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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Terry looked over at everyone else's long time friend. It seemed like she was suffering something similar to what he was feeling. Memory loss. Well, Terry never lost any memories however. His past was instead rewritten and he experiences painful flashes of new and truthful events. With Cassie however, they were happening too erratically. "When was the last time you were here?" Terry cut into the conversation. He probably joined in roughly when she left. @sitanomoto @Crono
Cassie looked at Terry. "Like I said before, I don't know." She said quietly. She turned back to Connor. "Please Connor, I have to kbow..." She whispered. "I have to know what I missed."
Alexandra breathed slowly. The sentry. Her mother told her about the sentry, but Alexandra didn't remember who it was. "Who is it, Dimitri?" (Richie is the sentry. Jk) @Reaper
(Imma do some fun little flashback summary things of a few events from Connor's view I guess? It can help Sitan catch up a tid bit and such. :3)

Connor's head hung low as he stared at the floor between them, "You have to keep it together then. I can't be the one to break you." Not when I've screwed up so much. He paused momentarily still keeping his eyes on the floor, "Thor....six months ago." Connor cleared his throat as he looked back up to meet Cassie's eyes.

He'd had a front row seat for that, kneeling in the dust with Cassandra as they subdued Kelai. The blast from Justice aimed directly at Thor came out of nowhere, and Connor had little time to try and shield Cassandra and Kelai from it's outer blast radius. Thor survived the initial blast, however a pylon would find it's way into his chest. Jaon had been a mess for the continuation of the battle, lying at her fathers corpse.

"Bob Johnson, Maria Hill's nephew, four months ago during the registration act that was re-enacted." Connor saw the concern in her eyes at those words and nodded, "Yeah. It happened again, we all chose sides. I...Dimitri....Finn..."

The Registration Act hit, and before anything had even fully been official Dimitri had already thrown Connor into a cell in Prison 42. With Alex's help they escaped but he'd never expected to find himself as the speedster's enemy but Dimitri was the one to escalate things. It had been hard fighting against both Dimitri and Finn during that time, and if he hadn't had friends such as Ivory and Alex he might not have fought as hard. Connor would never see the end of the act, or Bob's death. Osborn had captured him during that time, holding him in Oscorp's basement.

"It wasn't all bad, I found love." By this point his eyes we're moist and he smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders, honestly he didn't want to mention Alex. But there had to be a little light in the story. "But uh, guess I lost it too."

Alex who'd told Connor that he loved him, then months later during the act when Connor decided to change sides to try and keep this war from escalating Alex had called him a coward, that he never wanted to see him again. He's still not heard from Alex.

"Alright." Connor said wiping his eyes on his sleeve and standing up, holding his hands out to help Cassie up. "I'm not going to keep this up while sitting on the floor."
Cassie looked shocke for a while but then smiled gently. "Hey," she said, taking his hand and standing. "That's good." She hugged him. It felt good to hug him, her brother and trusted friend to finally comfort someone after freaking out. "You did more than I ever could." She whispered. She decided to keep her anger at Thor's death bottled for now and to let it out when she was alone. For now, she was the rock for Connor.
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Finn had dropped to Cassie's side as she went through whatever mental struggle she was going through. It wasn't long before Connor burst in and lifted Cassie onto the cot. He watched on in horror not entirely sure what to do when she seemed to almost drift away into herself. Screaming out and sweating and such. He was frozen in place, to scared to move, only watching as she broke down. Shortly enough she ran over and pounded at the doors. Finn dashed over also and dropped down beside her along with Connor. Once again when Cassie asked what was going on he froze and had no idea how to answer such a hard question to the upset girl. She had been his friend for so long yet here he was failing her. Connor came to the rescue though and broke the different deaths and happenings to her easily.

It was a bit of a flashback for both of them. At the mention of the registration act he thought back to how horrible it had been fighting friends. And how about halfway through he had given up and just stopped caring. Taking a glance at Connor he could tell that some of this stuff still bothered him too. A flash of anger went through his mind at the thought of the horrors they were exposed too at such a young age. He shook his head and stood up when the other two stood up, a little upset that he hadn't done anything. "Cass. I'm sorry that this all happened. I wish there was an easier way. I wish that we could have waited longer but I wish we had told you sooner. It would have been easier though if it hadn't happened in the first place." He pulled her against him for a hug and reached over and pulled Connor in also. "We all have things we regret but the sooner we forgive and move on the sooner we heal."

@Crono @sitanomoto
CasualDragon said:
Finn had dropped to Cassie's side as she went through whatever mental struggle she was going through. It wasn't long before Connor burst in and lifted Cassie onto the cot. He watched on in horror not entirely sure what to do when she seemed to almost drift away into herself. Screaming out and sweating and such. He was frozen in place, to scared to move, only watching as she broke down. Shortly enough she ran over and pounded at the doors. Finn dashed over also and dropped down beside her along with Connor. Once again when Cassie asked what was going on he froze and had no idea how to answer such a hard question to the upset girl. She had been his friend for so long yet here he was failing her. Connor came to the rescue though and broke the different deaths and happenings to her easily.
It was a bit of a flashback for both of them. At the mention of the registration act he thought back to how horrible it had been fighting friends. And how about halfway through he had given up and just stopped caring. Taking a glance at Connor he could tell that some of this stuff still bothered him too. A flash of anger went through his mind at the thought of the horrors they were exposed too at such a young age. He shook his head and stood up when the other two stood up, a little upset that he hadn't done anything. "Cass. I'm sorry that this all happened. I wish there was an easier way. I wish that we could have waited longer but I wish we had told you sooner. It would have been easier though if it hadn't happened in the first place." He pulled her against him for a hug and reached over and pulled Connor in also. "We all have things we regret but the sooner we forgive and move on the sooner we heal."

@Crono @sitanomoto
Other memories came back to Cassie, but these were not the memory attacks that she had experienced before. These were gentler, like her Father's hand on her shoulder at her fifth birthday, Meeting Dimitri, Finn, Connor, Joan, and Perry, having a dance dance revolution game with Joan to teach her about earth culture, Finn helping her with her science homework, Connor sitting next to her as she told him everything that had happened at school before she became homeschooled, trading taunts with Dimitri as they played Super Smash Bros against each other, helping Perry with his suit and watching him get slammed against the wall on accident after she pushed the wrong button... The good memories flooded back, but these were a gentle flood, warm and calming. She began to get a sense of who she was again, who her friends were and why she loved them and wanted to protect them so much. Tears streamed down her face, but these were happy and sad, knowing things would never and always be the same all at once.
Cassie had told him he'd done good, and Connor wanted to lose it right then and there. Mainly because he hadn't, he knew deep down he could have done more, could have stepped up more. Then there we're hugs going all around and he took a deep breath to keep everything down for the time being. And instead decided to try and change the atmosphere a bit, "Like the time you tried to take me to the hellicarrier to put me in a cell. And dropped me, just like that, above the city." The blonde put alot of emphasis in the word, more for amusement sake. He and Finn had long since buried that hatchet, if it could be considered that.

"There's alot more to catch you up on Cass. But we take our time, and you tell me when you want to hear more."
Finn rubbed Cassie's back as she cried and pushed Connor away jokingly. "Hey! You asked me to put you down! So I was just following your orders! Besides, we were close to a building, I thought that you were a big boy and could possibly land on a building but noooooo. You had to miss and plummet down! Please remember though that I did throw myself after you. After all this time you're still just a pain in my butt!" He reached over and ruffled his hair. He did sober up for a moment though. "Yeah, good idea though, we shouldn't just toss all of this information at you at once."

@sitanomoto @Crono
"A man named Robert Reynolds. You can't tell anyone that isn't an avenger about this, got it? Not even him." He told her @National
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Alexandra vigorously nods. "Your secret is with me!" She looks at Perry and Dimitri. These were the two men that were friends with her father the day he died. She heard stories, but she wanted to confirm it. She chocked up a little as her voice wavers a bit. "M-my dad... How was he like?" @Reaper
The walk to the small apartment was long and filled with doubt. He fingered the small earpieces in his pocket, in this world it wasn't a card or a badge that made you apart of the team, just a simple earpiece, it was stupid, yet simple.

It wasn't until he was literally two blocks away that Pyrite could no longer ignore the growling of his stomach, he decided to stop by a Chinese food place to get something quick and cheap and be on his way, it was only luck that made him find the person he was looking for in the shop, he turned away and thanked his luck before straightening his face and attempting to do his best Nick Fury impression.

He stood in a dark corner of the room that covered his face and stepped out while doing a slow clap, "Well, well, well. I hear you two sold your souls to the devil for some freaky powers. The question now is, are you ready to use those powers for your city?"

Although he kept his face straight on the outside, on the inside he was smiling tears of joy as he thought, "I think that line might have made Ol' Nick himself shed a tear."

@Kalin Scarlet (I FINALLY DID IT!)
Kyuma turned to the voice, realising someone was emerging from the shadows like an old time vampire. He proceeded to say some really cheesy line, that he probably worked on for quite some time...

Kyu nodded in agreement to the strangers statement. "IIII guess?"

'Was I supposed to be impressed by that...?' He thought to himself.
Dimitri smiled. "He was one of the best men I've ever met. He sacrificed himself for something he believed in, to save the world if just for a few months. He was.... Awesome." @National
Pyrite finally began to laugh as he sat down next to Fortune, to her discomfort as he dug into his pockets and pulled out two comms, "I'll keep this short and sweet. Thanos is coming and that's bad, so us Avengers have started recruiting more people for the fight. We offer training and even a place to stay, don't ask how I know of your origin or your powers, lets just say....I'm a bit familiar with you two in some ways."

"I know you're confused, random guy came out of nowhere..." He took Fortune's bowl of food and began to eat it, "Starts eating your food and talking about joining the Avengers, I know it's odd, out of place even. But I'm not wasting time here, I've meant to do this for DAYS but I've been getting caught up with other things, so it's a simple yes or no..." He held out the comms, "Wanna join the team? Or are you gonna sit in your apartment doing nothing for days on end again?"

@Kalin Scarlet
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite finally began to laugh as he sat down next to Fortune, to her discomfort as he dug into his pockets and pulled out two comms, "I'll keep this short and sweet. Thanos is coming and that's bad, so us Avengers have started recruiting more people for the fight. We offer training and even a place to stay, don't ask how I know of your origin or your powers, lets just say....I'm a bit familiar with you two in some ways."
"I know you're confused, random guy came out of nowhere..." He took Fortune's bowl of food and began to eat it, "Starts eating your food and talking about joining the Avengers, I know it's odd, out of place even. But I'm not wasting time here, I've meant to do this for DAYS but I've been getting caught up with other things, so it's a simple yes or no..." He held out the comms, "Wanna join the team? Or are you gonna sit in your apartment doing nothing for days on end again?"

@Kalin Scarlet
"Thanos? You mean the purple hulk-skrull looking thing from space?" Kyuma said, handing off his food to Fortune. He tapped the table in silent thought. It'd been a while since he'd even considered joining the avengers, after all. They didn't seem to be the same heroic bunch he'd once heard stories about. But if the planet was in trouble, he should try to help, shouldn't he?

"...I can't speak for Fortune, but I'll join. It's been getting boring in the apartment, anyways. Just promise whatever desicion she makes, you'll help her get answers for what's happened to her."
Perry stood there in silence for the past few minutes. He wasn't sure why, and he wasn't really listening to what Marko's child and Dimitri were saying. Getting out of this daze, he focused on the two once again. "Plus is best friend is a talking racoon with a lot of guns. That's pretty cool," He interjected. He needed a way to get back into the conversation, and why not enter by means of comedy? @Reaper @National
Pyrite slammed one of the comms onto the table and slid it to Kyuma, "I swear, we'll help her, no matter what she does."

Fortune bit her lip in thought before taking the comm, "Ya know what? Fine, I'll join. I'll keep ya posted, screw it, just don't expect me to stay in the same tower with the people who killed my brother." She attached the comm to her ear and began to walk out, "I'll keep in touch I guess, but I think we won't be seeing eachother very much anymore." She left the restaurant.

Pyrite shrugged, "I'll do my research and track down my leads, I promise. As for you sir, you now can contact any of the Avengers at anytime and get full access to the Avengers Tower! If ya want, I could bring you down there for a quick meet and greet. Get ya settled in and stuff."

@Kalin Scarlet
Jade flies into new york, where SHIELD agents wait for her. "ms. Walters, we are here to pick you up." and agent said as jade smiled. "Thanks, I appreciate the ride. I have no signal to call my cousin finn." she replied as she gets into the car with her luggage, and is head down to Stark tower. Cassie Heller rode next to the car on her horse, mainly as an escort ordered by HQ. Jade then tapped another agent on the shoulder, mind if i use your phone? I need to call Finn Banner." she said as the agent handed a cell phone over. "I never knew that Mr. banner had relatives, must be hard not to piss him off with friendly teasing." The agent joked as jade dialed in Finn's number, and pressed call. @CasualDragon
Finn jumped as his cellphone pulsed in his pocket and he quickly pulled it out. "Man I forgot that I even had this thing on me, so used to using the comms." He grumbled. "It's my cousin Jade. Haven't heard from her in ages. I have to take this, don't get too deep without me." He winked at the two of them before moving over to the corner of the room. "Jade? How's it going! It's been a while how have you been?"

@Steel Zinogre
CasualDragon said:
Finn jumped as his cellphone pulsed in his pocket and he quickly pulled it out. "Man I forgot that I even had this thing on me, so used to using the comms." He grumbled. "It's my cousin Jade. Haven't heard from her in ages. I have to take this, don't get too deep without me." He winked at the two of them before moving over to the corner of the room. "Jade? How's it going! It's been a while how have you been?"
@Steel Zinogre
"It's good, Shield is taking me to you guys right now as a matter of fact. How have you been?" she asked finn as the driver signals that they are almost there. "Anyways, meet me outside the tower, ok? I will be there in 2 minutes." she said with a smile.

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