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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Sarah took a breath and ran a hand through her hair, "It's okay, I can deal with this, calm yourself." She took another breath and began to deal with everything else happening, starting with Jordan, "First off, screw you..." She turned to Cassandra, "And go any, any info we get could help."

@Crono @LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros
Footsteps grew louder as a voice came. "It is sweet. Hearing what you all truly think of..." Harry appeared to step into the room. "Harry Osborn. Long time no see, avengers."

Dimitri balled his fists. He wanted to hurt him, but something made him want to hear him out.
Sarah looked in shock as Harry appeared. She began to stumble and had to grab a table to not pass out, "Wha-whe- I thought you were dead....."

Connor rolled his eyes at Jordan, "That was seriously not okay. Your going to help replace those right?" It was a good thing Cassie was out of it, maybe they could fix them before she came to.

He'd just about been ready to say something else when he stilled at hearing Harry's voice, he was aware of the sensation of cool air flowing along his fingers and outward out of sheer reaction. Turning his head to face the guy that he arguably hated like no other, he
almost raised his hand to practice his powers on Harry. The one thing that stopped him was hearing Sarah, and instead he froze in place though his chilled hands continued. "What in the hell do you think your doing here?"
"Oh I was dead... Incredibly dead. I can't stress enough how dead I was. Fortunately, I have VOCS. Her one command was to protect me and after my insides were strewn from me, she-...." He turned to Connor. "Connor! Hope there's no... Hard feelings. I'm taking this new body as a new leaf." @Crono @LokiofSP
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Connor smiled and stepped over towards Harry, "Yeah, sure. No hard feelings at all." Laying a hand on the guys shoulder he let loose all that raw frigid emotion through his hand and latched on. "About that."
Harry howled in pain and fell to his knees as his shoulder was frozen. "I'm sorry..." He pleaded. "I truly am... The goblin is gone... I won't hurt anyone... Anymore...."

Dimitri yanked Connor's arm off of Harry's shoulder. "That's enough." @Crono
It hadn't been what Connor expected, he'd expected retaliation, he'd wanted it, wanted Harry to fight him. But instead he'd gone down and even apologized, the blonde grimaced at the sight even as Dimitri pulled his hand back. He didn't regret what he'd done, rather regretted that nothing had come of it other than pain. Connor turned his head to look Dimitri in the eyes, mouth opening to say something but decided against saying anything. He wrenched his arm free of Dimitri's grasp gently, then proceeded to quietly walk out onto the balcony area.
Nevermore rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, past Osbourne and into the room where Pyrite lay. She tapped her cloak and it wriggled itself gently off of Pyrite. She put it on and sat down in a chair next to the bed. She turned Invisible then visible again this time with a book in her hands. She opened to the page she had left on and began to read "Tell-Tale Heart And Other Edgar Allen Poe stories."

Hypnas looked at Cassie, who was now sleeping gently. She pondered in whether or not she should wake up the girl, but decided against it. She looked at Harry. "Hello Mr. Osbourne."
"Hello, Lisa. It's nice to have someone who is welcoming. Is no one curious about how I am alive?" Harry asked.

"Try something, and I won't hesitate." Dimitri said, ignoring the question before thawing his shoulder with pyrokenesis. "Why are you here?"
Reaper said:
"Hello, Lisa. It's nice to have someone who is welcoming. Is no one curious about how I am alive?" Harry asked.
"Try something, and I won't hesitate." Dimitri said, ignoring the question before thawing his shoulder with pyrokenesis. "Why are you here?"
Hypnas looked at Dimitri. " Mitri, be nice. He did apologize, after all." She looked at Harry and gave him a warning look.
"I think I'm being pretty nice.... Considering." Dimitri said.

Harry shook his shoulder, letting blood flow back into it. He then pulled his shirt collar back and showed a scar circling his neck. "Thanks for asking! I survived by killing my feral clone. Luckily, when I was murdered he stayed away from my brain. As for why... I know about Thanos and I'm not looking forward to dying again. You can be assured I'm here to help. Why would I want to die?"
"Ah yes, because everything in the universe can be fixed with a simple apology...actually there are about six hundred-something planets that an apology DOES actually fix everything..." Jordan said after a bit of thought
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Ah yes, because everything in the universe can be fixed with a simple apology...actually there are about six hundred-something planets that an apology DOES actually fix everything..." Jordan said after a bit of thought
Hypnas raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to argue, and I find that a pretty legit reason for the apology." She looked at Dimitri and then back at Cassie, still wondering if she should wake her up.
Connor stood on the balcony with his palms on the rail, leaning against it wit his head bowed, he was completely aware that a sheet of ice was coating the immediate area of the rail near his hands but he couldn't be bothered to care much about it. Between both Carter and Harry being onboard with helping Connor was torn and frustrated.

Pyrite was another, but he seemed more genuine in his efforts, or atleast that's how he played it. Maybe Connor was so easy because the boy looked like Ivory, and in his own way reminded him of his alternate self. Carter on the other hand was someone who couldn't be trusted, even with the deal in place. It was odd, when he looked at Carter and feeling the way he did, since it was like looking in a mirror. There was probably some deeper meaning to it that Connor couldn't be bothered to figure out, maybe he saw Carter as an embodiment of everything he tried not to be as well as those things he didn't like about himself. Lastly there was Harry, why was it that Harry got his blood boiling? Was it the attempt on his life? The fact that he'd basically killed Dimitri? That he'd imprisoned both Connor and Dimitri for months, or that the being he created almost killed Steve. Harry was the center of it all, and he stands in there claiming to want to help, apologizing, and Connor can't fight against

The blondes fists clenched into the icy rail before he pushed off to turn and look at them from out on the balcony. With incipacitated friends in the same room he didn't trust Harry, so he'd keep an eye on him.
LokiofSP said:
(Just got back, did I get something?)
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, past Osbourne and into the room where Pyrite lay. She tapped her cloak and it wriggled itself gently off of Pyrite. She put it on and sat down in a chair next to the bed. She turned Invisible then visible again this time with a book in her hands. She opened to the page she had left on and began to read "Tell-Tale Heart And Other Edgar Allen Poe stories."
(Well you know what I wanted? For the ending of Tokyo Ghoul to be better, but we can't always have what we want!....JK I gotcha)

Pyrite slowly opened his eyes, wincing in pain as he finally felt the full extent of his injuries. He looked to his right to see Julia reading to him and smiled, "Wow, I get to stay in bed and get read bedtime stories by he coolest girl ever? Man, I should get injured more often."

((.... Is that an anime....? I don't watch animes......))

Julia smiled. "Hey Pyrite," she said, noticing his eyes were open. "Anything I can do for you?" She asked as she bookmarked the page she was on. "Because I'd rather be in here than out there with the biggest idiots on the planet. Except maybe Cassie, she hasn't done anything to me ever. They got her out by the way, and she's fine now."
(I don't usually either, but I have a friend who recommends stuff he thinks I'd like, that was his recommendation awhile back and well.....Now I have a problem)

Pyrite was going to say that he didn't need anything, but then something struck him, "Yeah, you can....I need you to go back to the apartment, there should be a few others there. Tell them that they should come to the Tower as soon as possible."


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