Avatar: The New Generation

Hurrying over to Ash, Jia quickly kicked one of the gang members in the face, causing him to stumble backwards and cause a very comical domino effect. The fire bender was trying very hard not to bend, for she didn't want to burn down her favourite restaurant.

"Are we about to start a fight?" Jia laughed at the domino of men. She watched as everyone else ran out of the store, not wanting to get into the fight.
Faith peeked around a corner at the current scene. She bit her lip hard and considered following the others outside. She certainly had never been caught up in a fight before and having the opportunity to get involved definitely wasn't appealing. She took a step back, quickly considering her options.
Jia grabbed one of the man's hands and flipped him over her shoulder, almost knocking in a girl around the corner. Of course, Jia was too preoccupied with fighting off two other men to even notice the girl, but she did see her, just that the fire bender didn't acknowledge the woman.
Faith jumped back abruptly as she almost made contact with Jia, almost losing her own balance. She was sure she wanted to leave now, but the strange impulse to remain still nagged at her.

((Hm, mind if one of the guys sneaks up on Faith and she's forced to defend herself?))
Vivian acted instinctively. Her hands whirled up around her head as she saw a body hurtle toward a thin brunette girl peeking around a corner; breathe in, breathe out, feel the air, close the eyes and direct the current. A barrier wind separated man and brunette, catching the girl and pushing the ruffian away from her. After a few moments Vivian realized what she was doing and let the air barrier fall, embarrassed. It wasn't her place to get involved in fights that weren't her own. Regardless, she called to the brunette, "I'm sorry, are you alright?"
((Yup totally! They're NPCs anyway :) ))


Jia slammed one of the men down on the ground, secretly enjoying this little fight. It's kind of like duelling, just that they're actually serious about hurting you. Jia chuckled and did a round house kick to the neck of one of the men, causing them to fall back and cough violently.
Faith let out a small "Eep!" as the wind rushed around her, neatly sweeping her off her feet and dropping her on the ground again. She spun around on her heel, a look of shock and surprise painted on her face as she spotted Vivian. "Um, yes... thank you," she called back, the words more escaping her mouth then being purposefully said.

In one quick movement, one of the men leaped behind Faith, firmly gripping her hair and pulling her backwards onto the ground. She landed with a dull thud and grunt, looking up at her attacker with an even more bewildered look. Instinct kicked in, and she shoved the man's legs back with her foot, tripping him up and sending him face first onto the floor. She shot back up onto her feet, brushing a brown strand of hair out of her face and instinctively taking a few cautionary steps back.
Before Vivian knew what she was doing, she involved herself. Again. This movement was more complex than the last; her feet moved in spirals as she gathered the wind beneath her fingertips, and then released it with her own exhale. The man who had attacked the brunette from behind was neatly lifted off of the ground and into a nearby river, making a loud splash as he went. Viv scooped up another gangster in a similar manner and deposited him in the river, but there were still several more ruffians she could not deal with from her current vantage point.
Ishiran watched them fight. He had his hand on his spear but made no move to help. If they got near them then he would attack, but he wouldn't if they did nothing to him.

"Stay here Rhea. It's not safe." Ishiran said.
One of the men had managed to sneak behind Jia and was about to bash her in the head with a chair, but just before he could land it a large creature flew past grabbing the chair out of his hand as it yanked out painfully. The tigerdillo snapped it's mouth shut, smashing the chair to pieces as it growled at the man.

"Well it seems I get to pay off my debt already, I didn't expect it this soon... You make it too easy."

He smiled at Jia as Kiara charged forward, aiming to bite the man in two which caused him to run off in terror.
Viv glanced at the river, where the two men were slowly climbing to the shore. Good. She didn't want them seriously injured, just displaced and what in the name of Aang was that. A huge brown form had just flown past her peripherals. Blonde curls spun as her head snapped back to the restaurant, where a tigerdillo of all things was smashing chairs and lunging at people. Vivian overcome her initial sense of wonder and turned to practicality. That creature, magnificent though it was, was destroying property- and who knew if it had hurt anybody? Viv saw what looked liked like the beast's handler, so she stood back and let a professional deal with the situation. The tigerdillo must have escaped from an enclosure or something.
"Hey hey! Can you people take this somewhere else! There's kids in here. You're disturbing my lunch." Ishiran complained loudly, banging his spear on the ground.
Hikari sighed, ignoring it all. She flipped happily through a book she..."found".

She glanced up, just now seeing Rhea. She gave a teeny nod before getting back to her story.

For a child.

But eh, who cared?
Not hearing the man's complaints, Jia grabbed another man's arm and threw it at their table, causing the man to break through the glass. Jia was so concentrated on the three new gangsters (lol) before her that she didn't notice another man sneak up on her, ready to bash her brains out.

Hearing a roar from behind, Jia quickly knocked the three men out in panic and turned her head to look at the newcomer.

"Oh, hello." Jia gave a little wave to the man with the Tigerdillo. "Thank you for that." And so the fire bender went back to the fight before her.

I really want to fire bend, but I don't want to destroy my favourite restaurant! Was the only thing that kept her from burning these men down to the ground.
Faith's eyes darted to the tigerdillo then back to the men who had started the fight. It was all spiraling around her head, she couldn't make the slightest sense of what was happening. Her instinct had kicked in when she was attacked, due to good training from Cane, but without anything immediately threatening her she felt at a loss as what to do. All the shouting was incomprehensible and simply became background noise in her head. There was another man a ways away from where she stood, but he wasn't facing her. What he was looking at, she couldn't tell, but the inclination to involve herself and help the others who were fighting overwhelmed her. In a flash, she made her move. She clapped her arms and hands together, then slowly retracted them in a series of spirals and twists, sending a large bubble of water at the man. The man was thrown forward by the impact of the bubble and collided with a wall, his eyes spinning around in their sockets. A small smile plastered Faith's face, as she for the first time succeeded in bending the water without disaster.
Hikari slammed her book down and sent a death glare towards the commotion.

"I...am...TRYING...to read..." she hissed. "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The man landed on their table, while Ishiran pulled Rhea away, to protect her from the glass.

"Now you've gone and done it." Ishiran muttered. "Get the hell out of here."

He picked up the man with one hand and kicked him off their table.
" Whats going on," She whispers shockenly. The glass raining down around them like sharp raindrops, felling herself getting pulled away. She suddenly get a hard look her eyes ," Why is there a man on our table."
"It's a fight. A fight that is getting way out of hand." Ishiran replied. "It's okay, we'll be safe."
Hikari sighed and said calmly, "It's too loud in here."

She stood up, and looked at them.

"I know a good place not too far from here." she said. "It's probably...safer..."
Faith's actions didn't go unnoticed and another man, clad in black, bounded over one of the tables and skidded to a halt behind her. He wielded a javelin in both of his hands and wore a sneer, revealing some of his missing and yellowed teeth. The javelin was but a few feet away from Faith and with a single stabbing motion from the man, Faith was forced back against a china cabinet.
Of course, the fight didn't go down, in fact, our heroes were currently losing! Even if you took down one, two more would walk into the restaurant, ready to fight. There was like an infinite number of them! They were kind of like.....cabbages. They were EVERYWHERE.

With a few kicks and punches, Jia was at her wits end with these people. Do they have a factory producing them, or something? The fire bender frowned and felt a small heat in her hands. No. I can't fire bend. Not here, that is. With a crazy idea, Jia taunted a few of the men outside, leading them into their death trap.
Zen and Kiara kept on charging any of the gangsters that went near Jia, roaring and snapping at them. Dane took out his twin axes to defend himself against any of them. He swung his axes around, not with intent to kill any of them, just scare them away. He made sure to miss, he didn't aim to hit any of them but just flail about madly to scare them away as Kiara roared at them. Hopefully that would be enough to scare these twits away.
Kiara's roar snapped the man's head to attention and for a split second he forgot all about Faith. She took the distraction to her advantage and grabbed the end of the man's javelin, bending water and adding just enough force to knock the javelin out of the man's hands. Faith grabbed hold of the end of it and crouched into an offensive stance, just as she had seen the man do. The thought suddenly occurred to her she had no idea what she was doing. "Damn it, I'm going to die..."

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