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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jordan stood there...he heard shouting and started moving forward then stopped. "....ah screw it!" Jordan turned and punched a different window out before walking towards the shouting
Pyrite smirked, "Not sure if it'll be the one of my life, I mean, I've been through some stuff. Besides, I've had a Cassie beating before, I doubt yours will even make the top five." He got pulled closer and he touched the tip of her nose, "Boop."

"Well from the looks of it you placed yourself in a tighter spot then when Tyr put his hand in Fenrir's mouth. This girl sounds angry enough to remove your hand from your body. I am also curious as to what you feel you can't share with us though we're supposed to be allies. For all we know you could be towing around an Infinity Stone." Raitei said not lowering his rod but increased the amount of lightning he was infusing into it. "If we are allies you'll show us what you have."

@Crono @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Connor made an audible groan-like noise after Pyrite...well he did the thing. The blonde shook his head, You poor poor thing. At this point Connor looked away, more towards the others and the doorway. Deciding he didn't want to watch the consequences of Pyrite's actions. He'd kinda opened Pandora's Box to an extent, well maybe cracked a peek.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan stood there...he heard shouting and started moving forward then stopped. "....ah screw it!" Jordan turned and punched a different window out before walking towards the shouting
((What the fluffernut man!?!))

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite smirked, "Not sure if it'll be the one of my life, I mean, I've been through some stuff. Besides, I've had a Cassie beating before, I doubt yours will even make the top five." He got pulled closer and he touched the tip of her nose, "Boop."
Cassie growled and punched him hard in the nose, kneed him in the stomach where the armor connected into a separate piece so that it would dig into his stomach, took him by the arm, and flipped him over onto his back. She put her foot on his throat and pressed down, hard. She blew a string of hair out of her face and put her hands on her hips.
"Why is he acting so chummy towards you guys? He is a murderer and a cannibal you know." Vicky stated, watching Cassie punch him in the face. The boss and the girls all got a smile on their face when that happened.

"I hope that broke your nose." Amelia said. "Oh, and now he is on the floor.
"Why is it every time I see you heroes, you're always fighting each oth-" Jordan saw Pyrite on the floor. "Nevermind...this is justified I'm sure....Ladies." Jordan grabbed the tip of his hood and and pulled it down slightly as if tipping a hat
At the first hit all Pyrite got out was, "Ow!" The second was a, "Oh-" Him hitting the ground was a, "-Shit-" The throat press was when he finally finished his call of pain, "-Take Mushrooms!" He squirmed under the feeling of her heel as he realized his fatal mistake.

This Cassie wasn't his friend.

The situation had seemed to familiar and for a moment he got to comfortable,this wasn't a friendly beating, it was a full on intruder dealing with. He pushed Cassie's heel off his neck and began to gasp for air, he straightened his hair and grabbed the briefcase, he held it close as he held in tears, he should've known. He stood up and back away to a window, "Sorry, but in all seriousness, this briefcase holds items that are very important to things I'm doing. If it means anything, I'm sorry."

Before they could react he bashed the window out and jumped out the window, as he fell to the ground his eyes glazed over. He twisted in the air and hit a car in an awkward position, the armor, the car and the position he landed in made it so he only had a terribly broken arm and broken ankle, but it hurt like hell.

He stood up and dragged himself to a cab, getting away from the scene.

@sitanomoto @Crono @Pink Gorilla @LucianGrey7971
Perry looked down at Pyrite escaping. He felt as though he could catch him, but he didn't feel like it. (Lazy excuse cause I have to leave) "Well, if any of you guys want to beat him up more, feel free. I'm probably going to get lunch."
Boss nodded towards Jordan and seen Pyrite jump out the window. "You know we could have Jamie or Liona track him down. With the rate he was hurt and spilled some blood, he should probably be easy to track."
Raitei turned his back thinking the situation handled as Cassie beat down Pyrite then he heard someone say that Pyrite is a cannibal. Everyone knows that many of what humans used to call gods hate cannibals Raitei raised his rod turned around to see Pyrite slipping away through the window "We have to get him and put it an end to his devious ways one way or another. Now or later." Raitei thundered furious now, a sky god once flooded the Earth because of cannibalism so that goes to say how much they are despised.

@Crono @sitanomoto
Cassie sighed. He apologized, which made her feel bad for beating the crap out of him. "No," she said. "Let him go." She had seen the pain and sorrow in his eyes, the way he had almost burst into tears. "He had good intentions."
Connor watched it all play out, then Pyrite was gone. All the idiot had to do was talk, or do show and tell, it frustrated Connor that Pyrite felt the need to go behind their backs. Hearing his name Connor's head snapped to look at Jordan, "What did I do!?"

Then Raitei and Boss we're gung-ho to go after him and...end his devious ways as Raitei put it, "Woah woah. Let's not be too hasty!"
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Jamie looked from Cassie to Boss, but Boss just shook her head. She released her grip on her rifle and stood up straight from her poised position. She turned to Connor and Jordan who were about to get into a fight and got an amused look on her face.
Nevermore noticed the boy fall from the tower height and sighed. She knew this boy. He was from her timeline. She pulled up her hood and waited until the cab was right below where she was atop the building she had jumped down from before, then jumped, landing on the top silently. She waited for the cab to stop, turning Invisible so she would not attract attention.
Pyrite threw down the suitcase on what was now his desk in the dingy apartment, he sighed as he opened it up with his good arm, looking over what he made. He smiled, it was a good start, he was really just starting out by making quick random weapons so he got down the basic idea of what to do when making the things. He looked in pride, "This might actually help. People like Conner, the people without powers, without the things that help them get back up.

He had just started on the path to help them keep it non-lethal and safe.

The set up was simple, of course he'd have to improve it, go over the design with Tech so she could show him up and make it ten times better, then he had to start personalizing everything, but he figured he'd make this first set more him, that way he could test it out and not compromise his fighting style.

It held a large sword, one he'd fashioned to be blunt, instead of chopping, slicing or cleaving the enemy, it would give them a few volts of electricity on contact, no death, they'd just go out cold.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-29_22-37-0.jpeg.4f7db313dfb299d364c4982519304242.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-29_22-37-0.jpeg.4f7db313dfb299d364c4982519304242.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Next he'd moved on to the gun, nothing fancy, just a stun gun in rifle form, he'd be able to fire off more shots faster, it'd be safer and more efficient in a firefight, no more killing someone because of a stray shot to the head. No, now it was like the bade, they'd just go to sleep when the bullet hit them


Last was the one he was most proud of, it was armor, it was lightweight, could stop bullets and knives, and in some ways might even improve on his strength and agility if he did everything right.


He sat back in his chair and smiled, he could change everything. He didn't need to do another Jett, every time he swung a sword, shot a bullet, he'd be taking the criminals out safely, not killing them. If he could pull this off, he could change how some of the Avengers operated. "This calls for something...." He reached into a mini fridge and pulled out an energy drink, "An all nighter to improve on this." He began typing away at his computer, connecting all his programs and getting started on the weapons.

This was it, he was doing it here and now. Making a safer Avenger's team for everyone.



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CasualDragon said:
Finn had indeed heard her over both the alarm and his hands over his ears. "Sorry Cass." He mumbled to himself before ripping some curtains off the hooks. He walked over and wrapped the long curtans under her chin, over her ears, and over the top of her head two or three times with each of the two curtains. It wouldn't fully block the noise but hopefully it would stop it from being too bad. He dropped to his knees and scooped her into a hug before pushing himself back. He gestured to himself than to the door. Signaling that he was going out to look for the cause of the alarm. He then pointed to her then to the floor hoping that she would stay there. It would be louder in the hallway and she was in enough pain. He gave her a comforting grin before stepping out of the room and looking both ways. Whoever had triggered the system had two different methods of movement within the building. Either the stairs or the elevator. The stairs would be quicker in a quick paced situation so he ran down the closest stairway three steps at a time before he waited in the lobby to intercept if need be.
"OOOOOOOOOH SWEET RELIEF!" jade said with bliss as finn fixes the problem somewhat. "So, cousin, got anything planned? I was thinking of doin' some family bonding, ya know?" she said to finn and looked at cass. "And she don't look too good either, did someone jump her?" @CasualDragon @sitanomoto
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan was going to crash through the window...but it was already broken "Well shit...that's no fun." he said as he step stepped through the window
(I thought we were past the 'Destroying Windows' bit, I guess i was wrong.)
Nevermore appeared behind Pyrite. "Hey," she said quietly. In their own timeline, he was the one she could trust more than anyone, even Cassie or Connor. "What happened to your nose?" She asked, concerned. She grabbed a paper towel and wet it in the sink. She wiped the blood off of his nose and went to work on taking off the armor.
"Yeah well I didn't see you diving out the window to stop him either." Connor grumbled with a wave of his hand as he retrieved his shield from beside Cassie's bed and fastened it to his back once more.
"Of course not~ He didn't steal from me" Jordan fired back. He looked at Amelia "We meet again...it must be destiny...or Y'know...the threat of the destruction of Earth."
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