Avatar: The New Generation

((Ohmigawd I completely forgot abt this forgive me cabbage master T_T))

Lark saw the commotion and noticed a restaurant that was very damaged. It looked like there had been a fight of some sorts, with air ending involved from the way the damage looked. Police were gathering. Lark walked up to some people (kio and Akio) and asked, "Um... Do you guys know what happened here?"
(I leave a and the cabbage guy comes)

"It seems like there was a fight and I'm guessing by all these papers one was a airbender" Kio stated "other than that we have no clue" Akio pointed out the airbender they could barely see "look its a girl airbender at that"

"Look over there! haha! Kio that guy lost his cabbages!" Kio pointed then the twins both started laughing at the poor cabbage seller then they high fived and looked back to Lark "were Akio and Kio the Kiba twins! who are you?"
((Cabbages are the most noble of vegetables.))

Vivian was about to head back to the farm when she noticed a pretty black-haired girl being harassed by a police officer- now, THIS airbender wasn't one to eavesdrop, but she remembered seeing the girl kicking some serious butt back at the restaurant and couldn't help but be interested. Of course Vivian didn't approve of unnecessary violence, but something within her wanted to step in and help the fighter out. She took a deep breath and touched a hand to the blue airbending tattoo on her forehead, then spoke up. "Officer," Viv snapped, "I seem to have lost my wares amid this barbaric fight, and would like to discuss compensation with you." She made her voice polite but firm, and was pleased to see the female officer turn away from fighter girl. The officer made a small, annoyed nod and walked over, not before giving the fighter a dirty look. "Stay there," The officer muttered to the other girl, but Vivan shot her an encouraging glance- she only hoped that the girl would take her chance and get out of there.

Instead of addressing her query, the officer only gave Viv a hard, long look. "Were you involved in this fight? I distinctly remember a strong wind knocking things around in there," The officer said suspiciously, glancing at the airbender's tattoos. Vivian's steel eyes narrowed. "I did what I could to clear the area," She said after a few seconds, although she didn't quite remember sending a strong wind through the restaurant. The officer nodded. "I think you'd better come with me to straighten a few things out." Greaaaaat.
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"Alright everyone!" the leader rounded up all of the remaining people near the restaurant. "We're going to have to ask all of you some questions." Groans and sighs emitted from everyone's mouth as they were brought down to a very serious looking building.

Sorting the people out into smaller groups, coincidently our heroes were all in the same group. "I hope you all know why you were brought here today." the policewoman focused her glare on Jia. "Jia Lan. Why are you here again?"

Jia looked down at the stone floors, biting her lip and averting her eyes from the policewoman. "Because I'm a trouble making hooligan who can't control her own temper." Jia stated the same thing she said every time she entered this very building.

The policewoman sighed and turned her attention back to the whole group. "I'm just going to ask you a few questions, and you can leave, okay?"
Aisha looked at Jia,"Jia,here is your money!I told the owner that I would pay for all of the damage!"The young circus folk proclaimed as she took a seat next to Jia and smiled at the Officer.The wind had blown her hood off revealing all of her doll like features.It would be impossible to think she did anything wrong,plus the fact that she is an idiot ruled in.
Jia stared at Aisha, feeling guilty that she made the girl pay for her. "No, you keep it." Jia pushed the bag of money to Aisha. "I was the one who pretty much started the whole thing." Jia smiled gently at the girl before being hit in the head with a metal stick.

"So it was you after all!" the policewoman frowned at the fire bender, shaking her head in disappointment. "I had a small hope that you were just a bystander, Jia..." the policewoman sighed and crossed her arms.
Aisha slammed Jia's money her hand with a smile,"I said take your money!"The young woman said with a slant of her head.

Aisha turned the policewoman,"Actually the whole thing was my fault.See while we were ordering our food,the thugs came in and pushed us out of line.I told them that they were breaking in line,and the thug was trying to push me around.I wouldn't allow him to do that,so he resorted to physical violence.He rushed in for a punch and Jia stepped in front of me to deflect his attack,and that's how it all started.Jia was just trying to defend me,so please understand..."Aisha explained the story,which was a complete lie.Even though the story was made up out of thin air,with Aisha being so innocent appearing,it could become reality in the policewoman's mind.
Jia slammed the money down on the counter. "She's lying! It was my fault! Their leader came up to me and started hitting on me, so I pushed him away and sent him flying. Then he told his gang to get me, and then it got out of hand and became a fight!" Jia would not let this girl take the blame that she had caused, it wouldn't be right.

The policewoman sighed and shook her head. "I can tell you're both lying." she smirked at the two girls. "I've been in the police department for years now, do you think I couldn't tell that you two are lying?" the policewoman clicked her teeth, shaking her head.
Faith stood awkwardly at the back of the room, focusing her attention mainly on the floor boards. She hadn't realized at all what she had gotten herself into until it was too late. Now memories of back when she was considered a 'witch' flooded her head, gnawing at her conscious. No matter what she told herself, it felt like an utter repeat of what had happened before, and she bet she could predict what the police officer's remark would be when she saw her. The fact that other benders were there as well and she had simply acted in self defense didn't compute. She felt alone, the only face in a sea of shapeless people, standing out like the sun itself.
Hikari, who was sitting and watching the girls argue, stood up.

"My apologies." she said, her expression not changing. "But it was neither of their fault. If this...Jia....fought, it was out of self defense, so nobody did anything wrong."
"How about it was everyone's fault?" Ishiran muttered, irritated he never got his food. He stood up and took Rhea's hand. "Why don't we find another restaurant. You okay with that Menna?"
Hikari shot a look at Ishiran and sighed.

"Well, thanks for the...whatever that was. But I have to go." she grumbled, picking up her book.
((I'd be irritated for the same reason as Ishiran. xD ))

Faith's eyes wandered from Ishiran to Hikari, then back to the police officer. It was only then that she noticed her grumbling belly, realizing that she hadn't finished her meal, let alone even started it, before the fight broke out.
((Haha ikr?))

The policewoman sighed, it wasn't like she was going to get much information about them anyway. "You can leave," she looked up at the group with a frown. "But for a few days you will be under surveillance so you must try to stick together until then." Gesturing out a man, the policewoman introduced him to everyone. "This is Kou Lim," Kou let out a tired sigh, obviously not wanting to be here. "He will be watching you to make sure nothing bad happens."

Jia frowned and rolled her eyes. "Why do we have to be 'watched' anyway?" the fire bender crossed her arms and had a very irritated look on her face. She was damn hungry, and if that kid tags along she'll have no money left! That reminds her...didn't she already pay for the food?

The policewoman stood up from her seat and began to explain, "If those gang members come back I don't want you children to start another fight," the policewoman glared at Jia. "Jia." Turning back to the rest of the group, the policewoman began to pace back and forth. "Mr. Lim here is a master fire bender who can easily take out the gang in a few seconds." Kou frowned and crossed his arms. Leaning back, the man took out a bag of chips and began to eat them, causing much noise in the room.

"Am I clear?" the policewoman finished her explanation and glared down at the group of children, well to her they were children. Jia barely flinched at the woman's harsh glare, how many times had she been here before? Kou leaned back on a wall and continued to eat his chips.
The young water bender was stunned. She tripped over herself, searching for words but not finding any. She couldn't stick with a group of people she didn't even know, she had other things to do. Besides, socializing wasn't her strong point. Being called a child struck a nerve as well, but then again, it was better than what she was used to being called. She folded her arms and scowled at the ground, still not daring to speak. It didn't help that she was still hungry.
Vivian shot the policewoman an annoyed look, but remained silent. Although she understood that law enforcement had a sworn duty, this was more ridiculous than noble. How was she supposed to hang around with this lot when she had so much work to do at the farm? Her brothers would be worried sick ... Albeit about the profit she was supposed to be bringing back, but still. The airbender glanced around the room, noting hungry and irritable faces. A low grumble rose from her stomach, and her freckled face contorted into a grimace.
(Oh, ok lol)

Akio watched the benders bickering and was annoyed she was dragged here she wasn't even an actual witness their curiosity had gotten the best of them...

Kio was distracted by a weird lemur-monkey outside it was staring him straight in the eye from the window... it was creeping him out he hoped they would be done soon. .. that would make a cute pet
Zen just sat on Kiara's back and leaned on her shoulders as he yawned as the police gave their boring speech, yea yea. So they were forcing this huge group of people who barely know each other to stay together, be watched by some lazy bugger all because we happened to be at that restaurant.

Once the policewoman was done yelling and threatening them, Zen heard the rumbling stomachs.

"Hey guys, since none of us actually got eat. Why don't we go find a restaurant where we can eat without being attacked and sent to jail!"

He said, addressing the whole group.

"I know a place that serves really really good ice-cream for dessert! Come on Limmy, since you are suppose to be our babysitter. You can even have some too..."

With that Kiara yawned and stretched her body out as she got up and started walking with Zen out of the police station, he wasn't really going to wait for them to excuse the group, he was hungry just like everyone else.

"Come on guys!"

He gestured for them all to follow him so he could show them the way to the restaurant, The Broken Pot.
Ice cream? Kou looked up at the man with the Tiger tattoo dillo with a happy sparkle in his pale green eyes. Getting up silently, Kou easily followed the man, hoping that he didn't have to pay for his own meal. There was one thing that motivated Kou, and that was food.

Jia glanced up at the man and felt her stomach agree with what he said. Knowing that there was probably going to be a fee for everyone, Jia pouted at the bag of money for a moment, but quickly left it on the counter for the policewoman to take. "And I agree with you." Jia smiled at the man and hurried after him, her stomach demanding loudly for food. Shut up appetite. Jia scolded her stomach mentally, not wanting anyone else to hear it, Jia decided to start a conversation. "Well, I'm Jia." the female fire bender stuck her hand out for the man to shake.
"I am Zen and this is Kiara."

Zen shook her hand as she walked beside Kiara, then motioned to introduce his ever faithful companion. She simply grumbled, that girl had better not touch her or she'd bite off her hand.

He showed the group the way to the restaurant, where they were immediately seated. It wasn't a posh restaurant, but it had a humble and sweet vibe to it. They literally had a large broken pot swinging above the entrance. Inside it was warm and cozy, it felt more like a home then a restaurant. A young girl, with giant pigtails came up to be their waitress. She smiled big, showing three missing front teeth.

"I'll bring menus!"

She skipped off, seeming very happy at the giant influx of customers. Thankfully they were seated quickly and without fuss since Zen knew the place. They were the only customers around though, the place was totally deserted.

The girl came back and brought menus as well as bread sticks. Zen immediately grabbed a bread stick and took a bite.

"Well since it seems we are going to be stuck together for a while whether we like it or not. I guess we should introduce ourselves!

My name is Zen, I'm from the Fire Nation. I'm 16, I'm not a bender and this is my best friend and traveling companion Kiara."

He motioned to Kiara who let out a sudden roar, shocking the whole restaurant as she then lay down and went to sleep as Zen continued to sit on her.

"Ummm.... know I'm forgetting something.... and oh yes. It had been one month since my last bar fight!"

He joked, making it sound like some sort of AA meeting.
Vivan was sure to keep an eye on that so-called master firebender- the one snacking loudly on a package of crisps. He didn't look threatening, but maybe that was his ploy. Suspicious though she was, Vivian perked up at the idea of food. As long as the group was stuck together, she supposed some dinner would be nice. When they arrived at the Broken Pot Viv settled herself into a window seat and observed the rest of the group. Everyone was young, and had that particular look in their eye ... That certain spirit. The airbender's own seafoam eyes sparkled a little; it had been a while since she had interacted with other youths, delinquents or not. She smiled at Zen's joke and than introduced herself as well. "Vivian Dey, seventeen. I'm an airbender from a farm not too far from here." She offered a small grin to the group and waited for more introductions.
The twins looked at eachother they had some money they had made in an earthbending tourney "might as well...." Kio of course grabbed the lemur-monkey outside

he turned to his sister "isn't he a cute li'l guy!, can we keep him?" Akio looked back at her brother raising an eyebrow " sure, if you can take care of him..."

"Don't you worry!, I'll take good care of him!" "I'll call you Xeon!" Akio sighed and entered the restaurant with everyone else "Xeon will have to stay outside Kio I doubt they alllow animals in here
Kou decided to go along with everyone else. "I'm Kou Lim, as you know, and uh...I'm 15 and from the Fire Nation." The lazy teen leaned back in his seat and continued sucking in the chips like a vacuum. Kou spotted a lemur outside with two siblings that looked like they were twins. "Ah...circus." The last time Kou had seen a lemur was when he had gone to a circus and watched them perform.

Jia beamed brightly as she took a seat and stared at the Tigerdillo. "You're a very good looking girl, you know." Jia complimented the Tigerdillo, as weird as it was, Jia thought it was true. She had passed by a zoo one time and saw the Tigerdillos there, they weren't as beautiful as Kiara. Maybe it's because Kiara has more freedom and can roam around. "Well, I'm 18 and also from the Fire Nation." Jia added in, stealing a few chips from Kou.

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