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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"A guy named Robert Reynolds. He's also known as The Sentry. I saw him on a shield file a few months ago." He told her. "How should we do this?" @sitanomoto
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Pyrite looked down at his arm, "What are you talking about, the arm or everything else?" he chuckled, "In all honesty? I jumped out a window, picked up some new tricks, they got they're benefits." He backed away a bit from her prodding, "I'm fine though, really. I just need to finish going through these programs and notes."

"Whatever you think will work. If it's scary, so be it." He said, before pulling up a chair and sitting down. "Just... Don't root around too much in my other memories." @sitanomoto
Nevermore raised an eyebrow as she cleaned him up with another wet paper towel. She took off her hood and her belt, cut a long strip of cloth off of her hood, and gently tied it around his arm. She used her belt to attach it over his neck so it made a makeshift sling. "Anything else that needs to be bandaged?" She asked as she pulled up an empty trash bin, flipped it over, and sat down next to him.
Reaper said:
"Whatever you think will work. If it's scary, so be it." He said, before pulling up a chair and sitting down. "Just... Don't root around too much in my other memories." @sitanomoto
"Alright, Mitri." She smiled at him. She closed her eyes and put her hand on his forehead. As she searched, rather skimmed, through his memories, she didn't spend too much time on any one thing until she came to Robert Reynolds. She pulled it out to the front and did her beat to make it positive... She didn't know if that would be the only thing in the "memory." She usually pulled out several things at once. Memories were like cotton candy. You were bound to get more than you wanted out of a chunk.
Dimitris eyes darted back and forth behind his eyelids. After a few moments he closed them tightly and backed away, before opening his eyes and looking up at Hypnas. "Who the hell are you?..... Totally joking. You did great. He's a handsome fella." He said, not inclined to share with the rest of them the rest of his dream. The future he imagined, a destroyed earth with its ruin ruled by the mad Titan.
Reaper said:
Dimitris eyes darted back and forth behind his eyelids. After a few moments he closed them tightly and backed away, before opening his eyes and looking up at Hypnas. "Who the hell are you?..... Totally joking. You did great. He's a handsome fella." He said, not inclined to share with the rest of them the rest of his dream. The future he imagined, a destroyed earth with its ruin ruled by the mad Titan.
Hypnas panicked for a moment when he said "who the hell are you?" Thinking something had gone horribly wrong. But then he smiled and she was both relieved and angry. "Dont" she said smacking his arm "Do that!" She pulled him to his feet and kissed him for a moment. "I care about you too much." She said, pulling away and walking out of the room, her face slightly pink.

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite shook his head, "Really, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me, I mean, I appreciate it, but it's not needed."
Nevermore glared at him. "Let me help, Py." She said, rolling up his pants leg to look at the damage. "Seriously, who did this to you?" She asked. "Ima beat them up, they hurt you this badly."
Connor watched the process patiently, and chuckled when Dimitri joked around and Hypnas got flustered. "Alright so you know his name and his face. We find out where he lives and when the time comes we talk to him. Though..what do we do if he says no?" The blonde scratched the back of his head, having not thought of that. "I mean he thinks he's a normal guy and he might not want to give that up."
Dimitris eyes closed when she got close, only to open again as she walked away. If he was honest, he would say he didn't hear a word she said as she left. He froze for a long time. A little too long. He eventually managed to turn to Connor while pointing at her as she left. "Did she-...."
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LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sighed, "Miss Tin Can herself, Cassie Stark. I might have forgotten she was the one I knew, and she might have beat me up."
Julia's eyes widened. "What. The. Hell." She muttered. "She didn't recognize you?" She facepalmed. "Of course not, Nevermore. Different timeline. Duh." She looked at Pyrite's ankle and sucked in deeply. "Yikes." She cut off another strip of her cloak and took her sheath and used it as a splint.

Reaper said:
Dimitri cackled at her reaction. "Oh I was messing with you." He said. After she left, he ran to grab a few colored pencils to sketch the Sentry's face before replying to Connor. "Robert might say no, but the sentry I know never would. Plus, he has a family. I'll bet he's always had a sneaking suspicion that he's different than the rest of us."
((You DO realize she kissed him? On the lips? Of course you do. It's Dimitri.))
CasualDragon said:
((No problem! I've got your back!)) "Well, we have a spare room at my place if you want to have it. I have no idea what type of shape it'll be in though. The last person to sleep in there was Ivory before he was reunited with his parents." He said quietly. Not even realizing that he had looked down he brought his head back up and smiled. "We cleaned it of course just before we moved him home so there's actually nothing to worry about." Realizing that the alarm was off he reached up and pulled the curtains off of her head and attempted to shove them back onto their poles with little success. Finally he shrugged and draped them over their respective poles. "We'll get you to a museum then. The zoo's just a waste of time unless you like to see animals crammed in too small cages so unless you really want to go then we should pass on that. The Statue of Liberty however is a must see for anybody new to the city. Coney Island's also a must do if you enjoy rides and stuff. We've got loads of time though. Man it's great to see you again, its been too long."
((Heloooooooooo!! School and bus ride my friend!!))
"Museum first, then Coney Island!! Also, It has been way too long since our last reunion." she said as she brushed her hair off of her shoulder. "Mom wanted me to live with you..... since she is traveling the world and does not have time for me...." she said with brief sadness, but got back in high spirits as she remembers that she gets to spend time with finn. @CasualDragon
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Nena was riding her motorcycle on the Highway driving to Stark Tower she wanted to see. Cassie at had been a while she was off doing her demon thing with her old man and lost track of the time while she was riding down the highway she thought maybe. I should call first be for charging into the Tower you never know in that place she takes out her phone dials Cassie's number she put the phone on her ear and it rings a few times.

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Pyrite let out a shaky breath, "Thanks." He turned back around to his laptop, "So what are you doin here Julia? A girl like you would fit right into the Avengers of this world, ya don't need to hang out in this dump."

Connor just stood there looking at Dimitri with a smirk, "I do believe so. Guess those goo goo eyes had an effect on her, maybe she liked what she saw in that brain of yours." Connor moved closer and nudged Dimitri in the ribs with his elbow, "You think she spied in on some embarrassing memories? Like that time you we're late to school..so you decided to run, only you forgot to put clothes on? It was a glorious day for tighty whities everywhere."
Dtlee31 said:
Nena was riding her motorcycle on the Highway driving to Stark Tower she wanted to see. Cassie at had been a while she was off doing her demon thing with her old man and lost track of the time while she was riding down the highway she thought maybe. I should call first be for charging into the Tower you never know in that place she takes out her phone dials Cassie's number she put the phone on her ear and it rings a few times.
Cassie's phone rang and she picked it up after wiping her eyes. "Hello?" She said.

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite let out a shaky breath, "Thanks." He turned back around to his laptop, "So what are you doin here Julia? A girl like you would fit right into the Avengers of this world, ya don't need to hang out in this dump."
"You were hurt, Py," Nevermore said, going Invisible and then reappearing with another cloak. She put it on. "I knew you were too stubborn to get help on your own, so I followed. Besides, I wanted to see you again."
Crono said:
Connor just stood there looking at Dimitri with a smirk, "I do believe so. Guess those goo goo eyes had an effect on her, maybe she liked what she saw in that brain of yours." Connor moved closer and nudged Dimitri in the ribs with his elbow, "You think she spied in on some embarrassing memories? Like that time you we're late to school..so you decided to run, only you forgot to put clothes on? It was a glorious day for tighty whities everywhere."
" I have it on video," said Friday, pulling down the screen. It showed exactly what Connor was talking about, only the footage was in slower motion so they could see Dimitri's panicked expression, his underwear, and his tennis shoes.

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