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Avatar: TLA (Necro and Kuroi01)

In his first battle Zuko had been timid and shy to kill but now he didn't hesitate so much, of course he didn't kill people who surrendered as that would be pointless and even worse dishonourable. When he looked at the villagers he saw that there were no warriors, of course there weren't. There was still a war and now this village only had one measly boy who called himself a soldier.

Aang was really nervous now, he'd only just found out what the fire nation had done and he was worried what was going to happen. Though Katara wanted him to run and hide he refused and ran out of the hut to see the invaders.
When the boy had tried to attack her Ly, didn't make much effort - simply dodged the blow aimed at her, before picking up the boy and throwing him across the snow. When the Avatar showed-up, she merely snapped her fingers and their entire strike-force - went into full-phalanx. Leaving Ly infront of it all.

She then pulled-out her sword, aimed at the ready - another hand held a fireball at the ready; eyeing over the kid; she was curious and alarmed, to say the least. "So. Chances are you are either an airbender, somebody who is wearing airbender stuff...or the Avatar."

"Judging by what is left in the world, and how many know of them at all - I suspect you are the Avatar," spoke Ly, keeping her eyes trained on Aang. "EIther, you have mastered death itself or you have been stalking out in the Spirit World. Doesn't matter, my enemy you are either way - only thing that depends, is on how this will go down..."
Aang stood in front of the group of villagers feeling terrified but he couldn't let that stop him, their lives were in danger because of him and he couldn't allow that to continue. "Leave these people alone! They've done nothing to you!" He said in a very strong voice despite wanting nothing more to run away and use his glider to get away from them and never look back.
"That is all depending on you, Avatar. You wish to fight me then so be it; but you staying here, gives me pause if these people are completely innocent..." spoke Ly, not even flinching at her voice or showing fear or mercy.

She then stepped forward, ready for combat. "You wish to fight, then I'll give it to you..."
Aang shook his head. "I don't want to fight you but I will if I have to. But first I want to try and reason with you." He said and ignored the stupid wannabe warrior trying to encourage him to 'blast him with his avatar powers'.
(Last I recall, he only knew airbending. And consider Ly, well - combine Ozai and Azula without the crazyness or arrogance)

"..boy, I lost my hope for any peaceful reason a long time ago..." spoke Ly, letting pain wash over that memory, as she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, a moment later, that same mercy was gone and replaced by something else, cold fury.

She raised her sword, ignited with fire and cleaving it into the ice - splitting apart the ground they stood on, before unleasing a torrent of flames from her hand. Engulfing their area in hot flames, she was no beginner, she was a deadly veteran and she lacked mercy now.
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(I know but sokka doesn't know that at the beginning remember? He expects him to be powerful because he's the avatar doesn't matter if he's a kid)

Aang looked at Sokka with an awkward expression. "Actually I can only air end, I didn't get the chance to learn any other elements before I went in the ice you know?" He asked and Sokka looked at him shocked, but there was no time for them to fight as the ice was split beneath them and flames made it dangerous to move anywhere in case they got burned or slipped in the ice.

Zuko watched this with a cold expression knowing that these people had no chance, he didn't see why they hadn't handed the child over yet. They'd leave once they obtained what they'd come for.
"I am giving you one chance to surrender Avatar; or else I'll raze this entire village to the ground..." spoke Ly, gathering a torrent of flames around her hand. She gave only one chance, to any of them - in Ba Sing Se, they resisted and everything around them was burned. And thus they awarded her the title of 'Butcher'.

He didn't hate the villagers in general, but she did hate cowardice. They would either submit on their knees, acknowledging her strength - or they would resist and fall. Thus was the cycle of nature herself; the strong flourished and the weak either submitted or perished. If they would become weak, then the other nations would no-doubt consume them. The time for peace had been long broken.

"What is your answer?" asked Ly, summoning the flames and readying for his answer. This would turn into a bloodbath or end quickly.

"?I'll go with you but you have to promise that you will leave these people alone!" The avatar said firmly as he stepped boy, he was no more than a child even though he should have been over one hundred years old at least judging by when the old avatar had died.

Zuko glared at the boy who had the audacity to make demands of them considering his positions, they could melt half the village without having to even break a sweat and he was ordering them not to harm the village or its people. He looked so young and naive though despite his attitude, it kind of made him wonder how the boy was even alive right now.
"You have my word on that boy; you come and I have no other reason to stay here any longer," spoke Ly, snapping her fingers. At that command, her veteran' forces moved forward to apprehend the Avatar. She had made deals before, Toph was one example of her word. As long her opponents kept their end of the word, then there was no reason - that she wouldn't keep hers. Honor and tradition was a big part of the Fire Nation; including keeping honor of your promises.


"Suprise!" As soon, as Azula would open her eyes - she would see the figure of her mother, near her bedside, and having spoken that word - that likely meant something was about to happen today. Along the lines of frillyness likely.

The villagers hated to see Aang getting apprehended and forced to go to the fire nation, they felt as if they'd given up the last hope for the world and it was all because they couldn't fight back. None of the women had learned to fight and the children were far too young to be of any use in a battle meaning that they never had even the slightest bit of hope taking down one soldier.


"What is it this morning mother? Are we going to visit more parts of the fire nation today?" She asked as she sat up with a soft yawn, she'd learnt a lot about the world she'd lived in over the passed few years and she was proud of it because she understood far more than she thought she ever would about each nation, even her own.
They brought the Avatar onboard, and as promised - that raised their bow and started to leave; they wouldn't bother the village anymore. On-board, Ly brought the young Avatar-boy, before Toph who despite blind, could see the appearance by sense.

"Oh, you got to be kidding me. This is Mr.All-and-Mighty-Avatar? Yeah, not buying it..." muttered Toph, after having given a look over Aang.

"It doesn't matter, what he looks like - important thing is to keep him contained. Lock him up..." spoke Ly, as Toph for her part give me a mock salute - before she bended metal infront of Aang, wrapping his arms in the metal and his legs too. Making it harder for him to escape.

"Yeah, sorry kid. Nothing personal..." replied Toph, knowing or not - if the Avatar could tell she was an earthbender.


"No, silly. Its your birthday, your official fifteen. And you know what that means..." replied Ursa hugging her daughter - knowing that Azula had been hampering to get into the tell-tale stuff of ruling a nation for ages now. Although, she couldn't do much with her younger age - but she was legally her own person now. Which meant it was going to get very interesting from now on.
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Aang was terrified of what they were going to do to him and he was surprised to find that the blind girl and the boy were hardly older than he was. "Why are you doing this?! You guys are hardly older than me and you're already acting like soldiers or something!" He said hoping that they would see what they were doing was wrong and let him go.


Zuko rolled his eyes, this was the most pathetic excuse for an avatar he'd ever seen. "I have no idea how a kid like that could possibly survive a hundred years of war with that kind of attitude. He seems like the kind who'd try to convince trained soldiers to stop attacking because the people were suffering." He said not bothering to be quiet.


Azula sat up straighter and smiled more. "Brilliant, so I finally get to learn about ruling this nation. That way I'll be ready if anything happens, I'll get dressed immediately. Where would you like me to meet you for my lessons?" She asked, extremely keen to learn about how to rule such a mighty nation, soon to be the largest empire ever.
"Oh big news, kid. I am like, seriously four years older than you," replied Toph, finishing up the binds and constraints. "And why am I doing this? Because my own people didn't care a crap about me. So I decided to help those, whom are likely to be the big cheese in the world."


"It is an interesting gesture, Avatar. But then, so is the factor - that if we stop, then our people will suffer retribution..." spoke Ly, looking the Avatar in the eyes. He would see someone, that was likely more colder under the surface than she needed to be - a monster, in chains; kept bolted and shut, until she was needed; and yet somebody whom had, this monsterous-purpouse forced open her.

"...how can you fix mistakes, that were caused by your grandparents? On where the retribution for them actions will be received by us?" asked Ly, breaking the Avatar' all so-peace-and-love logic. "Isn't it, even nature' evolution - to seek, grow, survive and dominate? You don't see nature, playing cuddle-feeling between predator and prey. Take him to the brig; under guard."
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Aang looked between them wide-eyed, he couldn't believe that anyone could possibly be so cold towards another person. Everything had changed so much since he had come out of the ice and it was up to him to fix all of it, he had to put the fire nation back to rights and once a good leader was ruling the rest of the nations would undoubtedly be fixed. But he couldn't do all that while he was chained up so he decided he's have to figure out a way to escape, then he would get back to Katarah and Sokka and they could help him figure out how to fix everything.
While he gave that thought, Toph and several group of guards started to bring the Avatar down into the ship and away from daylight. Inside it was a dark-and-oppressive place, judging by the amount of metal everywhere, dark and red colours almost filling the entire place.

The firebenders might be easily dealt with, yet the girl in general - she could bend metal, was that something, that had been discovered when he had been sleeping; it might be a possibilty. And currerntly they were surrounded by metal, with his own locks and chains being made of metal. Something told him, that fighting her - in such a place, might not be the smartest thing to do.
Aang bit his lip as he looked around, he wanted to cry but he knew there was no point. He may have been the avatar but he was still only twelve and had no training, he didn't know how to save anyone and he didn't even have a clue how to bend metal nor did any of he avatars before him. Since there was nothing he could do at that time he started meditating, remaining hopeful that eventually he would come up with an answer and do what he was supposed to do. Until then he would refuse to move or even eat, he didn't need sustenance of that kind as he'd been taught by the monks how to draw it from the universe.
"Woah, there Speedy Lee. How about you get dressed and eat first, before we meet up with your tutors?" replied Ursa, ruffling Azula - that no doubt, messy from sleeping. She gave Azula, a quick kiss on the cheek, before leaving. "Don't keep us waiting."


As Aang, meditated - the cell' soon started pumping in ice-cold air. They didn't have much constraints on them; so they used the ventilation to try and keep him docile.

Knowing that the metal binds, might be only temporary with him.

On the other side of ship; Toph was currently 'annoying' Zuko, whom was currently writing something back to home.

"So? Think we'll get a reward, when we bring the Avatar back? Money, fame or maybe getting nationalized?" asked Toph, flirting with him - as no doubt, he was trying to concentrate on his writing.
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"Of course I not mother, I haven't kept you waiting before." She said and the second she left the room she quickly got dressed and did her hair, as well as her make up which she had started wearing now. That only took about two minutes so she even managed to catch up to her mother who wasn't going so fast. "I'm ready."


Aang started to have a vision of the previous Avatar, Avatar Roku. The one who had been around at the start of the war, Aang was shocked to see him but he knew that this was his only chance of getting out of his bonds before he got to the fire nation. It was possible it would be the only time he even got the chance to move on his own.

Zuko sighed as Toph continued to bug him. "Sure, you can have all the money and fame you want. But can you be quiet so that I can concentrate? I'm writing a letter back home." He said and shooed her away, briefly forgetting she couldn't see him moving his hands.
"That you are..." replied Ursa, leading her along to the Dining Hall - where breakfast was being served and it was, a big banquet. "Well, dig in."


"I can't be that much of a distraction..." replied Toph, leaning closer but soon drew back - knowing he would get that, funny-irridated. "Fine, I'll be quiet, until you finish writing to momma...but only until then..."

After that she proceeded to plop onto his bed - leaning onto the cozy pillows and sheets.

Azula smiled and began to put some food on her plate, as always she made sure it was a healthy and balanced meal to maximize her performance for the day.


"And how will you know when I've finished?" He asked smirking and continued writing a letter to his mother, then his father and after a bit of deciding to Azula as well. Over the time he'd been away he was proud to say he'd matured, not to mention he's missed her a little.

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