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Avatar: TLA (Necro and Kuroi01)

Ly for her part, merely shook his head. Pulling him up, so they were standing again. "No, no. Try without no exercise," spoke Ly, showing off a few katas, without fire - but breathing loud enough, for Zuko to see, how to perform firebending moves, while keep her breathing even.

"Feel your energy flow, in...I pull into my stance, breath-in. Extent my arm forward, and I breath out. In and out, in and out," she said, showing off the several basic katas, with simple breathing and moving. "The trick here is - eveyrtime, you feel your body tense-up; take a breath. Everytime you feel your body, utilize your muscle, breath-out. Don't try to hard to control it, you have to let it simply flow at first. Then once you are, skilled enough - you can try to control the breathing yourself. Lets try getting it normal rhythm first. Start with your basic katas, no fire but try to focus your breathing into play."


"That is a Fire' Tooth, Azula. This little thing, might seen dangerous - but the thorns are simply to keep away predators. You might, simply thing its non-poisonous then - but if you boil this in hot water and serve it to somebody. Persay as the, then it acts as simple relaxitive - usually to help promote sleep. But in small doses, it causes one sleepyness and dizzyness. Anything else, dear?" asked Ursa, kinda liking the way - how her and Azula were doing, in their own free-time.
Zuko nodded and began to do as she instructed, his breathi was still wrong however it was improving slightly as he continued to go through the movements. Making sure not to actually firebend but to get into the rhythm, however anyone could tell he wouldn't be significantly better by the end of the day unless they observed closely.


She nodded a bit and picked up a rather beautiful one that somewhat reminded her of her mother, it wasn't usually her thing but she sort of liked it. It was relaxing to be learning about flowers, not actually doing anything hard at all.
"Keep going at it - if we can continue this for atleast a week, or a half a day each; the I could suffer to say, that your firebending performance could easily double by this simple act," spoke Ly - looking over Zuko' forms; he still sucked and moved conflictedly like a heavy buffalo-cow. But, if he could manage to fix his breath-control - then he could easily improve on his stance; judging by how far, he had managed to come, without proper breath control.


Ursa looked suprised at that pick, and blushed a little at that particular flower - smiling coyly. "That is Monsoon' Tide - the petals and root are edible immediately, once you remove the leaves. Its an aphrodisiac - when mom and dad, want to get a little more...interactive."
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The idea of doubling his performance made Zuko smirk a bit, if he got breathing control down he'd be one step closer to beatin Azula and finally getting his father's love. Even though it was easier to wish that he was an only child so that his achievements could always impress, instead of Azula taking that away.


Azula's face went bright red and she instantly burned the flower that was in her hand, in her mind she solemnly swore never to touch that kind of flower again. "I didn need to know all that mother..."

(I was laughing so hard at the second part xD )
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(All laughing aside, I'm going to turn up the grim-dark a little, so watch-out; if this moment will be a total 'wtf' or a slight bonding-experience...in the most peculiar way)

Ly smirked at how Zuko was getting his perfomance better - until something caught the sight of her eye; a few Fire Sages were crossing through, the path. Normally she wouldn't pay much attention to their group, as the Sages passed-by here all the time, through the Palace. But one thing struck her as very wrong - Sages didn't walk barefeet.

"Hey. Are you lost?" asked Ly, approaching them - before one turned to look at her. It was all the look she needed, as she had faced this group once before - in Ba Sing Se. Rocks soon flew at her - yet she dodged them with a grace and agility, somersaulting, backflipping and fire-jumping out the way. Before she landed and screamed.

"ASSASSINS!" yelled Ly as hard as she could, soon bending a torrent of flames from both her arms - as the 'Sages' soon lifted an earth-barrier and it was full-on. "Zuko! Striking Dragon Form! Hit them with all you got!"


Ursa laughed at Azula' antics - it was funny to see, that she still could make her daughter uncomfortable in the usual 'family' way. That was until, she heard the loud scream too - assassins. Before she looked and saw two men apporaching, and they lifted their hands. It only took a split second to recognize the earth gauntlets - before Ursa grabbed and threw dirt and a large plant with yellow fruit attached to it at them. Then she fireblasted at them - the fruit exploding and releasing yellow gas into the hall; with the sound of coughing being heard.

"Azula! Get ready!" called Ursa, loosing the usual mother-ly tone and adopted the one of a mother-dragon. As she got into her own bending-stance, waiting for anything to crawl out through the Dangy Dirg plant' gas - well, at least in full senses atleast.
(I think it's a good time for more bonding, but it also helps the kids know they're in danger)

Zuko stopped training when he saw the sages, something about them... Seemed off to him but he didn't trust his instincts anymore than he trusted his breathing technique which needed much improvement, until they proved to be earth benders. Upon her orders Zuko threw everything he could at them, some of his flames even turned blue as he knew he needed to protect his mother in case she got hurt.


Azula got into position quickly, ready for anything. This day was full of strange occurrences and now fighting off assassins alongside her mother seemed to be one of them, she kept her breathing steady as best she could under the circumstances. Waiting for anything in the smoke to move so she could strike.
Ly wasted no time, conjuring up torrents of flame with one hand - while her other hand held one of the swords she had carried. She blasted the assassins with one hand, while using her sword to cut down any boulders hurled at her way.

She knew how they fought, and she wasn't in the mood to try to loose her eye, a second time. The mantra repeating herself, as she got it her battle-form: slash, blast, kill, repeat.


As soon as one coughing figure appeared, Ursa made no hesitation to blast the figure with fire - hitting them square in the chest, and knocking them down; dead or alive, nobody knew. Even Ursa lacked the calm and peace look she usually carried, now she held the bare angry look that only Ozai had seen, never her children.

"Anybody that comes thorugh that yellow steam, you are to hit without hesitation, Azula. Our people know what it is, the earthbenders likely don't," spoke Ursa, keeping one arm in front of her - while she conjured a flame behind her back and started to perform a technique that likely even Azula hadn't learned yet.
Zuko used every technique he knew and this time his breathing was actually better as if the pressure of his family's lives on the line drove him to do easily ten times as well as he had been going just before. No matter what he wouldn't allow these people to hurt his family at all.


"I understand mother." She said surprised by her tone but staying focused, she made blue flames in her hands and soon took out another earth bender who had emerged from the smoke, setting his head on fire almost certainly killing the man.
With their combined effort the courtyard was soon clear of any would-be enemies - albeit some fighting could be heard, further in the Palace. "Follow me and keep your eyes open. More assassins, might be likely here, after your sister or mother. Or maybe even your father."


Ursa hadn't moved much from her position, albeit one could see the concentration and sweat etched onto her face - when she did finally break from her form, she simply placed her front hand infront of Azula, pulling her behind her. And unleashing, the fireball she had been making behind her back.

Unleashing it into the midst, of the hall - it appeared as a simple small fireball, but once it hit the ground. A loud detonation happened, as metal creaked and anything likely standing behind the mist was blown away. Ursa had covered Azula with her robes - wanting to shield her incase, the blast proved to be too strong.

However, both of them remaind intact, and all that remained in the hallway was twisted metal and bodies. "Are you okay, Azula?"
Zuko nodded looking completely serious compared to his usual frustrated but undriven attitude. "Let's go then. "


Azula was actually scared when the explosion happened and after jt happened she did something she never thought she would ever do, she hugged her mother tight on the brink of tears.
Ly walked infront, keeping a firm grip on her sword, while her other hand held a lit fire in her hand. Keeping her steps quick but silent, incase other hostiles were in the vicinity.

"Keep your eyes and ears open."


"Its okay dear, its okay. Hold on tight - we're getting out of here," spoke Ursa, as she hugged her daughter, hoping to ease her fear - then she picked her up with one arm, holding her child close to her chest. It was a bit too much, despite her age, but at this moment Ursa didn't much care - as she held Azula and slowly started to walk out into hall. Keeping one hand up, incase they were attacked. Then they started to pass through the created carnage. "Don't look Azula."
Zuko nodded not seeing the bodies of the people they left behind, he wasn't sure he'd be able to stomach the situation if he looked. He'd never thought he'd kill at this age...


Azula held onto her mother tight. "Mother I should be walking on my own, father would never approve of me shoeing such weakness. I have to be ready for war and that means dealing with the carnage..."
Ly kept on walking - pointing with her fingers that they head towards the throne room; it would be the most defensible and likely largest attack point. Indicating with her fingers - that he watched the his behind.


"Then he can eat my shoe; I don't care what he thinks. You can learn firebending all you want, put I will NOT have my girl be scarred at this age. There is a reason, we have an age limit to certain things," spoke Ursa, not letting go of Azula - as she soon held her face against her chest - as she started to walk over the bodies. Not bothering to check if they were alive or dead - albeit even she didn't want to look in what liquid she stepped into.
(I'm sorry I don't understand the last sentence.)

She stayed silent after that, she wasn't sure what to do. "I-I thought you thought of me more of a monster than your child..." Azusa said softly, quivering a bit as it all overwhelmed her. She wasn't even out of single digits yet but she'd been expected to be the heir and act far older than she was, her father wanted a strong child to inherit his empire. That was just what she was used to.
(Butting it, in other detail than telling outright, Ursa is stepping in blood)

Ursa didn't know how to answer that answer - she simply kissed Azula' forehead and hugged her child. "I never thought of you as that, I just felt you were being...unruly. I never hated you or loved you less - I promise, that I won't abandon you again. You need anything, you can always come to me. Okay, sweety?" asked Ursa, looking at Azula.
(No I meant with Zuko and Ly, I got that she was walking in blood)

Azula started to cry softly into her mother's dress and held onto her tighter, she'd always thought her mother hated or even feared her to an extent and though she always hid it well it made her feel really sad to think her mother couldn't stand to even spend time with her. "D-do you think the others will be alright? They must have come for all of us... What if they hurt Zuzu..."
(Those two were heading for the throne room - while Ly indicated for Zuko to watch his behind)

"They'll be fine, your father has enough guards and he knows how to defend himself. And Zuko was with Ly...she..." Ursa stopped at that sentence, she didn't know how to describe her niece anymore - whom had lost everything in the war, likely even her mercy. Although she didn't need to tell Azula that. "...she can defend them both..."

They came upto another hall, that lead to the throne room - and Ursa immediately ducked back into their hall; as she saw Ly attack one assassin; right infront of them. Jumping onto him, and grabbed its head. Ursa turned and covered Azula' eyes and ears at that - as sick crack was heard, as Ly had smashed the man' head in with a fire-blow into the floor.
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Zuko obeyed, making sure that no one would be walking around behind them. He'd never been given such a large responsibility and he couldn't help but question why Ly even trusted someone like him, he failed so many times before he could let her down now too.


Azula felt her mother cover her eyes and ears as she tried to see what was happening but then again she wasn't sure she truly wanted to see, Zuko had taken care of making sure he didn't see or hear it either. He hadn't looked at any of the bodies he just couldn't handle it. When he saw his mother he ran over to her and hugged her tight.
Ursa looped an arm around Zuko too - wanting to protect both of her children from the attacks, that were happening. It was quiet, and that made her worry even more - on whether there were more assassins about or that they might likely be the only ones left.

Ly didn't bonder on the thought much, as she rose to her full stance, flicking away the red liquid from her hands in disgust, before she drew her sword out again. "Keep close to me Ursa, and watch them - were going to the Throne Room, likely they or Ozai might still be there."
Zuko managed to get out of his mother's grip, he noticed that she was clutching Azula close but didn't bother asking why. No matter what he wouldn't become a burden on his mother like that when she'd need her arms to do fire bending.

Azula also wanted to get down so that she could fight as well, her brother couldn't fight as well as she could and they would be far more effective if they were all fighting not just Ly.
As they reached the throne room - Ly only needed a moment' notice to take in the surrounding. Twelve Imperial Firebenders out of fifty stood against twenty 'Sages', whom Ly had already deduced were Dai Li agents. Ly uttered only one sentence to Ursa.

"Protect the kids," said Ly - Ursa realizing when she said that she meant it in both ways.

"Don't look," said Ursa, to Azula and Zuko, before Ly jumped into the midst of the Dai Li - her sword flashed, before she cut down the first, spinning around and gutting the second. Utilizing firebending, and swordmastery to cut and bleed the earthbenders around her - she had learned one thing about them, during her conquest of Ba Sing Se. They made for bad close-quarter fighting - and with further memories of that Siege flashing in her minds, Ly didn't need much to simply let loose the primal instact of 'kill'.

(Will you control Ozai or me?)
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(Could you please?)

They obeyed their mother knowing by her tone that she was worried about them and they didn't really want to know what was happening behind them, neither of them fully understood how gory war could be or how cruel their enemies could be. Of course they had fully expected no mercy even on children though facing it in real life was nothing like what they had been taught, the idea was terrifying and if they hadn't had someone there with them they knew that it was more than likely they'd be dead.

Ly soon stabbed through the final assailant, before letting him drop dead onto the floor. It was carnage, to put it mildly and she had been on the receiving end of much of liquid' exit. Even her once black hair was dyed a dark red from the amount - despite it all, most of the stuff on her wasn't her' as she didn't have a single wound on her.

Some of the Imperial Firebenders even cringed a little at what had the carnage been, despite being trained to kill enemies on sight, their firebending usually makes it quick and efficient.

"Where is the Fire Lord?" asked Ly, once she had eliminated the last Dai Li agent.

"He is in the Royal Chamber, a slight wound was inflicted upon him," spoke one Imperial Guard pointing towards the door, that housed the Chamber, where the Fire Lord usually took to rest and consolitate his personal knowledge before ascending the Fire Throne everyday. Even Ly was suprised they had managed to breach that close.

"Ursa take the kids and go; I'll handle the rest of the assassins," spoke Ly to Ursa, a cold tone in her voice. Ursa merely nodded and took her children past the Fire Throne - keeping to her side and to avoid them seeing the carnage that had been spilled. Even she admitted, that she was slightly worried if they had managed to wound Ozai. She soon opened the metal door to the Royal Chamber and ushered the kids inside.
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Azula wanted to help but she'd heard one of the imperial guards muttering something about the carnage and that was enough for her to know that she wasn't just uneeded but she was a fatality as well, she hated being so useless and once they were safe she sat on a chair unhappily.

Zuko wasn't unused to the feeling of being useless however this was his father now that had gotten hurt, he didn't even know it was possible for his father to get hurt anymore he was just so powerful.
When they entered Ozai had been pacing the room, looking his usual grim self - albeit once his family arrived, he gave a sigh of relief. Even his heart wasn't made of stone and steel. He gave a quick hug to Ursa, petting Azula on her head and even patted Zuko on the shoulder, giving a nod of approval. If he had managed to keep himself intact through this, then it was good.

Ozai himself had a simple graze on his right arm, that was wrapped up in bandages. "Where you hurt?" he asked, simply from Ursa and she simply shook her head. All of them were fine and okay.

Ly soon enough, entered the room too - her face cold and indifferent. "Fire Lord, we have scoured the Palace of any remaining enemies, detaining any other Sage we have encountered until we can confirm they aren't hostile. More Imperial Firebenders have arrived, and are securing the Palace. Attackers were confirmed to be Dai Li - earthbender, secret agents and assassins. Likely Earth Kingdom behind this..." spoke Ly, before Ozai gave a nod - before Ly bowed and went to leave the room.

(If anybody wants to ask or freak out about Ly' cold and almost mechanical tone reply now. Cause I'll likely timeskip a few days ahead, to the retaliation of the Fire Nation. And likely Zuko and Ly going hunting [later going Avatar-hunting] )

(Plus I head to sleep now)

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