. She turned Invisible to keep Raitei from seeing her again.
Pyrite struggled in holding on, he was completely out of it his body was registering everything as a threat, from Jordan to Raitei to how high up he was, his mind couldn't choose which to respond to. So it decided to do everything. He jumped up and gave Raitei a headbutt with a sick cracking noise, he then twisted his one good arm in a weird way as to kick Jordan while still holding on to the demi-god, when he hit Jordan he heard his leg break even further.

Then he let go, falling thousands of feet to the approaching pavement, unsure of what to do, he simply began to twist and turn in the air sparadocily, not unlike a seizure, until he landed on a nearby plane with a thud. He stuck his sword into the roof and held on for dear life, as Pyrite himself remained unaware of what had happened as he still wasn't safe in his mind.

@Newtype @LucianGrey7971
Julia gasped. "PYRITE, JUMP!" She called out to his mind. "MY CLOAK WILL CATCH YOU!" Her cloak, and only her cloak, turned visible and glowed, too bright to miss from up there.
Raitei felt Pyrite headbutt him then fall while he was distracted by Jordan grabbing his fingers. Raitei's nose cracked and then he snapped back into place after shaking his fingers free of Jordan, though discharged quite the amount of blood down his manly chest. He glared at Jordan not only had he stood in the way of Raitei getting the cannibal but now because of his distraction Raitei's manly chest was covered in noseblood. Raitei spun his rod with one hand and said "Get in my way again and I'll kill you instead of him. Unless you feel like dying protecting a cannibal I suggest you don't stand in my way next time I go after him." Raitei stopped spining his rod and pointed it at Jordan. "Trust me you don't."

Then Raitei teleported back to the ground, he knew he could've gone after Pyrite and finished him off but he didn't feel like having to kill two people in the crossfire being Jordan and Pyrite's spy. He stood atop the same building he started this battle on the same one that forms the alleyway with Cassie and Dimitri with the several other buildings.
Jordan made his fingers into a gun and taunted Raitei by gesturing as though he had shot him "Death ain't somethin' I tend to do..."
Pyrite pulled the sword from the plane and fell into Julia's cloak, only coming to his senses mid fall. The first the that came to his mind was pain.....And then he blacked out into Julia's cloak.

@sitanomoto (Took so long because I forgot how to spell cloak....)
Connor came back tot he alley with Dimitri's note in hand, a smirk across his face. "I'm sure you really enjoyed having him read this." Though Connor balled it up and threw it in the nearby dumpster. "He's going to do anything and everything to thwart our plans for Thanos, so he'll be a problem." The blonde huffed, eyes hovering over to Cassie worriedly.
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite pulled the sword from the plane and fell into Julia's cloak, only coming to his senses mid fall. The first the that came to his mind was pain.....And then he blacked out into Julia's cloak.
@sitanomoto (Took so long because I forgot how to spell cloak....)
Julia's cloak gently enveloped Pyrite and began working on healing him. Julia, now completely visible, took two daggers out of her sheath and looked at Raitei in a challenging way. She whispered "hurt him again and you die." Her cloak stopped glowing and cocooned itself around Pyrite a little tighter, so as to give the boy a comforting pressure while he recovered.
Finn broke into a jog and hopped that the trio behind him could keep up. Well he knew that Luna and Minerva would have no problem, and Jade would also be able to, but one of his best friends had been hurt and there was possibly nothing that could get in his way. He barreled through things that were in his way until he had found Dimitri and Cassie. He bent over panting for breath before regaining his cool. He also noted Hypnas and nodded a little wearily her way. He knew that they trusted her but she was still in his version of a trial period. "What happened?" @Steel Zinogre
Hypnas gritted her teeth in anger as she looked upon Cassie's shivering form. "She was kidnapped by Dazzle and Dimitri's clone." She said, her voice shaking in frustration. "Why does this keep happening to her?"

Nevermore picked up Pyrite's cocooned form bridal-style and walked over to the other group. "How dare you," she said. "How dare you do this to him! He was coming over to help you! He was concerned! He came despite his own injuries to come and help you, And this is how you repay him?!?" She yelled.
Jordan landed near the group and heard Nevermore shouting "Don't look at me, I'm just tryin' to keep the peace until after Thanos is defeated...then you idiots can kill each other all you want"
"Have you no mind? Don't bring them into this, this was between me and the cannibal. We fought he lost, end of story. Why would you bring him so close to the one that did this to him?" Raitei thundered as hovered above the group. He ignored the girl's threat from earlier but seeing her blame the other Avengers about it made him have to say something especially when she did so while he was on a building overlooking the group. "For someone who doesn't want me to hurt him you seem to not care about putting him in harm's way." Raitei commented.
I hear what Friday said I get there late cause I was searching all over flying in with the flaming bike I jump off go inside the warehouse I see the boy that Cassie was talking about 'Connor right' I see Cassie condition 'is it really bad' I fold my arm's

"So much animosity~ Hell, if Thanos just waits another month, you'd practically kill each other and save him the trouble. How does that saying go~ Ah yes, with friends like these, who needs enemies?" Jordan said in a very mocking tone, quite frankly these people spent more time fighting each other than actually preparing for Thanos, things were not looking good
Here was this girl shouting at them, and while if what she said was true, they deserved it...but he couldn't help but feel defensive. Though Raitei was quick to fire back his response, "Let's take it a notch down from the threats shall we?" He asked Raitei, keeping his eyes on Nevermore. "If he wants to help, if he's concerned then he should make contact. Let us know, stop playing this trust me but I'm not telling you a thing and I'm lone wolfing it thing he has going. Communication is key. Now I'm not saying what Raitei did was exactly warranted..." The blonde glanced up at the lightning wielder, then back at Nevermore. "...but how we're we supposed to know he was here to help. Especially after the stunt he pulled at the tower?"

Connor heard his name and turned to see the girl he'd seen Cassie speaking to briefly earlier, nodding to her first question then following her gaze to Cassie. "She's doing better now that she's back with us." And then Jordan was spouting his words once again, sure he could talk, he could judge, but when the time came and he wouldn't be helping. So for now Connor was ignoring the mocking brute.
Nena just noticed the others but she was more focused on Cassie 'So are we heading back to the tower I can put Cassie on my bike and fly her there but I think it would be better if we all left that the same time what you guys think' she just wants to get Cassie back home
Newtype said:
"Have you no mind? Don't bring them into this, this was between me and the cannibal. We fought he lost, end of story. Why would you bring him so close to the one that did this to him?" Raitei thundered as hovered above the group. He ignored the girl's threat from earlier but seeing her blame the other Avengers about it made him have to say something especially when she did so while he was on a building overlooking the group. "For someone who doesn't want me to hurt him you seem to not care about putting him in harm's way." Raitei commented.
Nevermore glared at Raitei. "Come down here and say that to my face." She gently set Pyrite down and her cloak adjusted itself to uncover Pyrite's face. Nevermore drew her daggers and grit her teeth. "Say that to my face."
"Connor wouldn't want me to strike you down nor do I want to now that I see you without your cloak. In fact anytime you feel like you need upgrade you should.... how do you say.... call me..... then we could maybe..... Netflix and Chill." Raitei responded with a smile and a wink. 'Dangerous and good looking, she gets me all charged up!' Laxus thought to himself.

(Felt like we needed some humor in this.)

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