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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
Connor smiled at what would seem to be Cassie snapping out of whatever had it's grip on her. "Well if I knew using vulgar words snapped you out of power induced nightmares I'd do it more often." The alarm started going off and Connor looked from Cassie to Hypnas then rushed to the door and poked his head out looking up and down the hall, it was empty. "Alright." He said turning around and looking back at them, "I'm going to figure out what's going on, you stay here with Cassie. Cassie, between Friday and security feeds I'm sure you can find out what's going on before I do from right here in your room. If it's safe you can follow if your up to it, if it's not you stay. Got it?" Connor held up a finger for emphasis. "And..." Connor reached over his shoulder and pulled off his shield, holding it out to Cassie. "Just in case, you hang on to this, alright?"
Luna then ran out from the medical bay, and ran to where Connor and Cassie were, trying to hide from the loud sounds as tears of pain ran down her face. she hid under a desk, too big to fit, but she did not care, for she was in pain, and her head was throbbing from the loud alarm. @Crono @sitanomoto
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"Is it really wise to forfeit your main tool for battle Connor." Raitei said from the doorway. He had been hoping some resting in a nearby room until the alarm went off and now he was on high alert but ready to finally see some action and how the Avengers do battle. He had grown tedious watching the emotional side of Avengers and now hoped to see their fierce battle ready side.

Pyrite huffed and picked up suitcase, looking around for some way out of the potentially bad situation. He looked for something, ANYTHING!

He looked around and saw Cassie's old suit of armor, he stepped up to it and hoped it would fit somehow as he put it on despite it being a tight squeeze, "Alright, now just to change the voice pitch, rate of speech and..." He stopped speaking for a moment and after five seconds spoke in a deeper more demonic voice, "Perfect!" He grabbed his suitcase and began to try to think of an exit route.
Dimitri seemed to have left already. Perry couldn't really tell where, since he couldn't see where he went due to his speed. Since the conversation before was over, it was time to do what was originally planned. Talk to his old friend. He started walking inside, until he heard the deafening sounds of an alarm. Someone had triggered it. "Access security feed. Give me any related police radio chatter," Perry said. In a few seconds, his overlay started flipping through different cameras. Kitchen, empty. Recreation room, empty. Though in one camera, he saw Connor and Cassie. That's where I'm headed to, He thought and dashed to the staircase. Web by web, he got up with ease. As he opened the door to the room they were in, Perry saw Pyrite through one of the cameras. With Cassie's suit. How did he? He thought and looked at Connor and Cassie. Cassie had a new suit. A white one. It reminding him of Tony's symbiote suit when he turned into Iron-Douchebag. "You guys know what's happening!?"
Pyosimros said:
Dimitri seemed to have left already. Perry couldn't really tell where, since he couldn't see where he went due to his speed. Since the conversation before was over, it was time to do what was originally planned. Talk to his old friend. He started walking inside, until he heard the deafening sounds of an alarm. Someone had triggered it. "Access security feed. Give me any related police radio chatter," Perry said. In a few seconds, his overlay started flipping through different cameras. Kitchen, empty. Recreation room, empty. Though in one camera, he saw Connor and Cassie. That's where I'm headed to, He thought and dashed to the staircase. Web by web, he got up with ease. As he opened the door to the room they were in, Perry saw Pyrite through one of the cameras. With Cassie's suit. How did he? He thought and looked at Connor and Cassie. Cassie had a new suit. A white one. It reminding him of Tony's symbiote suit when he turned into Iron-Douchebag. "You guys know what's happening!?"
Minerva Returned to the tower, with a Sunburned Cindy on her back. she heard the alarm and ignored it completely, for she could roar louder than the alarm can blare. she then set Cindy in the medical bay, passing by perry as she went through the hall. she set cindy on the bed, sunburned, tear stained face still with unconsciousness, and she had a massive welt from when pyrite knocked her out.
Connor spun around to see Raitei and chuckled, "Maybe, maybe not. But as of recently it's not my only tool." Of course the blonde was speaking of his newly obtained powers that we're forced onto him, that he still couldn't fully control. But they seemed to kick in when he was in a pickle so he was betting on that. Connor watched as Luna flew into the room and then Perry showed up, "No idea. Was just about to go find out, shall we?" He asked the two of them, as they essentially blocked the exit to Cassie's room.
Crono said:
Connor spun around to see Raitei and chuckled, "Maybe, maybe not. But as of recently it's not my only tool." Of course the blonde was speaking of his newly obtained powers that we're forced onto him, that he still couldn't fully control. But they seemed to kick in when he was in a pickle so he was betting on that. Connor watched as Luna flew into the room and then Perry showed up, "No idea. Was just about to go find out, shall we?" He asked the two of them, as they essentially blocked the exit to Cassie's room.
Luna growled at connor, hoping that he was joking about going to the source of the sound. She then hides her face with her paws, and turned invisible.
Pyrite stepped out of Cassie's closet to notice everybody was literally a few feet away the entire time. He began to try to tiptoe to the exit unnoticed.

@Steel Zinogre
Maybe Connor might not have noticed Pyrite if he hadn't already been staring at the doorway...which Raitei was standing in...and Perry was near...since Connor was looking at them. But there was no such luck for the boy, so Connor cleared his throat as annoyingly as possible, "You don't look suspicious or anything at all. Like a dog that just pee'd on the carpet and is about to get caught. Nope, not at all." Connor rocked onto one hip, arching a brow and staring at Pyrite.

It could be a coincidence.That's what Connor told himself, but the fact that he was trying to get away unnoticed...and failing miserably was a cause for concern and Connor was holding back the urge to yell to get his answers.

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Finn had indeed heard her over both the alarm and his hands over his ears. "Sorry Cass." He mumbled to himself before ripping some curtains off the hooks. He walked over and wrapped the long curtans under her chin, over her ears, and over the top of her head two or three times with each of the two curtains. It wouldn't fully block the noise but hopefully it would stop it from being too bad. He dropped to his knees and scooped her into a hug before pushing himself back. He gestured to himself than to the door. Signaling that he was going out to look for the cause of the alarm. He then pointed to her then to the floor hoping that she would stay there. It would be louder in the hallway and she was in enough pain. He gave her a comforting grin before stepping out of the room and looking both ways. Whoever had triggered the system had two different methods of movement within the building. Either the stairs or the elevator. The stairs would be quicker in a quick paced situation so he ran down the closest stairway three steps at a time before he waited in the lobby to intercept if need be.
Cassie took the shield and hopped out of bed. She ran down to her lab and found Pyrite in her suit. She was outraged. "What. The. HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING IN MY LAB?!?" She yelled, pushing past Connor and the others. She walked right up to Pyrite and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt that was peeking out from the suit. "And more importantly, she said quietly, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY SUIT?!??"
"I tapped into Stark security camera-" Perry quickly cut himself off and put a hand on Cassie's shoulder to continue. "Sorry about that," He said and let go. "Pyrite stole and borrowed one of the suits." Moments later he heard stomping noises, but he didn't bother looking behind him. Spider sense would tell him if something's up.
Raitei stepped to this side to let Connor out but to also point his golden rod which at the moment was very charged with esoteric electricity at Pyrite though he couldn't tell because he was wearing an iron man armor. "Halt you there, your presence is familiar but not your appearance meaning you're an imposter who I have met! Reveal yourself!" Raitei thundered (pun). He doesn't always greet people like this but considering the alarm on edge was the right mood for the situatiion.

@Crono @LokiofSP
((Got it boys. I'll repost that.))

Cassie took the shield and hopped out of bed. She ran down to her lab and found Pyrite in her suit. She was outraged. "What. The. HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING IN MY LAB?!?" She yelled, pushing past Connor and the others. She walked right up to Pyrite and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt that was peeking out from the suit. "And more importantly, she said quietly, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY SUIT?!??"
Pyrite took off the helmet and realized the jig was up, he put up his hands and chuckled nervously, "Look, I assure you all I'm on your side, and everything I do no matter how shady it looks." He held the suitcase close, "I was just scienceing and made some stuff that you guys can't see right now, I know I sound SUPER suspect but I promise I'm okay." He tapped Cassie's hand, "Now could you just....Ya now, not? That'd be great."

There was fire in Cassie's eyes. No one messed with her tech. No one. "Show me right now or I swear I will rip the suitcase from your hands and tell Raitei over there to stab it." She didn't let go. "I swear, I've had a REALLY bad day so you'd better comply."
Boss and the girls were going to exit the building when they heard a bunch of shouting and yelling going on. They went to the source and saw Pyrite in an iron man suit with Cassie, Connor, and some others around him. "What is going on?" Boss asked confused.
"Yeah little miss Tin Can it's been a bad day for me to, but I'm afraid if ya want the suitcase you'll have to at least buy me dinner and a movie first." He smiled slightly, "Look, just trust me when I say that these will go to a greater cause, hell I'll even give you credit Sound good? Good, glad we understand each other, now please let go?"

That was the Cassie Stark that Connor knew, he almost beamed at her with a smile, even in the midst of this...situation. "You make it really hard to trust you. You say that's what you want, then you won't trust us. And I find you in compromising situation after compromising situation." Connor huffed and put a hand to his forehead.

Then he heard The Boss' voice over his shoulder and glanced her way with a shrug. "The usual."
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Jordan was going to crash through the window...but it was already broken "Well shit...that's no fun." he said as he step stepped through the window
Hypnas, who was standing right behind Connor, sucked in. "Ooohhhh snap boi, no you di-int"

Cassie did not let go, but dropped the shield and raised her fist, the fire in her eyes intensifying. "Don't. Call. Me. Tin Can." She pulled him so they were nose-to-nose. "When I let go, you're going to get out of the suit, put the case down, and explain exactly what you were doing down here. Do so, and I won't punch you." She growled. "Fail to comply, and I'll give you the ass-whooping of your life."

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