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"No, your not. I don't need to be able to see your not feeling well," sighed Ly, turning around as she faced the sea again. "Despite what you might think Zuko, its just easier for me this way."

"Easier to drown in the hatred...than in the sorrow," she spoke, sounding broken.
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This honestly surprised Zuko and he wondered just how hard it must have been for her to lose not only her father but her brother too, they had seeme to be so close and so happy before but that could never happen again. All that was left now was them. He knew his uncle would have wanted to tell her otherwise but he couldn't now that he was gone.
Ly hadn't said much, as she didn't want Zuko to see her face, yet she soon spun around and hugged him - once he was close enough to her. It was hard, but she managed not to break apart too much.

"...it isn't pretty out there Zuko..." spoke Ly, the slight wetness of tears dripping onto his shoulder. "...it was the first time I picked up my sword and slew another...you and the rest are the only family I have left. And I won't loose any of you in this war...I'll die before I let that happen."
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Zuko was confused but still he hugged her back gently eyes wide, he couldn't understand how she could go from seeming so cruel and heartless to being close to breaking down. It reminded him of now and then when he thought he saw Azula look sad when she watched him and their mother which made absolutely no sense to him.
"Don't be afraid, but don't be complacent," she added, letting go of him but resting one hand on his shoulder - he could see, that she was indeed crying. "There is still war out there, it may come for us soon too - I need you to be strong, for everyone' sake. Even your sister' sake..."

"I lost mine, out there..." she spoke, trying not to break-up at that moment. "..and it hurt my heart. Everybody can brake - you might not see it, but your both young. You see somebody close die infront of your eyes...and it can scar your soul forever..."
"Azula doesn't need me to be strong, she doesn't need anyone. I'll be completely honest she's a bit scary sometimes, mother doesn't much like her either and I can understand why. It just feels like she's some heartless monster that enjoys only causing others to be afraid of her.." He said almost hatefullay but stopped when she started talking about losing someone close to you, right in front of your eyes...
Ly sighed at that antic, rubbing her eyes free from the tears, that remained. "...you stupid little boy..."

"Zuko, being good at firebending doesn't mean your good at everything. Nobody is, no matter how much they hide it," spoke Ly, patting his shoulder - shaking her head in slight amusement. "So she plays practical jokes and makes fun of you - last I checked you were still brother and sister. I was like Azula when I was her age, making fun of Lu Ten - sticking fish under his sheets and in his pillow."

"...he took it with a laugh and a half. And usually got back at me," she said. "...have you ever thought, that maybe Azula just wanted attention? Don't take it all so personally, if she is good firebender, then maybe she doesn't know how to speak in an usual way. When I went to school, we had all sorts of girls there...and nobody was scary or mean, when you got to know them..."

"Try being friendly...so she is a better firebender, so? Your taller than her..." said Ly, giving a slight chuckle at that. "..trust me...because there will be a moment in your life, when you wish you had been more interactive with eachother. Take it from me........."
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"She's not just better at fire ending she's better at fighting and education... As for being friendly-" he was about to say that he tried it but when Azula was about five his mother spent most of her time with him not her and he started to feel conflicted on the matter.

Zuko looked up at Ly looking clearly confused. "If she wanted attention why would she seek it from me? I mean we used to play when she was really small but mother usually spent more time with me and mother seemed to enjoy talking to me. Besides Azula has friends so it's not like she wants me, let alone needs me... She got to be far too independent too fast when she was a kid."
"You do know, that your mother hung around you - because you lacked friends around that time? It was natural, because Azula hung around her own people...and now?" asked Ly, crossing her arms. "You know, how Ozai is - he is demanding and doesn't have time for small-talks. With him you have to learn fast."

"...and last I checked, Mai' father and his family, had been sent by Fire Lord Ozai as acting administrators to a newly conquered earthbender city. And that Ty Lee girl, I haven't seen her since I came back. So put this together - what is a young girl to do, with her friends gone - mostly having been stuck with lessons by Ozai and a mother whom is too busy with you?"

"So dad being busy with work, and mom busy with you. Do you blame her, for seeking attention from you?"
Zuko was shocked by this and almost couldn't believe that his own sister could possibly have feelings like that, for years he'd just seen her as a heartless jerk but now his cousin was bringing up some good points. "But whenever I ask her about them she gets mad at me and throws fire at me til I back off, how is that trying to get my attention. It's more like she's making it clear she wanted to be an only child."
"If she was an only child, then she would get momma' attention too, no?" asked Ly. "Okay Zuko, your old enough to hear my reasons about this. So let me look it, from my perspective - I've learned politics."

"Your, for a lack of a better word, are 'lacking' behind on your firebending, and edging along your studies. As such, I assume Ozai see it better use of his time, to teach Azula as she shows better skill in learning," said Ly, summing up the idea. "Now put yourself in Azula' shoes - she is likely learning everyday on firebending and running the nation; while you get to slack-off and hang around your mother. She knows she is better than you, yet you have always more time to do, what you like - while she has to work-work and being younger than you. How would you react, in that sort of situation?"

"Actually, that gives me a good idea. Come on," spoke Ly, taking a hold of Zuko' hand. Letting him think about that while she led them back to the Palace. Namely towards Azula' room - their arrival would be a suprise, but not what Ly had in mind.
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"Well I'd be really mad I guess because I shouldn't have to make up for what my older sibling lacks, but she always seems so happy when she beats me in something and she constantly mocks me about it knowing that I can't beat her. Even if she did want mother's attention mother doesn't approve of how violent she is and sometimes it's almost like she's afraid of her, I do what I can to help her not to be though." Zuko said thinking about it a lot.

When Ly started pulling him Zuko had a bad feeling that she was going to take him to Azula's room. "We're not going to her room are we? She hates being disturbed, I almost got a scar last time."
"Well I got one, so no worry for me," replied Ly, opening the door to Azula' room. Not minding to knock or be on the receiving end of fireball, should it be thrown.

"Hope you aren't sleeping, because I got something to inform you."
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Azula was face down on the bed until she heard the door open and she quickly got up, she knew not to throw a fireball at just anyone who entered and when she saw Ly she was more confused than enraged that she had been disturbed.
"Okay. I got some news for you Azula, tomorrow you are doing...nothing. Go play, hang around, I don't care, your free tomorrow. Or...how about you go be with your mother? I'll be busy tomorrow, trying to bring Zuko upto your level - so I'll be having my hands full tomorrow," spoke Ly.

"And since Ozai gave me the task of training you two - if you might run into him or be asked of why your not doing anything; just tell them it was on my orders. If you run into some questioning, sent them to me, I'll handle any accusations or problems. What do you say?"
Azula looked at the woman utterly confused by this order and she immediately went against it. "I can't do that, especially if you're going to catch my brother up to me. He's not the only one that intends to be the best so no, sorry but I'm not going to do that. Even if you don't train me I do have teachers and if necessary I know I can spar with father." She said firmly, showing that she wasn't going to back down at all.
"Azula - one of the reasons, I'm doing this is because Ozai put me to it - so he could focus on the War and the Nation more," replied Ly. "So, in that case - I am responsible for ALL your sparring and training."

"And its only for a day Azula," said Ly, closing the door behind her. "Plainly speaking - I am trying to teach Zuko something. Namely the difference, in what you do everyday and what he does. As I said, your free to do what 'you' want - one day. After tomorrow, everything will return full-throttle; so don't worry about falling-behind, if that is your worry. Cause even I won't allow that. So like it or not, your getting one day-off."
The girl sighed and looked away not sure what she was going to do with her free time, she hadn't had freetime since she was a child and hadn't shown much talent in fire bending at all. Even back then she didn't do much for fun besides hang out with Ty Lee and Mai, but they didn't play much. Ty Lee did a lot and they talked but now they were gone.

Zuko seemed unsure as well as he had no idea how Azula trained, he knew it took many hours but she hardly had a hair out of place afterwards. When he thought about he supposed she seemed rather out of breath.
"Now then - off to sleep. And you'll receive eachother 'schedule' tomorrow," spoke Ly, as she soon left Azula' room, heading back to her own 'quarters' that was provided in the Palace.

Reversing their day-plan would be a good shocker for both of them - and maybe it would put atleast some sense into eachother.

(Timeskip to tommorow?)
They each went to their beds not sure how the next day would turn out, Zuko was used to an hour or two at best of training and even then he would get a break here and there. Azula was used to her days starting early and being full on, she didn't know what she'd do if she didn't have anyone but servants to talk to. Her mother obviously wasn't an option.

As the morning sun, rose with the next day. Zuko soon got a rough awakening, namely in the form of a shouting Ly. "TIME TO GET UP!"

"Get dressed and lets go, you got breathing exercises and form-training. Move it! Ten minutes! GO!"


For Azula the time, could awaken her - due to her being so used to it, or she could keep sleeping. Or perk her ears to the yelling that was emmanating for Zuko' room. As he was being yelled awake, at the usual time that she awoke.
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Zuko was surprised by this and jumped when he heard the yelling in his room, he honestly hadn't expected it and he was still sleepy when he was given the orders so he didn't really register what was being said to him.


As for Azula she woke up peacefully and was immediately on high alert then noticed no one was there, usually servants came by now to give her her breakfast so that she could be ready for her training. Then she remembered what Ly said.
"Move it! MOVE IT! GET DRESSED!" yelled Ly, even louder - using a similar yelling tone that she utilized when she commanded. Which was enough to reach over the sound of moving war-machines. Throwing Zuko his usual training uniform and pants.


Azula herself, soon could hear the loud yelling coming from Zuko' room, and it sounding very similar to Ly - albeit even louder that could be possibe for any firebender to reach upto. That sound alone would be enough to wake half the Palace.
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Zuko got up still sleepy and not really able to get his brain to function properly, though he was still panicked from the loudness and the sterness of the voice. It reminded him of his father if his father ever got really mad.


Azula was still getting used to no one being there in her room waking her up and she decided to just lay down again and try to relax.
Ly groaned at the lack of movement, as thus - he pulled off the shirt Zuko' slept with, and then took the jug of water sitting on the cupboard nearby; drinking a good deal from it and then splashing the rest into Zuko face to wake him.

"GET! DRESSED!" yelled Ly again, this time enough to really wake everybody.


"GET! DRESSED!" came the voice of Ly, yelling enough to wake-up the palace.

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