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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Alexandra sighs. "You really still don't believe I am the child of Marko." She pulls a small object from her pocket, and she clicks a button. It was playing a recording, and it was the last recording Marko left. And to finally seal the deal, she walks over to Dimitri, and whispers to him the original plan. The plan that, in this time, only Dimitri and her father would know. She looks at Dimitri. "Now do you believe me? I am his kid." @Reaper
Dimitri took a deep breath. "Alright. I trust you...." The recording made him smile a bit, as he never thought he would see him again. "The thought still remains. I don't know what else to do. Do you have a plan?" @National
Alexandra shrugs. "Kinda? My time never gage us a right answer, but I know where you can find the right one. The orb isn't wrong, you just looked at the answer wrong. Look at it a different way. Find another angle." Alexandra looks around, being in the days where she would only be a month or 2 old. She looks back at Dimitri. "Because if you go to the original plan, the entire world will be in danger." @Reaper
"This is a lot to drop on me at once... I don't know what it means. Wait.... In the future, did I make it?" He asked, wondering if that might be the issue. @National
The comm was quiet on Dimitri's end for a while so Connor took that as he was busy. The blonde looked from the young girl to Quiet, and guessed that between The Boss and the other girls that this young girl wouldn't go unnoticed and that he could step away for a minute and everything would be fine. So he did, heading straight for the medical ward to check on Cassie. Feeling kind of bad for leaving her with the crowd of people with question's she couldn't answer, though when he arrived he hadn't expected what he'd seen. Cassie on her knees, in a suit, between tears and sweat. Connor moved swiftly across the room and helped her to sit on the cot. "What happened?"

(@sitanomoto gonna have a kanipshin fit if she doesn't get interaction. <3)
"But I'm not planning on doing the original plan. I'm planning on using the idea I had while speaking to Connor, the one you just whispered to me. If that's the plan that kills everybody... Maybe the original plan is the one I was meant to use. Or maybe it's neither..." He looked up at Alexandria. "It is nice to know how royally I fucked everything up, though. Maybe I shouldn't make the decision." @National
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Alexabdra shook her head. "Don't do either! Dimitri, think harder! Be creative. I don't want you guys to die. I saw my mom-" Alexandra chokes up a little from some memories, memories she wishes she can forget. @Reaper
"Look. I'm sorry... But I've already ruined everything once. Maybe I'm not the guy to make the plan. There's not a man nor woman alive who could take on Thanos.... Unless...." He paused. "No... No that would do more harm than good..." @National
Alexandra straightens herself, sighing. "But you are who needs to do it Dimitri. And I am here to help, to make sure my timeline doesn't happen." @Reaper
"Okay, okay. Look. There was once a hero with the power of a million exploding Suns. He could physically stand a chance against Thanos, even without back up. But his existence is an enormous secret. No one is supposed to know about it. He doesn't even know it himself, because if he remembered who he was it would also bring along an evil greater than he is good.... Perhaps we could kidnap him, and reveal his memories before the fight, then use Red to make everyone forget.... Agh but it's so risky..." @National
Crono said:
The comm was quiet on Dimitri's end for a while so Connor took that as he was busy. The blonde looked from the young girl to Quiet, and guessed that between The Boss and the other girls that this young girl wouldn't go unnoticed and that he could step away for a minute and everything would be fine. So he did, heading straight for the medical ward to check on Cassie. Feeling kind of bad for leaving her with the crowd of people with question's she couldn't answer, though when he arrived he hadn't expected what he'd seen. Cassie on her knees, in a suit, between tears and sweat. Connor moved swiftly across the room and helped her to sit on the cot. "What happened?"
(@sitanomoto gonna have a kanipshin fit if she doesn't get interaction. <3)
((That's right. I DEMAND ATTENTION!!! ;) ))

Cassie looked at Connor. "I'm... I'm alright," she said quietly, turning her attention on the floor. "I just... just lost my balance is all..." She took off a gauntlet and wiped her forehead.
Connor could tell she was lying, something had been a little off since she'd returned. The blonde looked her armor over for a second, "What do you think your doing in an armor? You just got back, hurt and with no memories. Your benched for the foreseeable future, no if's and's or but's about it." His face was concerned but his tone was serious.
Cassie looked at Connor with horror. "Connor...." Being benched was one of her biggest fears. What if something happened to them? She wouldn't be there to save them.. Just like she hadn't been able to save her father.... The memory attack again.... "NO!!!" She clutched her head and bit her lip.
Connor watched worriedly before trying to get her back in bed. "Get back on the cot. You must be having some side-effects from your memories very suddenly returning...or something." The blonde gave her a smile, "You just need to rest, get your strength back."
"But I-" she looked at Connor's expression and knew there was no arguing with him. She reluctantly lay down and took off her other gauntlet, running a hand through her hair. She noticed him smile and she couldn't help but smile back, if weakly. Why was this happening? She'd always been so strong... so resilient.... she had to be, for her team, but now.... She closed her eyes and bit her lip again to keep from saying anything.

Hypnas watched all of this with horror. If she hadn't done this, Cassie would have found another way to get her memories back, and she wouldn't be.... this. If only Hypnas had a way of training her powers without hurting anyone, causing any emotional pain.... She chuckled bitterly, remembering how she had loved to see people writhe in agony as she induced their biggest fears, only worse. She walked out of the room and to the couch, grabbing a pillow and putting it on her face. She didn't know the first thing about changing her powers, training herself....
The girl frowned up harder, all the screaming was starting to upset her, she walked over to where Cassie was laying down and stared at her. She tilted her head this way, and that way as though Cassie were a puzzle that she were trying to figure out.
Alexandra looks at Dimitri. A trump card? She was glad he had a wild card at least. "Who is it? Who can help us?" @Reaper

(Just to screw with Cassie > :D )

In the same room they were all in, on the top of a cabinet, a recorder fell of the top and hit the floor, turning it on. The recording were the last words of Marko, him giving his final words before he sacrificed himself. Cassie didn't know about his death, but she sure did now. @sitanomoto

Cassie heard the recording. Marko.... Dead? "No...." She looked at Connor, at the tape, then at the door. "No!" She shot up from the bed and backed towards the door, fumbling on the knob. "N-no...." She gave up of trying to open the door and slid down to the floor. She curled up with her knees against her chest and buried her head in her arms, sobs racking her body.....
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Connor had nearly been knocked over by Cassie's sudden outburst, cursing he was tempted to stomp the recorder but instead quickly hit the stop button but it'd been too late. This was all too much too fast for her and Connor never felt so helpless in his life, he didn't know what to do or say, only that he needed to keep her sane and safe. "I know...I know." He told her with a soothing voice as he came to sit on the floor in front of her with his legs crossed. "Alot has happened these last few months." Connor swallowed through a dry and parched throat, "And very little of it good. But you, being here, being back. That's good, it's one of the only good things to happen in a while."
The girl was clearly upset at all the yelling and her eyes flashed purple as she attempted using her problems on Cassie to shut her up. Instead of invading Cassie's mind though, the girl merely used her abilities to make her more calm, hoping it would help her cope with the information being thrown at her.
Cassie felt herself calm down, though she knew it wasn't her. She looked at the small girl and nodded in thanks, having seen her eyes flash. She breathed in deeply. "Who else died, Connor? There's something you're not telling me." She looked at him, her gaze steely, braced for what was coming, hands gripping a plate of her armor.
Connor followed Cassie's gaze and nod to the girl just in time to see the purple fade from her eyes, he might have tried speaking to her once again had Cassie not continued with questions and he started speaking softly as he turned back to face her. "Like I said, you missed a lot. But you've only had your memories back for an hour, and your going through these..." He held out his hand frantically searching for what to describe them, "..headaches? I don't want to overload that brain of yours, it's the smartest one I know."

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