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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

'Hey girl what's up Nena coming in hot I always wanted to say that is it ok for me to come aboard the Tower I wanted to call to make sure' she drives with one hand and gets off the highway she see's the tower you can't help but see she pull over to the side next to a coffee shop

He smiled, "Thanks I appreciate it, I just don't know. What I'm doing here isn't exactly something the rest of The Avengers would be okay with. I mean, I'm basically letting people beat others till near death, I won't let them kill them but I've seen the hospital bills, they're insane." He brought up programs that brought up a million and one things, "Not to mention going behind their backs to do things like monitor their vitals and tech without they're knowing. This is the kind of thing that gets you driven out of New York, that's why I bring on the people I bring on. I don't want anyone thinking your in on it because you decided to check up on me."

Cassie smiled. "Coming in hot. That was so cheesy, Nena," she said. "Of course you can come over. Remember you can just barge in. Everyone else does."

Nevermore smiled. "I don't need them to trust me. All I need is for you to trust me."
'You should now I like cheesy stuff o and my old man get you a gift he told me not look' she drives somewhere there's not a lot of people and changes the bike to demon mode she likes to call it she fly's the bike on the landing pad I walk inside and yell 'Special delivery for Cassie!!!'

Dimitri shook away the embarrassment. "Friday! Why don't you show Sentry for a change!" He said, folding his arms in frustration. "Yea Connor, I'm sure Robert will want to help. Even if he won't, sentry will."
"Of course Cassie would have saved that footage before Tony could delete it from public records." Connor grinned, which faded as the conversation went back to the matters at hand. "We can hope. One question though, was the memory wipe forced or was he aware it was happening? Cause if it was forced and we give him his memories back...well. He might decide he wants to keep them."
"Museum first? Sounds great, what type? There are probably thirteen thousand of them here." He joked. "Aww don't feel so upset about her. As horrible as it sounds you get used to it. Dad's always gone on science type trips so it's pretty quiet at home. It's too bad really, he left for another one a couple of days ago. But he'll be back in a week or so. He'll be happy to see you. He was actually talking about planing a trip to visit you guys."
CasualDragon said:
"Museum first? Sounds great, what type? There are probably thirteen thousand of them here." He joked. "Aww don't feel so upset about her. As horrible as it sounds you get used to it. Dad's always gone on science type trips so it's pretty quiet at home. It's too bad really, he left for another one a couple of days ago. But he'll be back in a week or so. He'll be happy to see you. He was actually talking about planing a trip to visit you guys."
"Unlike with cousin bruce, this arrangement is permanent. But it would be nice to see him again." she said as she got out her phone, and it was a message from her mom. It was a picture of her in france, captioned 'I miss you!' "Mom, i'm so jealous." she said jokingly as she puts her phone away, and looked at finn. "Maybe one of those tech museums, or something of the sort." Jade said as she got hungry. "But first, we gotta get a bite to eat, I'll buy." she said. @CasualDragon
Dimitri smirked at the question. "He lost his memories last time voluntarily. There's no reason why he would change his mind the second time around." @Crono
"Alright." Connor put his hands up defensively, not that he needed to it was more of a joke. "I'll stop questioning and asking questions about this plan. I'm just trying to be thorough I guess." The blonde wasn't trying to second guess it in the least, but they did only have one shot at stopping Thanos. They won or he won, that was it, no re-do's. "So when do you want to get in touch with him? Now or just before Thanos' return?" Though they still had to find him, with facial recognition and the Stark tech it shouldn't be hard now that they had a face to go with the name.
Dimitri actually hadn't thought he would get this far this soon. "I suppose we could kidn-.... Borrow his body and either keep him sedated for a month, or just keep him in a cell. Right now he has no abilities or skills like we do. If someone who works for Thanos finds out what we are doing, they can kill him right now. We need to protect him without awakening sentry or the void."
CasualDragon said:
Finn stood up and brushed off his pants. "I'm always here for free food." He joked. "Where to?"
"Well, Were is the nearest diner? We could always go there." Jade said as she got out her wallet and started counting her money.
Dtlee31 said:
'You should now I like cheesy stuff o and my old man get you a gift he told me not look' she drives somewhere there's not a lot of people and changes the bike to demon mode she likes to call it she fly's the bike on the landing pad I walk inside and yell 'Special delivery for Cassie!!!'
Cass stood up and walked out to the landing pad. "Hello Nena," she said, smiling. She adjusted her glasses as she looked at the daughter of Ghostrider.

Dazzle had escaped the guards that were going to take her to the SHEILD prison. They were now curled up in little balls on the floor. The one that the speedster had knocked out was now awake, and she took those down with a single dazzling smile.
Rush dusted himself off and smirked at Dazzle. "Thanks for that. Don't suppose you want a favor in return?" He asked. He probably would've escaped eventually, but he never thought it would be this quick.
Reaper said:
Rush dusted himself off and smirked at Dazzle. "Thanks for that. Don't suppose you want a favor in return?" He asked. He probably would've escaped eventually, but he never thought it would be this quick.
Dazzle smiled again. "Only to let me help you take down the Avengers." He said, winking.
Reaper said:
Dimitri actually hadn't thought he would get this far this soon. "I suppose we could kidn-.... Borrow his body and either keep him sedated for a month, or just keep him in a cell. Right now he has no abilities or skills like we do. If someone who works for Thanos finds out what we are doing, they can kill him right now. We need to protect him without awakening sentry or the void."
Connor gave a concerned look, "I'm not a fan of that to begin with, but he might be safer wherever he is right now. The tower hasn't exactly been a safe place since...well since Tony, you know? Bad guys tend just waltz right in or blow the place up, they don't take us as seriously as the original Avengers. If we grab him now we'd need a team protecting him 24/7. Sure we could switch that team in and out constantly but it still takes time away from everyone's training between now and then. And it's not like the guys on earth are just going to let up to give us that time." The blonde huffed. It was never easy.
"Why not call in your Father?" Friday suggested to Connor. "We can call in some of the others to help." Friday was doing the calculations. "That will increase our protection by...." There was a pause as she computed. ".... 20%. Our chances now......" Another pause. ".....40%."
Connor would have given Friday a light glare if the A.I. weren't well...an A.I. So instead he scowled and just looked about, so as not to have Dimitri think he was scowling at him. The thought of bringing his dad into this didn't sit well with him, Steve was retired for a reason. Connor hadn't even told the man about Thanos or anything of the sort yet, as far as Steve was concerned the Avengers successfully drove him back after Thanos' last attack. If his dad knew of the plan to potentially take the fight to Thanos he'd try to go as well, and while Connor wasn't a fan of lying to him he had his fathers best interests at heart.

"The more people that know his location wherever we stick him, know his identity, the more likely something could go wrong. That somebody could take interest in what is being protected."
"I would love to look after him, but I have to focus on plan B." Dimitri replied. "I can help find him, but watching him 24/7 isn't in the cards for me. Also, whoever watches him needs to be someone we trust through and through."

Rush smiled creepily back at dazzle. "You read my mind...."

@Crono @sitanomoto
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Reaper said:
"I would love to look after him, but I have to focus on plan B." Dimitri replied. "I can help find him, but watching him 24/7 isn't in the cards for me. Also, whoever watches him needs to be someone we trust through and through."
Rush smiled creepily back at dazzle. "You read my mind...."

@Crono @sitanomoto
Dazzle held out her hand. "The name's Dazzle," she said. "Assassin, telepathist, and hallucinations extraordinarre." She looked at one of the guards, who was twitching on the ground. "Basically, I do that." She grinned.
"Then there's his family." Connor remarked with the realization, "If someone finds out that he's important to us somehow, even if we have him under protection what's to stop them from going after them?" He nibbled at the tip his gloved thumb as he tried to think on it, "What if we had them move in to my house, live with my parents? They'd be protected and it wouldn't look too awful suspicious. I can either start staying at home or just visit frequently." He almost regretted his words after saying it, the plan seemed sound to him, but it also involved his parents. Moreso than the original plan.
Crono said:
"Then there's his family." Connor remarked with the realization, "If someone finds out that he's important to us somehow, even if we have him under protection what's to stop them from going after them?" He nibbled at the tip his gloved thumb as he tried to think on it, "What if we had them move in to my house, live with my parents? They'd be protected and it wouldn't look too awful suspicious. I can either start staying at home or just visit frequently." He almost regretted his words after saying it, the plan seemed sound to him, but it also involved his parents. Moreso than the original plan.
"I thought you said you did not want your parents involved in this. What's wrong with my idea?" Friday said, you could almost hear the pout in her voice.

"There's nothing wrong with it, Friday," Hypnas said from the doorway. "And Speedy?" She said, walking up to Dimitri. "Call me Lisa." She touched his nose with her finger and then left to go check on Cassie.
"Yea sure, Connor. Just go tell a guy to move his family into your house without an explanation. If you can persuade him, go ahead." Dimitri said to him before turning to Hypnas. "Lisa, huh? Now I know what to write in my diary." He said sarcastically. Maybe.

Rush looked down at her hand. He wasn't sure if her powers needed skin contact, so he wouldn't take the chance. "Call me Ale-.... Actually... Make that... Hermes."

@Crono @sitanomoto
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Dazzle was a little disheartened but didn't show it. She put her hand down and smiled. "Hermes, huh?" She said, turning to one of the guards and poking him with the toe of her boot. "Hm. Weak-minded." She mused. "It's a wonder that they even got into SHEILD employment in the first place." She smiled at Hermes. "So, are you the kind of guy who likes to wing it with heroes, or to plan it out carefully?"

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