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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Remember? Oh I can't remember. The last time he was active might've been before I was born. Computers never forget, though. Sheild kept a file on him. I might've taken a peek during the war. This file was TOP top secret, as in only one eye was supposed to see it, ever. With my hacking background and level 2 clearance, it wasn't hard to crack it. I know more about Robert than he knows about himself. See that's the issue, The Sentry's nemesis also inhabits his mind. Should he remember who he is, the void would come soon after. That's why we need hypnas to make him forget after the fight."
Memory erase? Cassie tried to process this as she eavesdropped. She walked away absolutely silently towards her lab when she was stopped by a girl in purple hair. Cassie hadn't seen her before, nothing triggered, nothing remembered. "Who are you?" She asked, taking a defensive stance.

The girl smiled. "My name is Dazzle, and I'm your worst nightmare." She raised her hand to Cassie's forehead.......

She was lying in a pile of rubble, scarred and bruised. The sky was black, no moon, no stars. she stood, aching all over, parts of her suit broken and some gone completely, showing bits of her black undershirt and skintight pants. The sight in front of her was gruesome. Finn, as Smasher, impaled on a long spike of metal. Jaon, lying face up, open eyes unseeing, her hammer next to her in her limp hand. Perry, face down with blood oozing from his side. Only one other person was alive. Cassie gasped. "Connor!" She said, running over to him and taking his hand. "Connor...."

"Why... why didn't you.... save us?" Connor said weakly. Cassie's throat constricted.

"I... I tried..."

"Not.... hard... enough...." Connor said, before his hand went limp and he closed his eyes.

"THEIR DEATHS ARE ON YOUR SHOULDERS!" she heard Massacre's voice and saw him, looming on top of the mound of rubble. He laughed and jumped on her--

Dazzle grinned widely. Now the girl was nothing but a sobbing mess on the floor in the fetal position. She laughed maniacally.

"What. Did. You. Do?" A voice from behind her said.

Dazzle whipped around and saw a girl with flaming red hair and steely eyes standing before her.

Hypnas growled low in her throat and tackled Dazzle. "HOW DARE YOU!" she yelled, clutching Dazzle's throat. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER SUFFER!" Dazzle gasped for air but managed a smile. "Who... are you.. to protect... her?"

Hypnas punched Dazzle in the face and the purple haired girl was out cold. "I'm an Avenger." She looked at Cassie, who was still whimpering on the ground, curled up in a ball. She knelt next to her,stroking her forehead. "Shh... Cassie, It's ok...."
Connor thought on it for a moment, "So your hoping he'll take down Thanos with our help? It's not a bad plan but I see a lot of ways for it to go wrong. He could decide he doesn't want to forget, and take us out along with Thanos. What if Hypnas is too late and this...Void shows up, it's just whole lot of variables...Oh and I should probably mention your clone is alive and left a message outside. A warning, or more of a threat. Didn't you say he was killed?"
"Well when someone comes from the future and says you failed to save the world, you might have to pick a new plan... Oh didn't I mention? And what do you mean my clone is alive? I saw his body in-" Dimitri paused as he heard screaming, and ran to the scene to see hypnas hugging Cassie, with dazzler knocked out. "What happened? You missed a trust fall?"
Hypnas gave Dimitri a deadpan look. "She was attacked mentally by this person." She pointed to the unconscious Dazzle. "I came too late to stop it entirely, but I did prevent it from getting worse." She Iooked at Cassie, who was shivering, but she had stopped whimpering, so that was good. "We just have to wait it out. I can't do anything to help..." Hypnas sighed, "unless I attempt a counter-dream, but I've never done that before and if it fails I'll only make it worse, which I don't want to risk...."
Reaper said:
"Well when someone comes from the future and says you failed to save the world, you might have to pick a new plan... Oh didn't I mention? And what do you mean my clone is alive? I saw his body in-" Dimitri paused as he heard screaming, and ran to the scene to see hypnas hugging Cassie, with dazzler knocked out. "What happened? You missed a trust fall?"
((It's only a little funny....))
"Don't. Sorry, just don't." He said, before pulling out handcuffs and putting them on dazzle. He remembered why he started carrying them, if memory serves him right, it was because of hypnas herself. "Who is this? What does she do?"
Connor followed after Dimitri in a flash, though he was no match for the speedsters speed. Showing up slowed his pace beside Dimitri in time to hear what had happened. Then watched him cuff the attacker, "Never seen her before. Let's just hand her over to S.H.I.E.L.D." Connor snorted angrily, "She's not even safe in her own home."
"I don't know who she is, but she either has my capabilities or causes hallucinations, and from the way Cassie's eyes were open and glazed when I came, its the second one." Hypnas replied.
"I'll bring her to shield H.Q. Connor, help her take care of Cass, and if she comes to, catch them up on the plan." Dimitri said, putting the unconscious girl over his shoulder. @Crono @sitanomoto
"I doubt it'd be a good idea to tell Cassie about the plan until she's rested. Her mind has been through a lot, but go I've got this. But the thing before...about Rush." Connor looked him in the eyes, "I know what I saw Mitri." Turning his head he moved around Hypnas to the other side of Cassie. "Let's get her up, maybe it'll help being in her own bed."
Dimitri nodded at Connors comment, pondering how Rush could be alive, before zipping away with the girl.
Pyrite pulled the USB out of the panel, he had finished downloading the training program along with an added feature that may or may not have made it so once a person used it he could track their vitals from his computer...Maybe.

He threw the USB in the air and caught it, walking away whistling, he had done his part, now all he needed to do was wait.

He began to head down the stairs when he saw Cassie's old lab open a creak. He stopped and looked, "I really shouldn't......" He looked around to see nobody was there and stepped inside, the place was massive, he had been using Old Man Stark's lab before but that had been a tad outdated, Cass's was were it was at.

Of course, the problem was that using anything might alert Friday, which he couldn't have, after all as devious as his plans seemed they were ultimately to help the team, and this COULD help monumentally, well at least it could help him.

He stepped inside and used the codes he knew to get Friday out of the room, he didn't have much time but maybe he could get something done.....
Dazzle opened an eye and grinned. She very carefully moved her hand up to the back of his head, so he wouldn't notice, and made contact with it. "And three... Two.... One... Hallucination" she whispered. ((Just to mess around with Dimitri (} :) )))

Hypnas nodded. She grabbed Cassie bridal-style and took her to her room. She set her gently on the bed and pulled a blanket up to her chin. Cassie whimpered again and she began to sweat. Hypnas closed her eyes and smiled, remembering tucking in her little sister years ago....
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite pulled the USB out of the panel, he had finished downloading the training program along with an added feature that may or may not have made it so once a person used it he could track their vitals from his computer...Maybe.
He threw the USB in the air and caught it, walking away whistling, he had done his part, now all he needed to do was wait.

He began to head down the stairs when he saw Cassie's old lab open a creak. He stopped and looked, "I really shouldn't......" He looked around to see nobody was there and stepped inside, the place was massive, he had been using Old Man Stark's lab before but that had been a tad outdated, Cass's was were it was at.

Of course, the problem was that using anything might alert Friday, which he couldn't have, after all as devious as his plans seemed they were ultimately to help the team, and this COULD help monumentally, well at least it could help him.

He stepped inside and used the codes he knew to get Friday out of the room, he didn't have much time but maybe he could get something done.....
Connor stood at the doorway to Cassie's room, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. "You've gotten yourself into two of my friends heads, so just know I've got my eye on you." His voice was very neutral, though he had a faint smile. Connor may not fully trust Hypnas, but he didn't dis-trust her either, if he did she wouldn't be the one sitting at Cassie's bedside. It wasn't a threat either, more of a warning and maybe even a tease. She'd been in Cassie's head, though trying to help her and it was clear to Connor that Dimitri had her on the brain to an extent. "Is there anything you can think of that might help? Other than that dream..thing you spoke of."
Connor's words broke her out of her memory. "Hm? Oh, I know." She smiled back. "I'm a has-been Villain, I don't expect you to trust me fully. Just trust me enough to help her." She thought for a moment at Connor's second question. "That I don't know." She bit her lip, just like Cassie did when she was nervous. Telepathy would work, but I don't have telepathy, just sleep."
Connor had expected a little pop, a little fizzle, after his words it was what he remembered from the time at the tower those many many months ago when she was cuffed and sitting on a couch. Instead the redhead laid it all out and spoke the truth, or rather the truth she believed which had admittedly been a surprise to him. Maybe she's changed afterall.

Moving across the room he walked to the bed, pausing momentarily to look at Cassie's face. Then bending over he kissed the girl on the forehead, then crouched down so he could talk softly and she'd still hear him. "You've got a big brain Cass, and a big heart. Those two things combined can get you through this, we just got you back and we still need you." A smirk crossed his face and he even started to blush, "Who else am I going to talk to about how me and Alex's first kiss was in the middle of a battlefield, how sloppy of a kisser he was." Connor chuckled lightly, "Or how our first date was basically just him being very over-dramatic and trying to cook dinner at the rebel base. He burnt the hell out of that chicken, a man after my own heart. His kitchen skills are on par with mine." Connor shook his head, "I can't talk about those things with the others, Dimitri wouldn't let me hear the end of it and Finn well...Finn's Finn." He shrugged, "What I'm trying to say is...get your shit together Stark."

There we're many reasons Connor ended on that note, and he didn't have a single regret.
Pyrite began to sweat, five minutes, only five minutes was the time he had until Friday came back and with her, an alarm.

"Okay, a wire here, screw here, bit of this and...." He held up the suitcase full of the three new things he could give either someone else or himself. He beamed with pride, "It would be awesome if I could make some more of this but, I ain't got the time."

He began to stride out cockily as he realized he forgot something VERY important, "Oh my god.....The suppressors." He ran back to the stand, three minutes, he only had three minutes to create three safety features so the people who used the things wouldn't blow up. Even worse was unlike Cassie, he had to use basic templates so he could do his work and he didn't have much tie. It'd have to be a pretty cheap safety switch, it would break easier but he could always make a better one later.

Two minutes..... He just needed a screwdriver to finish it off.

One minute....... He carefully put the tool in and began.

Thirty second....... He dropped the tool! He quickly picked it up.

Fifteen seconds...... He just needed three more twists, and......


He attached the switches and sighed out of relief....

Then the alarms blared.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, he had the time off by ten seconds, he had counted wrong.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite began to sweat, five minutes, only five minutes was the time he had until Friday came back and with her, an alarm.
"Okay, a wire here, screw here, bit of this and...." He held up the suitcase full of the three new things he could give either someone else or himself. He beamed with pride, "It would be awesome if I could make some more of this but, I ain't got the time."

He began to stride out cockily as he realized he forgot something VERY important, "Oh my god.....The suppressors." He ran back to the stand, three minutes, he only had three minutes to create three safety features so the people who used the things wouldn't blow up. Even worse was unlike Cassie, he had to use basic templates so he could do his work and he didn't have much tie. It'd have to be a pretty cheap safety switch, it would break easier but he could always make a better one later.

Two minutes..... He just needed a screwdriver to finish it off.

One minute....... He carefully put the tool in and began.

Thirty second....... He dropped the tool! He quickly picked it up.

Fifteen seconds...... He just needed three more twists, and......


He attached the switches and sighed out of relief....

Then the alarms blared.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, he had the time off by ten seconds, he had counted wrong.

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
"What the hell!? I just Got here!" Jade shouted from irritation as maxton quickly works on shutting the alarm down "Crap! I don't know Stark's tech that well!" he shouted as he panics, with jade slapping him silly.
Dimitri froze, screeching to a halt from his sprint with his new captive. In front of him, stood Rush, half black slime, half dead body. Dimitri threw dazzle to the ground. "What the hell did you do to me?" He asked her, assuming what he saw was an illusion. "Oh, she didn't do anything. You never noticed, did you Dimitri? If I should even call you that."

"Noticed.... What?" He asked, before rolling his eyes. There's no way what he was seeing could be real. What was he doing talking back to it.

"Harry said there were four clones made by oscorp. If I was posing as one, then I'm not one. Who was the fourth?"

Dimitri looked at his hands.
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"No... No!" Dimitri said, wagging his finger at his supposed imagination. "That wouldn't make sense! They first sent Rush as a splinter agent, acting like me, but he looks slightly different. If I was a clone, they would've sent me.... And furthermore, you're acting like Alexander inhabiting Rush's body, when both of them are dead." Dimitri folded his arms. "I won't be fooled so easily, figment of my imag-"

Alexander zipped at Dimitri and punched him in the stomach, hard enough to lift him off his feet. Dimitri fell on all fours, the wind knocked out of him.

"Whoops. Slight miscalculation there, Dimitri. Believe what you want about your birth, but just know I'm here. And I'm very... Very... Real."
Dazzle, who had been thrown on the ground, laughed. "Ah, I love these moments." She said to no one in particular.

Cassie, from far away, heard Connor's voice. Her brother. Her best friend. Her support system. "Get your shit together, Stark." He said, and Cassie realized that none of this was real. All of it, a nightmare. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked at the Connor on the ground in front of her. "You're wrong." She said. Just like that, her nightmare was over, and she woke up to the sound of an alarm. She looked at Connor and smiled. "Thanks Wonderboy," she said. The alarm registered in her brain and she looked at Hypnas, who looked at Connor. "Umm..." Cassie said. "Permission to get out of bed, Captain?" She asked.
sitanomoto said:
Dazzle, who had been thrown on the ground, laughed. "Ah, I love these moments." She said to no one in particular.
Cassie, from far away, heard Connor's voice. Her brother. Her best friend. Her support system. "Get your shit together, Stark." He said, and Cassie realized that none of this was real. All of it, a nightmare. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked at the Connor on the ground in front of her. "You're wrong." She said. Just like that, her nightmare was over, and she woke up to the sound of an alarm. She looked at Connor and smiled. "Thanks Wonderboy," she said. The alarm registered in her brain and she looked at Hypnas, who looked at Connor. "Umm..." Cassie said. "Permission to get out of bed, Captain?" She asked.
Luna screeches from pain of the loud alarm, and hid under a bed in the medical bay, to try to muffle the sounds. "God dammit maxton! Get ms. Stark!" Ruby shouted at maxton as he ran to cassie, and tripped on a stray cable.
Connor smiled at what would seem to be Cassie snapping out of whatever had it's grip on her. "Well if I knew using vulgar words snapped you out of power induced nightmares I'd do it more often." The alarm started going off and Connor looked from Cassie to Hypnas then rushed to the door and poked his head out looking up and down the hall, it was empty. "Alright." He said turning around and looking back at them, "I'm going to figure out what's going on, you stay here with Cassie. Cassie, between Friday and security feeds I'm sure you can find out what's going on before I do from right here in your room. If it's safe you can follow if your up to it, if it's not you stay. Got it?" Connor held up a finger for emphasis. "And..." Connor reached over his shoulder and pulled off his shield, holding it out to Cassie. "Just in case, you hang on to this, alright?"

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