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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor gave a light huff as he watched them continue down the hallway, What's with the full on grudge-like silent treatment. Then raised a brow at Terry's question, "They we're children soldiers Terry. They can't be suddenly introduced into society, they need a safe place where they can adjust over time."
Rush's body began to twitch at first, then slowly began to stand. His eyes were black and his skin was sickly like a dead man. He spoke with what sounded like Dimitri/ rush's voice overlayed with Alexander's. "This body feels amazing. So this is what it's like to be an inhuman." He stepped outside and looked toward stark tower.
"Wait they're child soldiers?" Terry narrowed his eyebrows and looked back at the children. They did have some kind of strange disciplined aura surrounding them. "Reminds me of some other people am I right?" He smirked and gestured to the girls in a discrete manner.

"Ah, I see," Perry nodded. Though he couldn't see if that was either a lie or it was the truth. He felt inclined to it being a lie however, but if it was a lie Dimitri was probably thinking of something harmless. "Wait... Joan's back too!?" Perry exclaimed. He knew Cassie was back but he didn't know Joan was back as well. At this rate maybe a few others from the original team were going to appear.
"Yea!!" Dimitri exclaimed. "She might be in here with the others." He said pointing to the door behind him. "Next thing you know, maniac will be back for good!"
Quiet turned invisible and kicked Terry's feet out from under him and then walked a few steps and turned visible again. She looked at him on the floor with a look that was more of disgust than in anger.
An explosion was heard outside of the tower. Rush's body, now controlled by the remains of Alexander, was using rush's fire to light cars and buildings up. He looked up to the penthouse of stark tower, as if awaiting a response.
"Well, I'll talk to Joan later. Let's go take care of who's outside," Perry suggested and began to head over to the exit. It was probably a minor supervillain, though he had to make sure that he or she didn't cause any trouble.
Connor looked at Terry on the floor with a smirk, "You literally asked for that." He chuckled which was quickly interrupted by the explosion from outside, he looked over at the mysterious girl then at Terry before jogging to the side of the tower where he could look down and see what was happening. "One day...just one little day. Is it so much to ask for?" Once he stepped out on the balcony area he looked over and spotted...Dimitri? No..Rush...Rush? He's dead. There was a ton of confusion that forced the blonde to shake his head a moment.
Cassie heard the explosion and ran to the window. Her eyes regained their old sparkle that they got when a battle was about to begin. She turned to the door that led to her room and, most old memories back, remembered where the secret button was to her lab. After a few minutes, she returned to the Medical Ward in a new suit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/SUPIM2014001_CinarVariant.jpg.5f7131b3c6bb2650a49b92ab09adfb0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/SUPIM2014001_CinarVariant.jpg.5f7131b3c6bb2650a49b92ab09adfb0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
((Without the helmet.))



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The clone heated up his fingers and stuck them into the pavement, etching a message for whoever came to investigate. "Be prepared, Heroes." Before leaving as quickly as he came.
The girl stared hard at Quiet before sitting down, lost in her mind, She was clearly looking for someone but had no idea who it was.
Connor could see the words etched into the pavement from the balcony and watched the speedster speed off. He tried to follow the direction he traveled with his eyes, but just like the plenty of times he tried it with Dimitri he had no luck. It was confusing, to be honest. Returning to the inside he spotted the girl having a stare-down moment with Quiet, and if he hadn't just seen what he had he might have found that fairly amusing. Clicking on his comm in hopes that hadn't been Dimitri and that he was still in the tower, "Dimitri I think we have a problem, and we should probably have that talk soon." He said looking over his shoulder at the balcony that he'd just come from.
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Dimitri touched his hand to his ear. "I was thinking the same thing." He said, looking at his house, now engulfed in flames. "Shit." @Crono
Quiet looked away from the odd girl and saw Connor over on the balcony. She walked over and stood beside him. He had a look of concern on his face. She got a confused look on her face, but did not ask what was wrong.
"Too late to save it now I'm afraid," Perry sighed and patted his friend on the back. "I'll pay for the repairs and anything valuable that was burned. Well, unless it's something really valuable."

"Yah... I deserved that," Terry said as he slowly stood up and wiped some of the dust that got on his back. Soon after, he heard the sound of flames and rushed outside. There was no trace of anyone, however there was a mark on the ground.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Out in the future, 19 years from now, the entire world was in shambles. (This is a blast in the future right now.) A girl is running away from five huge aliens who are chasing her. Suddenly, one screeches as it falls down dead. The other four turn around, and the young girl blasts them down in the back. Her mysterious savior,a boy in a cloak, the future son of another hero nods at the girl as they both run down farther into the destroyed city known as New York. Suddenly, an even larger alien lands down in front of the two. The girl curses, and she screams at the beast, sending it flying. But suddenly, she turns around. And the boy falls to his knees as a purple alein was behind them. The alien cackles as it removes its hand from the boys chest. Thanos looks right at the girl. "What are you thinking o-" the girl screams, launching him back as she flies away quickly. In the center of the town, there was a small time travel pod, and the girl jumps in quickly. She slams a button just as Thanos finds her. She zaps away, into the past.

Present Day, behind Dimitri, a large pod slams into the ground behind him. The door opens, and out of the smoke, a young girl stumbles out. Looking at her, you could see she had the eyes of Victoria, and she had the skin and hair of Marko. The girl looks at Dimitri with widened eyes. "Dimitri right? Hi, can we talk by chance?" @Reaper
Perry was still looking at the burned down house when a large pod shot down from the sky and landed behind Dimitri and himself. He quickly looked back, preparing for it to be some kind of alien threat when a woman emerged from it. "Do you know her?" He quickly asked him. For some reason, she looked familiar. Though Perry was sure she'd never seen her before.
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The concern only grew on his face by Dimitri's reply "What?" he asked over the comm and finally noticed Quiet giving him a confused look he changed his expression by smiling at her sheepishly. Connor hadn't meant to seem so amiss but she seemed to catch onto it, "You can make someone self-conscious about themselves by looking at them like that." He joked, unsure if she was aware of how her own face looked and could be read. "Makes me wonder if I've got something on it." He knew he didn't though, unless Terry had somehow made a bigger mess when making the sandwiches.
Finn hugged Cassie back. "What happened to me? What do you- ohhh the leg thing. Yeah." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "That happened a while ago. To be completely honest, there's been so much stuff going on that I can't even remember which fight it was from." He grinned and patted her shoulder. "It's great to have you back Cass."

Cass smiled. "Great to see you- aw, dangit!" She said as she looked out the window. "He's—" she looked at the black tar on the ground....

"I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE MY FATHER," she yelled, "BUT I CAN DAMN WELL SURE AVENGE HIM!" Cassie let out a loud roar as her hand ripped into massacre's chest, burning a hole right through him. She leaned her face down close to him. "Feel the burn, you little daemon," she whispered, "feel what it's like to go to hell." She ripped her hand right across his body, creating a large gash of black, smoldering goo. She barely felt the impact of the ground. She stood and looked at Massacre, who was on the ground, and spat in his face. "Come at me again, you little hell spawn, and you will taste my father's death."

Cass was on her knees, clutching the side of a cot, her knuckles white, her breath shallow.

That's all Pyrite saw, the endless stretch of faces and screams that looked at him as some kind of light left their eyes.

He woke up on the beach drenched in sweat, behind him was Jett, the bird he was now going to have to deal with, a few feet away was Cindy, her arm twisted and bloody, her body lying unconscious. He pulled his legs close as he calmed himself, breathing in the salty air and listening to the waves, enjoying his last few moments before he had to run from the scene that looked sketchy.

He finally pulled himself off and walked off the beach, there was no need to dwell on his dream, no deeper meaning, it was simply torment.

The sirens were ten, maybe fifteen blocks away now and he didn't have much time. He picked up his sword one last time and faced Jett, tears in his eyes, ".....Pigeon.....Jett......WHAT THE HELL?! YOU TRIED TO EAT HIM!! HOW DO I KNOW YOU WON'T DO THAT TO SOMEONE ELSE!?"

@Steel Zinogre
Dimitri looked the girl up and down, as she looked familiar, but he didn't know why. "One second Connor." He said as he turned off his comlink. "Yes, I'm Dimitri. And you are... Blocking traffic with that thing."
"I got it," Terry called over to Dimitri as he hovered over to the group. Picking up a giant pod wasn't that big of a deal considering the strength boosts he had with the helmet. Holding onto one side of the pod, he lifted it into the air and left it on the sidewalk without really looking. "Oh god... I didn't crush anyone did I?"
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Alexandra looks behind her at all the honking cars. She puts a hand up in apology, and she picks up the pic and puts it in the sidewalk. She sees that someone else was with Dimitri. It was Perry! "Okay you two, listen to me. Dimitri, Perry. I am the daughter of Marko, and I came here to stop Dimitri!"

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