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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Nightmares it is... But how do you measure weakness? Cassie stark is the only one without inherent abilities. As long as she couldn't call one of her suits. What do you say? Want to finish what you started with her?" Hermes asked.
Dazzle smiled. "Oh yes. Yes I do." She laughed and looked at Hermes. "Cassie is the weakest because of her mental state. She has these memory attacks, which leaves her weak and vulnerable." She looked at the tower again. "Ready when you are."
Connor heard the quiet voice ask the question while his head was lowered onto the marble and lifted it up. He'd almost forgotten about the girl, she just seemed to wander about quietly. Sighing inwardly at realizing he still hadn't convinced her to give up her name or anything that would help them find her home or parents, he spun on his seat to look at her and the window. Blinking briefly at the readjustment to light, "That?" He asked with a smile and head cocked slightly to the side, "That was Jordan, cheerleader of the year. Window Smasher of the century, yada yada."

"There is a warehouse at-" He gave her the address to one he knew to be empty, before zooming away to stark tower. He ran through the front doors and up the stairs into the room where Cassie was talking to someone he didn't recognize. Still moving incredibly fast, he flung Cassie over his shoulder and ran back down the stairs and to the warehouse.
One second, Cassie was talking to Nena. The next, she was in a warehouse, being roughly thrown on the floor. "What the heck?!?" She exclaimed, looking at her kidnapper. "Who are you?"

Dazzle smiled as she stepped out from the shadows and Cassie gasped. Still on the floor, she scooted back as Dazzle approached her slowly. Soon, Cassie's back hit the wall and she looked in horror as Dazzle knelt down in front of her. "Hello, darling." She said, grinning maliciously. Her hand touched Cassie's forehead and the daughter of the late Tony Stark collapsed, eyes wide open but glazed. "No...." Cassie murmured as her world dissolved into a vicious nightmare.

Cassie sat impaled on a spike that pinned her to the wall. She watched as her friends got picked off one by one, each one being impaled like she had. Massacre laughed maliciously as he made her watch her father's death over and over, but each time Massacre used a different way. "There is nothing you can do to save him, rat." The symbiote snarled. "Soon you will join your beloved father," he stabbed Tony, and Cassie cried out. "NO!!!"

Massacre just laughed. He took out the spike that pinned her to the wall and she slid down to her knees. "No...." She muttered. She was too weak and greif-stricken to stand or even stay on her knees. She collapsed to the floor as massacre put his foot on her back. She could feel the sick, slimy tendrils cover her back and felt it move to her face. She tried to fight off the symbiote infection but it was too late, she was becoming a symbiote with a thirst for her friends' blood.......

Cassie whimpered and shivered, twitching horribly as spasms wracked her body her breathing was shallow and she was sweating.....
When Cassie asked him who he was he replied. "I'm your worst-... Well actually, she is your worst nightmare. And I mean that fairly literally." After the deed was done, he looked at Cassie on the floor and chuckled. "You've really outdone yourself. There was a team member named ivory that she cared about and wasn't there to save. You can use that."
"Aaah," Dazzle said, returning to Cassie, whose eyes were still glazed over. "Now that's something I can get behind." She put her hand in Cassie's temple.

Cassie's nightmare changed.....

"Ivory!" She called out, his broken body lying on the ground in front of her. "No... Nononononono..." Ivory looked up at her, his eyes full of pain.

"Where were you when I needed you....?" He rasped, his symbiote was tattered and torn.

"Ivory.... Ivory I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry doesn't bring back the dead," a voice said behind her.

"Dad...?" She said. His face was stony.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Cass. You let me down, you let Marko and Ivory down, you left all of the people you love alone for six months. You weren't there to lead them, and they fell apart. Dimitri's broken, Connor is too. Jaon's father died and you weren't there. You are a disgrace to the Avenger's name."

Cassie collapsed to the ground sobbing. "I'm sorry..."
CasualDragon said:
Fin gestured for Jade to come with him before he noted the arival of Luna. He reached down and scratched her head. "This is Luna. I'm not entirely sure what she is, she just showed up one day like most of us do. But she's cute and needed a good place to go so how could we decline a lovely lady such as her? Would you like to join us for lunch?" He rubbed her head one more time before opening the door to the tower and swooping into a low bow for a bit of a cheesiness factor. "After you ladies. Enjoy this civility Jade, as my cousin it only has a temporary time stamp." He joked.
"Thanks, Sir Finn." Jade joked as she rubbed Luna's head, who purred at the attention. "Maybe your old man will know what she is...... But she looks like she has panther and bat in her." Jade pointed out to him. Luna then starts to clean herself as she sat down at an empty spot in the eatery, Jade the ponders if there is something that could reveal everything to them. "Maybe there is a book on monsters or somethin'? Or maybe someone who knows these creatures well?" she asked to herself aloud, Minerva then appearing in front of the establishment, with the head of a raptor in her hands, which scared many, but fascinated others. "Another one of your friends, finn?" jade asked, amazed by the massive ape's build and appearance.
"Oh that's brilliant. If you wouldn't mind, could you take her out of it so I could speak to her?" Hermes asked, sitting against the wall next to Cassie. "Let's see if we can get anything out of her."
Dazzle responded by putting her hand on Cassie's temple again and Cassie snapped back to the present with a gasp like she had been underwater for a long time. Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes looked frightened and broken. She coughed a little and then looked at Hermes in terror.

Dazzle laughed as Cassie's hand twitched. That's a good sign.
"Hey there, Cass. You look scared. Why? Is it because your friends are gone? Or is it because the two people that are here haven't decided on whether or not you'll die?" He asked.
"Wh-what?" Cassie said, her eyes wide. "G-gone?" She looked terrified. "No..." "Th-they're still alive... No...." She looked at both of the villains. "Are you going to kill me?" She whispered. Her eyes were wide like that of a young child.

((Because Dazzle and Hermes are picking off the Avengers one by one. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!))
sitanomoto said:
"Wh-what?" Cassie said, her eyes wide. "G-gone?" She looked terrified. "No..." "Th-they're still alive... No...." She looked at both of the villains. "Are you going to kill me?" She whispered. Her eyes were wide like that of a young child.
((Because Dazzle and Hermes are picking off the Avengers one by one. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!))
(I cannot allow cassie to die! who must i send to save the damsel in distress?!)
"Kill you? Like I said, I haven't decided yet. How long did it feel like you were dreaming? I promise it was a lot longer." He told her, standing up.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](I cannot allow cassie to die! who must i send to save the damsel in distress?!)

(((} :) ) NO ONE!!!!! Just kidding, she won't die.....


Also JK I'm not gonna kill her off.))

Dazzle stood also, smiling. "Aww, I don't want to kill you. I want to break you."

Cassie looked terrified. "Please..." She whispered.

Dazzle gasped mockingly."Did the great Cassie Stark just beg?" Dazzle asked, "shocked".

Cassie's eyes were wide with fear. She bit her lip....

Dazzle looked towards Hermes with a raised eyebrow. "So, what do we do now? Torture her? Or use her as bait? Or both?"
He smirked at Cassie. "Your father would be making smart remarks right about now. You just sit here and cry." He said before turning to Dazzle. "Definitely not bait. We don't need every damn avenger at our doorstep."
Dazzle smiled as Cassie's face got red with anger. "Ooh, be careful there, Hermes," Dazzle said. "The kitty might just unsheathe her claws." This made Cassie's face get redder.

"Don't. You. Dare." She muttered. "Don't you dare talk about my father. You are nothing compared to him." She spat on his shoes, some of her old manor returning.
"Apparently, neither are you. Thank god." Hermes said before heating up his hand in one swift motion and grabbing her forearm. "He would've been a challenge."
(I would jump in this with one of the millions of characters I've yet to do anything but I also REALLY like watching this torture play out so.....RIP Cassie ( :) ))
Cassie cried out as a searing pain went up her arm. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he was like an anaconda, the more she struggled, the tighter and hotter he squeezed. She turned to his hand and managed to bite him. She used her other arm to swing a left punch at his jaw.
LokiofSP said:
(I would jump in this with one of the millions of characters I've yet to do anything but I also REALLY like watching this torture play out so.....RIP Cassie ( :) ))
((Well, $krew u then.))
(What? The way I see this I'm doing Cassie a service, this experience will only serve to make her stronger and build character, it's a win win!)

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