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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The fist connected, but he barely flinched. "Bodies of the inhumans. You gotta love them." He said as he stood and backed away. "You can put her back under if you want. This wasn't as fun as I thought it would be." He told dazzle.
Raitei sat atop the Avengers Tower meditating coming back to his state of calm. Maybe he should give Pyrite a second chance or maybe he should just obliterate the cannibal. "I'll just ask him why he ate his friends if his answer doesn't satisfy or have done nothing satisfactory to rectify what he has done then he'll meet his end by my rod." Raitei said aloud. He looked down at the city just in time to see someone zoom out of the Avenger's Tower with Cassie over their shoulder, this due to the conditioning provided by his esoteric lightning. He rose to his feet and decided he should go inform the others of her abduction.
Dazzle smiled. "With pleasure." Cassie flinched away from Dazzle's hand as it got close to her head, her eyes widening in ever-greater terror about the nightmare that was soon to come. Dazzle stopped, and Cassie sighed in relief, relaxing for a moment before Dazzle's hand shot forward and made contact with her temple. Cassie collapsed and started twitching again, her breathing elevated and her forehead persperated.

"The next one we do I'm going to sedate and see how that works," Dazzle said as Cassie moaned. She looked at Hermes. "What do you think?"
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Thanks, Sir Finn." Jade joked as she rubbed Luna's head, who purred at the attention. "Maybe your old man will know what she is...... But she looks like she has panther and bat in her." Jade pointed out to him. Luna then starts to clean herself as she sat down at an empty spot in the eatery, Jade the ponders if there is something that could reveal everything to them. "Maybe there is a book on monsters or somethin'? Or maybe someone who knows these creatures well?" she asked to herself aloud, Minerva then appearing in front of the establishment, with the head of a raptor in her hands, which scared many, but fascinated others. "Another one of your friends, finn?" jade asked, amazed by the massive ape's build and appearance.

He shrugged. "There's almost an air of mystery around her, and rules of civility are that you don't question a lady's mysterious tendencies. But who knows there is a possibility that somebody somewhere knows but until that moment she's a batcat blackcat to me. Luna sounds better though." He reached down and happily ruffled her fur. He was startled a little when Minerva showed up but quickly masked over it. "Yup another friend of ours. Not sure about the whole severed head thing. That's not something that usually happens but if the situation were urgent she wouldn't be so calm at the moment. People kind of get used to this stuff." He took one last look at Minerva before ordering something for himself, Luna, and Minerva. "I can cover for Minerva and Luna because they were last minute additions."
'What the hell where did Cassie go' l look around I yell 'Guys Cassie is gone she just disappeared' oh how does that tech thing work 'Ummm Friday is Cassie still in the tower somewhere'
"No...." Friday said after a moment. "She's not anywhere in the tower." Friday began to sound worried. "I hope Cassie's OK...."
I think to myself ok someone grabbed her they could not have gone far 'Friday can you track her cellphone or something like that' today of all days someone had to ruin it when I get my hands on them its judgment time I walk back and forth my hair on fire I spin my gun
"Her Cellphone is on her Lab Desk," Friday said. "Should I tell the others?" She asked Nena.

((Cassie just got captured by Dazzle and Rush/Alexander, now called Hermes, and she's being tortured.))
CasualDragon said:
He shrugged. "There's almost an air of mystery around her, and rules of civility are that you don't question a lady's mysterious tendencies. But who knows there is a possibility that somebody somewhere knows but until that moment she's a batcat blackcat to me. Luna sounds better though." He reached down and happily ruffled her fur. He was startled a little when Minerva showed up but quickly masked over it. "Yup another friend of ours. Not sure about the whole severed head thing. That's not something that usually happens but if the situation were urgent she wouldn't be so calm at the moment. People kind of get used to this stuff." He took one last look at Minerva before ordering something for himself, Luna, and Minerva. "I can cover for Minerva and Luna because they were last minute additions."
Minerva shook her head as she gently set the head down, and went into the building. "She is very buff for a lady, I find it really cool." jade said as she pets her mane, which was soft and tingly. "And she is very tingly too." she said with a chuckle as luna shook her head, readjusting her fur. "I will pay for all of it, I have an account here in new York after all." Jade said as Minerva sat at the edge of the table, for she was much too big for the chairs in the establishment. Minerva gives off a happy rumbling noise as Luna purred. @CasualDragon
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'Yes tell the other's we need to found her as fast as possible before we are to late can her suit found her as well I need someone to burn' she keeps walking back and forth her hands on fire now I had the whole day planned out and everything ugh stupid villain's
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Dtlee31 said:
'Yes tell the other's we need to found her as fast as possible before we are to late can her suit found her as well I need someone to burn' she keeps walking back and forth her hands on fire now I had the whole day planned out and very thing ugh stupid villain's
"Cassie wasn't wearing her suit...." Friday said.
'Alright warn the other's I go flying around searching for her wish me luck she could be any where' I take a ear piece so that I can talk to Friday while I am looking for Cassie I jump on the back and take off searching for her
Fortune wasn't sure what to do.

On one hand, kidnapping of any kind was WAY out of her league, she could barley get the occasional two bit crook right now, something as big as this was to much, but the alternative was calling the Avengers.

He brother looked at her with panic "Wait...Are you really thinking of going it alone?! Don't be stupid, call the Avengers, call Kyuma at the very least!"

Kyuma? He was a friend, one of her only ones, surely calling him was smart right?

Wait....He was one of them now, the ones who put her brother six feet under.

"You're still caught up on that? I'm here kinda! I'm with you, isn't that what matters?!"

Another good point, but the thing was, Bob couldn't ever go to school, feel the sun, taste the most savory of foods, he was with her, but he wasn't living, and it wasn't fair.

"Why the fu** am I still thinking about this?"She pulled out her phone and called the police, watching the scene just in case it got dicey.

@Reaper @sitanomoto
Something tapped Fortune on the shoulder, when she turned around, the smiling face of a masked Harlequin was staring back at her. The Harlequin put a finger to its lips and patted her on the head before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Doves flew from the smoke and the Harlequin was gone, as quickly as it had showed up.
Fortune stepped back at the masked....Thing, but she shook her head and focused back on the fight. Although she couldn't help but wonder in the back of her mind about it.
"Sounds great." Hermes replied. "Call me a dreamer, but I want the hulks kid next."

Dimitri finally came back inside from the balcony to see everyone panicking for some reason. "What's going on, guys?" He asked. A bit worried, but firm.

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Raitei came down the hall thundering "Connor, Dimitri, Cassie has been abducted by someone of great speed. I would've given pursuit but going in alone wouldn't be a wise choice so I thought I'd get some good backup before engaging in her rescue. She also doesn't know me well and if she is in one of her moments she'd have no way of coming back from it short of me attempting to trying with the properties of my lightning but she doesn't seem like the type to survive my shock therapy I believe you humans call it."

@Reaper @Crono
Connor wasn't sure what to think when he heard Raitei coming but he was quick to jump up off the seat at what he'd said. Case and point to what he'd spoke to Dimitri about earlier, bringing Sentry here would be a mistake. The blonde also noticed what he suspected might have been an attempt at humor by the lightning wielder though it wasn't exactly priority to ask. There was a brief moment of shock (oh I'm never gonna get tired of that.) where he turned his head to lock eyes with Dimitri before looking up towards the ceiling out of habit.

"Friday, give me Cassie's co-ordinates. Or last known co-ordinates." Then Connor looked back at Reitei, his voice having a sense of panicked urgency, "Did you see the direction they we're heading, or the location they went to?"
Reaper said:
"Sounds great." Hermes replied. "Call me a dreamer, but I want the hulks kid next."
Dimitri finally came back inside from the balcony to see everyone panicking for some reason. "What's going on, guys?" He asked. A bit worried, but firm.

Dazzle smiled. "I'm all for that " she said, looking at the shivering Cassie.

"Searching..." Friday said. "Well, the last place she was seen by Raitei was right outside the Tower, heading north. She didn't have her phone or her suit on her which makes her really hard to find."
"Speed?!?" Dimitri cursed sheild under his breath, before taking out his phone and calling someone. "Yes. I want you to use facial recognition on the last 20 minutes in New York. Use my face. You heard me, use my face. You should find someone like me but gross. Oh, thank god. No not thank you, it's your dumbass fault he got out." He said, hanging up. "He's at this address." He said to Friday, telling her the exact spot. "Let everyone know where she is." As soon as the sentence left his mouth, he zipped away. @Newtype
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Friday repeated the Coordinates and spoke into everyone's comm link. "Cassie's been abducted. She's at the old warehouse on forty-sixth and Melon."

Hypnas heard this and she sucked in a breath. "What is it with villains and abandoned warehouses? Why can't they ever set up a place in the mall or something?" she muttered. She ran down to Connor's side. "Someone captured my s- I mean, Cassie?" She asked.
Crono said:
Connor wasn't sure what to think when he heard Raitei coming but he was quick to jump up off the seat at what he'd said. Case and point to what he'd spoke to Dimitri about earlier, bringing Sentry here would be a mistake. The blonde also noticed what he suspected might have been an attempt at humor by the lightning wielder though it wasn't exactly priority to ask. There was a brief moment of shock (oh I'm never gonna get tired of that.) where he turned his head to lock eyes with Dimitri before looking up towards the ceiling out of habit.
"Friday, give me Cassie's co-ordinates. Or last known co-ordinates." Then Connor looked back at Reitei, his voice having a sense of panicked urgency, "Did you see the direction they we're heading, or the location they went to?"
" He took her out the front and seemed to head north of here but could've changed direction after exiting my field of view." Raitei replied then he heard Dimitri reveal an address to Friday. Then Ratei turned to Connor as Friday repeated the adress. "We should go now." Raitei urged now that they hasd a location and atleast three.

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