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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
It was a little odd hearing Raitei's voice in his head, but he got the gist of what it was. Sure, but we're bringing him too. Connor spoke in his mind, while nodding towards the unconscious Pyrite. He's injured, your doing. So now we treat him, and the quicker he's at the tower the faster he can get that treatment.
"We'll meet back at the tower." Connor said before looking at Nevermore and holding out his arms, "I can take him on ahead and make sure he's comfortable, if you'll let me." Connor raised a brow, after her earlier words it was clear she was protective of Pyrite which was not only curious to Connor but he wasn't stupid enough not to ask before trying to take him.
Nevermore reluctantly allowed Connor to take him. "Let them help, OK?" She told her cloak. Her cloak secured itself around Pyrite in determination. "If any of you hurt him, that person will regret it. She looked at Raitei Pointedly, then turned Invisible and began to run to the tower
'My doing this to him may have very well got him to give up his smoke and mirrors ways.' Raitei replied ti Connor telepathically. Raitei then winked at Nevermore before she turned invisible. Then he called down a lightning to transport Connor along with Pyrite and maybe Dimitri and Hypnas as well. They teleported to the Med bay of the Avenger's Tower. "Thank you for taking the Esoteric Lightning Express." Raitei said.

@Crono @Reaper @sitanomoto
Connor tried to give Nevermore a reassuring smile before she ran off, taking the cloaked Pyrite into his arms. That maybe true but it could have backfired as well, and while you fought him Cassie's abductors got away. I can't very well talk considering how long it took me to arrive. He spoke into the link in his mind, he wasn't scolding or anything of the sort, merely stating it.

The blonde blinked as they teleported, suddenly finding himself staring at the inside of Avengers Tower. "That's much better than flying." He remarked with a chuckle, moving to put Pyrite down on one of the beds. His eyes wandering two beds over to where Cassie lay, "Friday I hope your scanners are ready to pick up on Rush..Alexanders..? Whatever the Dimitri look-a-like is, in case he wants another go at this."
"Already on it," Friday said. "Cassie's on the couch."

Cassie was curled up in a ball, still sweating but her shivering had stopped, which meant she was almost at the end of her trauma.

Hypnas thanked Raitei and ran over to Cassie. She sat next to Cassie and watched her for a while.
Sarah looked at Pyrite disappointingly as he lay in the bed. She shook her head and turned away looking at Cassie and Hypnas. She walked to them and sat down cross legged and sat silent for a few moments before piping up, "So....What's the deal with you two? I know who Cassie is, but your new. Are you two together or something?"

LokiofSP said:
Sarah looked at Pyrite disappointingly as he lay in the bed. She shook her head and turned away looking at Cassie and Hypnas. She walked to them and sat down cross legged and sat silent for a few moments before piping up, "So....What's the deal with you two? I know who Cassie is, but your new. Are you two together or something?"
"No," Hypnas said with a smile. "It's..... Complicated." She said. "She's important to the team, so she's important to me."
Sarah didn't look satisfied with the answer but went with it, she then snapped her fingers in realization, "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself to you!" She extended her hand, "My name is Sarah Reilly, daughter of one Ben and Laura Reilly!"

"Don't let Dimitri hear you say that." Connor told Sarah teasingly as he stepped closer to the couch from behind to check on Cassie. Though he was just as curious honestly, though Hypnas' answer wasn't very satisfying. "So that begs the question of why the team's so important to you. I seem to recall you trying to feed Dimitri to Massacre at one point. Not that anyone holds it against you anymore, it's just an odd change is all." Then he went all goo goo eyes for her.
LokiofSP said:
Sarah didn't look satisfied with the answer but went with it, she then snapped her fingers in realization, "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself to you!" She extended her hand, "My name is Sarah Reilly, daughter of one Ben and Laura Reilly!"
Crono said:
"Don't let Dimitri hear you say that." Connor told Sarah teasingly as he stepped closer to the couch from behind to check on Cassie. Though he was just as curious honestly, though Hypnas' answer wasn't very satisfying. "So that begs the question of why the team's so important to you. I seem to recall you trying to feed Dimitri to Massacre at one point. Not that anyone holds it against you anymore, it's just an odd change is all." Then he went all goo goo eyes for her.
Hypnas smiled and took Sara's hand. "My name's Hypnas. Friends call me Lisa, enemies call me a nightmare." She looked at Connor. "Before I came, I... Made a discovery." She said. "This was after Cassie disappeared..." She sighed. "She's.... She's my half-sister." She bit her lip, and the mannerism was just like Cassie's.
"Cool." She smiled at Hypnas, "Must neat having a sister! Hell I'd take any siblings at all...Well....Any others." She looked back at Cassie, "So does she know?"

Sarah furrowed her brow, "Okay, I mean, if I was in your situation I'd just tell her. But then again, it is your life." She got up, stretching, "Anyways, I don't want to just sit around doing nothing, got anything to do around here?"

@sitanomoto @Crono
'Well this is very interesting I'm still confused a little but whatever so I heard that Cassie is important is that why people are after her' she says to everyone
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Connor cocked his head to the side curiously. Half-Sister? The two girls continued talking and Connor sighed, "So you either telling me is your secret way of trying to tell her, by telling one of her closest friends. Or this is where you try to swear me to secrecy."

Connor's eyes kept going back to this sudden new girl, Sarah. There was something annoyingly familiar about her, like he'd seen her before, but he couldn't place it.
Nevermore arrived at the tower and walked inside, taking the elevator to the top floor. She strode inside, still Invisible, and then wet to Raitei and slapped him across the face. She walked away, satisfied, to where everyone else was.

Hypnas looked at Connor imploringly. "Please, Connor, Don't tell her. I'll let her know when she's ready, OK?"
Raitei nodded to Hypnas and observed the odd conversation between two others and Connor. Raitei supernatural hearing detecting the footsteps of another approaching him but he saw no one and assumed by the scent it was Nevermore. He smiled even after she slapped him, it was the fact she payed attention to him first that said it all.
The girl walked over to Cassie and once again her eyes turned purple as she attempted to let a wave of calmness and tranquility rush over Cassie.
Sarah looked at the girl who had wandered in in interest and confusion. She approached her and put her hands on her knees, "Hey there little one, what's your name? Where are your parents?"

GoldenCharizard4 said:
Marth Flames

Marth sniffled. "I wive in a allyway..." the child says "I mawth fwames...." he says. he placed his thumb in his mouth and sniffled. he still shook but not as much.

(aight casual. I can be patient. just thought u where like, flitting around other places and just not responding here. xD sorry for being pusheh! do forgive me.)

((You hath been forgiven. Rise my child and wreck mayhem in our dying world.))

"Marth Flames huh? Cool name. You'll like the Tower. It's big and has lots of places to hide if you need to get away from people. There's a computer system called Friday that controls the whole building also, so you can have her list off whoever's coming your way. When dangerous things happen you're in a huge building full of heros so that you never have to worry about being on your own. And as a bonus the place is full of smart people so we have some of the coolest technology around." As he spoke he realized just how much like home the Tower was to the heros of the world. It was a thought that hasn't crossed his mind before. "Yup. It's home. You're going to like it there."
"...I...know only the fell of his mind...I was able to pinpoint him to this city...but there is a large presence that makes it impossible for me to find where he is within the city..."

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