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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The woman looked at Perry and smiled. "Ah, just the man I was looking for. The owner of Parker Industries and the man behind Spider Man. It is a pleasure to meet you, though I wish it was under different circumstances..." Her smile faded. @Pyosimros
(I dunno, maybe Maria can offer that any superheroes or supervillains that want to help capture un-registered criminals can?)
Maria's voice came over one more time, "Alright, alright fine. All of the heroes who WANT to register or have registered come down."
The woman looked at his hand and walked away from him, circling the room. "It seems you have been the front of a certain Act passed by the government. Showing everyone that Spider Man is signing, blinds them to the fact that this Act is not good for anyone, rather taking away an individuals rights. I cannot have a figure like that standing in the way of peace." @Pyosimros
"Training and coordination help. There's no denying that. Of course it won't stop every death, but if it could stop one, it would be worth it. You'd rather have dead friends that are free than alive ones with certain regulations. I would figure you had more sense than this."
"Look lady, I'm having my regrets about this movement too. I don't want to jail people who risk their lives everyday for the city," Perry sighed and he took back his hand.
"Whether or not you regret this choice is irrelevant now. You made a decision, that decision has consequences. Though since you are having regrets about your decision, I'll let you make a different one. You either go on to the air and denounce the Registration Act and its injustices or I have to kill you. What will it be?" She said. She looked at him with hardened eyes, not showing any weakness or emotion. @Pyosimros
"I'm sorry. I'm not putting my company on the line. I-I'm staying neutral in this war," Perry put his hand behind his back and started pacing around slowly.

"If the X-Men stayed neutral I can as well."
"That is quite unfortunate. I was hoping you would have taken our side. It would have made this easier. But if I have to take your life so that this war may end faster, I am willing to do it. All you had to do was denounce the Act, you didn't have to fight." She said. 'Coward' She muttered under her breathe. @Pyosimros
"Certain regulations? You make it sound like they won't be controlling every move you make, telling you when to use the bathroom and when to hold it. If you wanted everyone more organized and coordinated then why not say so? Why not come up with your own training? Why go so far as to let the government and Shield do it? Turn anyone with powers into resources to be used whenever they want. I mean your working alongside the very people that attacked us, that Joseph guy? Who else will they let out with deals to take us down. Hill made it clear she was willing to kill anyone who opposed the bill."

Connor ran his hand through his hair. "What do they care if a hero or two die or if a group of civilians get taken out. End justifies the means right Dimitri? Wrong. We always worked to save everyone as best we could."
"If you took my life right now, thing would only go worse for your rebellion. The public would be scared if you were to just kill Spider-Man," He shrugged.
"Hill... Said what? She's killing people???" He got closer to the bars. "What did she say? Tell me everything."
(Perry is being threatened, no biggie.) She looked at him and thought. "That is true, but people will be constantly looking you to support and you choke, what do you think will happen to your business if the public thinks you are hesitant." She said. "They won't trust you, the business goes down in flames, hundreds out of work."
"Oh, really? Businesses fall every day, what makes you special? That your Spider Man? A guy who has agreed to an Act that imprisons superheroes for going against it and will hunt those in hiding down? If there is one thing the public loves, it's a scandal." She stated.
Connor crossed his arms over his chest, "Let me out and I'll tell you. You know I don't deserve to be in here, I'm not the bad guy."
"No. You're not." He slid the door open. "I'm doing this to save people, I didn't know anyone on my end was killing."
"Look, the Starks have gone through the same thing and their company is still rising. Hell, look at the Fantastic four an their Future Foundation."
Connor stepped out of the cell. "Hill said she'd send her best after me, and if capturing didn't work then she'd have me killed. I'm sure the same goes for everyone else not registering. I know you all wouldn't go that far, but if she uses anyone already locked up." Connor gestured out towards the rest of the zone. "Most of them won't have a problem killing heroes. I don't actually know who her best are. But she's already made a point that she's not afraid to make deals to get her way."
"Well, if you believe that you can survive this, fine, but don't stand in our way. It is bad enough that your a traitor. You should be glad I am letting you off this easily. Though, it might not be long," She holds up a data chip. "Once this makes information known to the public." @Pyosimros

Dimitri ran his fingers through his hair. "Fuck.... What am I doing, cap?" He sat down with his back leaning against the wall.

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