Avatar: The New Generation

"Same difference," Menna said wryly. She eyed her brother. "Half...of Hikari's cost? Or half of the meal in general?" She sighed again and stuck a hand in her knapsack. "Forget it, I have enough for all of us. You and me can settle the details later," she added at the end, shooting Ish a look.
Hikari was entertaining herself with a small tornado at the tip of her finger. Back at the Water Tribe, she would make bigger whirlwinds for the children to "fly" in.
((OHMAGAWD I leave and then there's 6 pages....QAQ))


Jia shook Ash's hand violently, a large grin on her face. "Really, thank you!" Jia laughed at his half naked form and then started to walk towards a restaurant. "Are you hungry?" Jia smiled brightly at Ash. This was the least she could do for him after he had helped her complete the move. "Because I'm starving!"

While whistling a light tune, Jia swiftly reached down and grabbed her water bottle. "It's very hot today, don't you think?" Jia chuckled proudly. Because of how strong the sun was today, Fire Benders had a stronger advantage and Jia thought it was a perfect day to train.
Aisha thought the invite was for her too,so she followed Jia,"Oh I would love to eat.What kind of food do they have?"She giggled as she followed the older woman.Aisha's air-headedness was vary prominent,and sometimes it was obvious that it would leak into people around her.
Jia was startled at the new woman's interruption. But, Jia was having a good day. "Whatever we want!" Jia grinned happily and slung her arm over the new girl's shoulders. "I'm Jia, you are?" The Fire Bender thought it was a little cute on how this girl popped in.
Aisha walked next to Jia as the fire bender wrapped her arm around Aisha,"I am hungry!I could really go for something sweet!Ice cream is my favorite,but my favorite brand of ice cream is Kiyoshi!"Aisha babbled on as her low twin-tails swished and flowed in the wind.

(Xynia1998 Well Aisha has rubbed on Ash's shirtless chest and complimented on his abs.Jia perfected her technique.Jia has invited Ash to eat,but Aisha thought she was invited her as well,so now Jia,Aisha,and Ash would be on the way to the restaurant.)
Jia turned to Ash and gave him a friendly smile. "Is there anything in particular you would like?" Jia was very grateful to Ash for helping her out, I guess Jia could consider him a friend now. "Oh, and you might want to put your shirt back on." Jia chuckled at Ash's half naked form and tossed him his shirt. Quickly admiring his muscles, Jia felt her cheeks go a little pink, but easily brushed it off thinking it was just the sun.
(I feel so manly lol)

Ash blinks once, or twice. Then grabs the shirt in mid air, shrugging it back on," Oh my Heavens," He gasps, his eyes becoming as wide," You are so adorable when you blush. He goes over to her cupping her chin in his hands," Blush for me one more time please," A childlike grin forming on his face.
((Hikari, Ishiran, and Menna are looking for a place to eat. I suppose our charries will meet each other when they happen to choose the same restaurant the others are going to?))
Jia's face went as red as her fire when Ash placed his hands on the sides of her face. "Let's go eat!" Jia pulled away from the man as she took Aisha's hand and quickly walked towards the restaurant. "Do you want ice cream for dessert?" Jia asked the woman, trying to get her mind off what Ash had just done.
Ash lets out a small chuckle and follows after Jai ," Ice cream sounds great,"He says to no one imerpticular. But what shall we have for our main course," How about something grilled, like um," He taps his index finger to his chin knitting his eyebrows together,lightly biting his bottom lip as he ponders what he wants to eat. His stomach lets out a small growl.

(Wait I just notice something we don't have a villain)
((Uno momento, mi amiga~ We'll all discuss him on the sign up sheet :D ))


As they entered the restaurant the rich aromas of the food surrounded the group of people. "Oh that smells delicious." Jia sighed as she walked up to the counter, gesturing for the others to join her. "What should we get...?" Jia stared up at the menu in concentration. "There's a four for the price of two deal..." Jia was being very frugal right now, after all, she only had so much money.
Aisha eyes glared as Ash spoke.The young acrobat turned on her heels,placing her hand on the back of his neck,"Spinning Revenge!"She roared sending on a spinning trip with a giggle.Aisha turned to face his spinning body,"She was talking to me!You can get a cupcake!"She giggled as she walked into the restaurant.

(I wanna make a villain)
Kiara grumbled as he tummy groaned in pain as her paws paced along the dusty ground. Zen let out a laugh as he bent down and petted her side.

"It's ok girl, we will go get some food just now..."

Kiara strolled through the town as many of the people turned their heads to look at the boy riding a large Tigerdillo, Tigerdillo were not usually tame and were only seen in zoos. So to see one walking around was peculiar, even stranger that a boy was riding it.

Zen sat on the saddle looking around for a place to eat.

"Hmmm... that place looks good. Smells good too!"

He looked to Kiara who licked her lips.

"Let's eat!"

Kiara leapt forward in joy and walked towards the restaurant, as she trotted forward. One of the employees who was dusting the entrance saw something approach. He suddenly jumped back when he saw it was a wild animal as the broom fell from his hand and he clutched his heart keeping down the heart attack.


He suddenly noticed their was a boy riding the creature, funnily enough that was always the second thing people noticed.

"W...what... d.. do you want?" He mumbled out as he leaned back against the wall of the restaurant.

"Food if you got it, she is very hungry. Can we have a table for me and my girl?"

He smiled looking to the man as Kiara stared at him like a piece of meat.

"Are you nuts?! We are not letting that thing in here. You can't eat here with her, if you want food go elsewhere or you will have to leave her outside!" He yelled out in fear.

"Oh come on, please. She is well-behaved. She wouldn't hurt a fly, we are both hungry and I have money to pay. Please, she won't cause any trouble and we will sit in the b-" Zen pleaded.

"NO!" The man interrupted showing his decisiveness and refusal.
The commotion snapped Jia out of her concentration, causing her to be a little irritated at the situation. "Both of you please shut up!!" Jia glared at the two arguing men, her stomach protesting for food.

"Just let the Tigerdillo stay! You'll get more money anyway." Jia muttered, her fire bender gold eyes showed much annoyance. Looking back up at the menu, Jia's stomach was growling very loudly for food. It was a hot and tiring day, Jia's monster of a stomach needed food, and would stop at nothing to get it.

The employee nodded, not wanting to get one of his regular customers even more angry.
Zen and Kiara trotted in as Kiara stuck her tongue out at the man. Zen walked past Jia and her comrades slowly and he nodded softly.

'Thank you very much, I often have problems trying to find a place for me and Kiara to eat. You'd think people have never seen a Tigerdillo before. I swear!

I owe you one, I am in your debt if you ever need anything."

Zen did a polite bow.
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Ash looks at the Tigerdillo and smiles," Yeah not like its going to hurt anybody," Ash says, then walks up to Jai putting his hands on her small shoulder, leaning down To whisper in her ear," So, what are you getting," He asks.
Jia jumped at the touch and turned her head in surprise. Coming face to face with Ash, Jia froze in place at how close their faces were. "Um...I guess I'll just have my regular.." Jia pulled away from Ash and quickly ordered some food. "What would you guys like?" Jia looked back at the Aisha and Ash. I should've been named with an A! Hahaha... Jia chuckled lightly at her little joke.
Ash walks up to the counter," Just give me whatever taste good here," He says to the cashier,smiling that desne badass smile that gets one the nerves of everyone around him," Also if you don't mind a large cup of water.
Hearing the word water made Jia jump up and run to the counter. "I'd like water to! Make it ice cold! Like really ice cold." Jia stared down at her own water bottle. "And while you're at it, could you fill this up please?" Jia handed the cashier her water bottle as he gave her a weird look.

"Ummm...okay..?" the cashier set the water bottle down and waited for the next person to order.
Ishiran spotted a nice looking restaurant already filled with people and...was a Tigerdillo?

"Hey! Lets go there! Can we Menna?" Ishiran asked, groveling at her feet.

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