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Avatar: TLA (Necro and Kuroi01)

Her mother joined her as well - she ate mostly, what looked good and tasted good. Ursa didn't focus alot on being a health-nut, likely that she knew most remedies to any ailments she might be inflicted with.

Ozai was still absent as usual, his father was no doubt - busy with his usual works, being Fire Lord and all.


"I can tell, remember.. " replied Toph. With that girl, she could easily pry out your lies or when you were lying to her. No doubt Azula and her would have a blast on messing with his head.

She soon rose up and wrapped his arms around his neck; peeking over his shoulder. "So you going to write about the circus group, we got on the ship?"

Azula wasn't a complete health nut as her mother had called her once or twice, at least not in her own mind. She enjoyed the food she ate and that was enough for her, she didn't need to eat the most delicious looking foods since she already knew what she liked.


Zuko nodded and decided to try and half truth to see if she could still tell that he wasn't being completely honest. "Maybe."
"Most of the stuff, you'll be learning today Azula is mostly theoretical; so the only think I can advice is to not fall asleep," spoke Ursa, as they ate. "It might be alot to take in at first, but the only think you might be subjected to is boredom and sleep."


"Ah; not true and not false. Don't try playing this game Sparky..." flirted Toph, getting into his face - or rather close to it, as she still couldn't distinguish where people' face where correctly. "I could easily run circles around you."

"I doubt I'll fall asleep while I'm learning about such important stuff Mother, I know how to concentrate no matter how many hours of talking I have to sit through. I need to focus because one day I could be a general or even firelord and I need to learn everything I can possibly learn before then."


"And why shouldn't I? It's fun to mess with you and I doubt you could run circles around me anymore." He said with a smirk and quickly kissed her lips before he finished his letter to Azula.
"You know, don't tell anybody, but. I heard Ozai talking about the future - and he was thinking, that maybe you'll be Fire Lord one day," spoke Ursa, in a sort of secret-secret whisper-talk.


"Point for you...for now..." replied Toph, a slight giggle and blush on her face - at that suprise kiss. "Your getting better at this Sparky."
"Really?! Father thinks I could be-? But how can he really tell while Zuko is away, I mean he's been gone for years he's surely matured a lot by now and gotten better. It's never set in stone who will rule after all."


Zuko smirked feeling really proud of himself for actually winning a round with Toph. "You better believe it princess." He said in a teasing tone.
"Actually, it is more to deal with the admistrative-abilities you posses," spoke Ursa, or in simpler terms - how much smarter one was. "I am not much, into trying to play favorites again. But Ozai believed on the persistent ability to keep control and order. Or simply but, he believes that you'll be better after the war, than Zuko."

"He is not sure, on whether he might have gotten better or not. But he thought of it - taking both you, and believing that both of you are equal at firebending. Then, he asked my opinion - which one served better," said Ursa. "And, this is me being completely honest, and not trying to smack-down your brother."

"Despite for everything Azula; you have a better mind at learning and adapting to mental confrontations. You're one to run circles around anybody - that you know you couldn't outright threaten or...eliminate," she added. "Basically, Ozai at the current moment thinks - that you might be material, since you were a better studier at school."


"Oh, that is low," replied back Toph. "If, Princess heard that - she would make you run thirty laps arounds the ship, without any clothes-on."

She then leaned back onto the bed, swinging her legs around. "So, thinking of becoming Mr. Fire Lord after this trip? You likely got the reputation and prize for it now. And Princess is too grumpy to want to take it, so she'll likely shower you with the honors..."
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Yeah, I'm sorry I've been off so long. Also I don't think I'll be able to reply to this Rp properly. I just can't get into it I'm sorry.

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