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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"It's good, Shield is taking me to you guys right now as a matter of fact. How have you been?" she asked finn as the driver signals that they are almost there. "Anyways, meet me outside the tower, ok? I will be there in 2 minutes." she said with a smile.

He shrugged then remembered that she couldn't see gestures through the phone. "Things aren't going smoothly to be completely honest. A huge threat's on the way, we lost some good people, and our team as a whole is facing one big large rough patch. But let's not start this off on a sour note! Anyways I'll meet you down there." He gestured that he had to go but he would be back, gave Cassie one last hug, then headed downstairs. And waited inside the main lobby.

((Last post for the night. See you all tomorrow))
Boss, Amelia, and Vicky walked out of the hallway and saw Quiet on the balcony. "We are leaving now, Jamie." Quiet nodded and walked over to them.
CasualDragon said:
He shrugged then remembered that she couldn't see gestures through the phone. "Things aren't going smoothly to be completely honest. A huge threat's on the way, we lost some good people, and our team as a whole is facing one big large rough patch. But let's not start this off on a sour note! Anyways I'll meet you down there." He gestured that he had to go but he would be back, gave Cassie one last hug, then headed downstairs. And waited inside the main lobby.
((Last post for the night. See you all tomorrow))
Jade arrives at the tower, and gets out of the car as the agents took her luggage in. "Hi Finn!" she shouted with glee as she tackled him down with a hug.
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite slammed one of the comms onto the table and slid it to Kyuma, "I swear, we'll help her, no matter what she does."
Fortune bit her lip in thought before taking the comm, "Ya know what? Fine, I'll join. I'll keep ya posted, screw it, just don't expect me to stay in the same tower with the people who killed my brother." She attached the comm to her ear and began to walk out, "I'll keep in touch I guess, but I think we won't be seeing eachother very much anymore." She left the restaurant.

Pyrite shrugged, "I'll do my research and track down my leads, I promise. As for you sir, you now can contact any of the Avengers at anytime and get full access to the Avengers Tower! If ya want, I could bring you down there for a quick meet and greet. Get ya settled in and stuff."

@Kalin Scarlet
"Sure. Let's go..." Kyu said as he watched Fortune walk out. "I don't really have anything to pack, so we can head right over."

'See you later...hopefully.' He thought to himself, standing.
Pyrite finished the rest of his food as they stepped outside, he went to the sidewalk and stuck his hand out for a cab, it arrived and he held the door open, "Unfortunately, I don't have any extravagant or amazing powers or modes of transport, so you'll have to deal with the 2.50 a mile. Don't worry, I'll pay."

They arrived a few moments later, stepping past the scene with Finn and Jade and heading upstairs, he looked around and smiled as he gestured across he room, "Here we are, Stark Tower. Currently here are Conner over there, Cap's kid, Cassie over there, Iron Man's daughter, and I think we have a few scatered throughout the building." He smiled as best he could at Conner, "I got our latest member, got a bit....Caught up though, so it took a bit."

@Kalin Scarlet @Crono @sitanomoto
"The newest recruit huh?" Connor asked as he looked Kyuma over. "How similar is he to your version, as far as you can tell?" There was always the deal with trust, sure this guy could have been trustworthy in Pyrite's dimension. Doesn't mean he's trustworthy in this one, and honestly Connor still had a string in the back of his mind telling him not to trust Pyrite as much. For all he knew Pyrite was gathering loyal followers to play nice and infiltrate the Avengers. But the blonde kept telling himself that it was just him, that Ivory's recent death was playing a part in that.

Connor realized he should probably let Cassie know that this guy, while similar, wasn't Ivory. Leaning in he spoke to her quietly, "That's not Ivory, well...technically he is, but he's not
our Ivory. Just, you needed to know."
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Cassie looked puzzled. "What happened to our Ivory?" She whispered, concerned. She loves looked at Connor and her brown eyes were fearful.
Connor turned to look at Cassie's eyes and closed his own, having recently been the one to inform Ivory's parents it made him uncomfortable to remember the boy erupting in front of him. Instead of telling her the truth he put on a false front as he opened his eyes once more and smiled at her, "Told you. Too much information at one time could fry that brain of yours. Lord knows it's lost a ton of it's brain cells already." The sarcasm and the joking was a defensive measure, to avoid the conversation for the moment.

Instead he turned his attention back to Pyrite and the newcomer, "So you've come to join in on trying to stop the human race from being wiped out of existence? Glad to have you."
"Connor," Cassie said firmly. "Tell me now." She looked at him and saw right through him. "He died, didn't he?" She whispered. Ivory..... Ivory too. Who next? Who else would she be unable to save? Connor? Perry? Jaon? Dimitri? Finn was indestructible.... She took a deep breath, bottled her emotions and the tears that were threatening to fall down her cheeks, and turned to the newcomer. She held out her hand. "Name's Cassie." She said, a little too cheerfully.
Crono said:
Connor turned to look at Cassie's eyes and closed his own, having recently been the one to inform Ivory's parents it made him uncomfortable to remember the boy erupting in front of him. Instead of telling her the truth he put on a false front as he opened his eyes once more and smiled at her, "Told you. Too much information at one time could fry that brain of yours. Lord knows it's lost a ton of it's brain cells already." The sarcasm and the joking was a defensive measure, to avoid the conversation for the moment.
Instead he turned his attention back to Pyrite and the newcomer, "So you've come to join in on trying to stop the human race from being wiped out of existence? Glad to have you."
Jade heard connor and the others, and releases finn from her deathgrip. "I'm gonna meet your friends, so don't wait up." she said teasingly to finn as she went to connor and the group. "Hey guys. How are you all?" she asked. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP @sitanomoto
Pyrite whistled awkwardly for a few moments before finally clapping his hands and smiling, "Okay then! I'll just go take care of a training program I made real quick then be out of your hair! Just need it so newbies can train even when we aren't available, ya know?" He took off to a control panel and put a USB in it, allowing the program to upload.

@sitanomoto @Crono
Kyuma glanced at Pyrite with a raised eyebrow, curious as to what was going on here. Another him? Someone died? Wha-

Kyuma's thoughts were cut off when he was approached him. He coughed and glanced to the side as Cassie held out her hand. He took it, and shook it firmly with a smile.

"It's...nice to meet you. All of you, really." He said. Despite the grin, however, he felt off. 'So, they actually forgot. Well, that's actually not unreasonable...'
Dimitri turned on his comlink. "Alright Connor, I'm ready. We need to meet up with whoever we trust. Make sure Hypnas is there, we need her." It appeared as though he would rely on the sentry, while using his original plan as a back up. @Crono
Dazzle smiled as she approached the tower. She had heard that Cassie was back. "Let's have some fun with this girl," She said aloud as she sneaked into the tower.

Hypnas sat on the couch, her head in a pillow, brooding. How could she be a good guy if all she could do was make nightmares? Maybe she wasn't cut out for this. then again.... Dimitri believed in her. That was all she needed. Someone to believe.

Cassie smiled as she let the new boy shake her hand, then turned to Jade. "Hey," she said quietly. She was doing her best to keep from falling to pieces.

Nevermore sat crouched on the top of a building overlooking the city. She could see someone going into Stark tower. A girl with purple hair. She knew she couldn't be going there to hang out, her stance was too sneaky. Nevermore pulled up her hood and jumped onto the ground silently and began to follow the girl.
Connor flashed a smile before turning his back to the others as he clicked on his comm and moving out of the room and into the hall, "Yeah, what happened to only you can know the plan? I mean you we're going to tell me...something." At the mention of Hypnas Connor looked around the room to realize Hypnas had left. "You sure about trusting her? I mean...I know your sure. You've had goo goo eyes for her for a while but, you know." Connor crossed his arms, "As for meeting up with those we trust are you saying we should get the entire team together?" That never really happened, to be honest. Someone was always off doing something or other, and many didn't live in the tower.
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"I AM NOT GOO GOO-... Whatever! Look, if you know anyone else who can restore and take memories away, let me know. Until then, we need to go over the game plan at Cassie's penthouse. Something.... Crazy happened. I'll tell you when we meet up." He said, zipping toward the tower.
"Which'll be in about...5...4...3...2--" The gust of wind that went through the hall told Connor he'd counted too slow and he frowned. There we're things Connor wanted to bring up, things he couldn't do so over the comm where just anyone could hear.
"Connor! Have you ever heard of someone named The Sentry? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't, some of the greatest minds of the world wiped everyone's memory in the world of his existence. Either way, he is the new plan." He explained, right off the bat. @Crono
"Sentry? Nope, nada. More memory stuff? Wait...then how come you can remember who he is?" Connor stared at Dimitri curiously, sudden plan, sudden new person, sudden knowledge of not having a memory of said new person.

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