Avatar: The New Generation

Hikari glanced at the fight and roared, "THAT IS IT!"

She blasted a very power gust of wind through the entire restaurant and yelled, "SHUT UPPPPP!"
Faith was blown against one of the restaurant's tables, sending the sauces, dishes and cutlery sprawling all over the floor. The javelin was yanked out of her hands and the man seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. She stood up with a grunt, brushing some broken glass off of her dress.
"In the heat of battle,if you run from something such as a bladed weapon,you are nothing but scared shrimp!"Aisha noted as she placed her hands Jia's shoulders,lifted herself,only to bring her foot crashing down into one of the gnagster's head,"Crescent Axe!"

Aisha grabbed the guy by his feet,and started to spin.The spin knocked a of the gangsters out,and as some of them tried to enter the door,she release the unconscious man.The man was flung through the door,knocking everyone that tried to enter out.

Aisha felt a gust of ind blow through the building.Aisha walked up to Hikari and pointed two fingers at her,"If you do not stop with the irresponsible use of your air bending,you will destroy the restaurant even further."The young girl explained to the air bender
Ishiran shot from his seat from the blast of air and landed on Menna's lap.

He grinned sheepishly.

"Hi sis. How ya doing."
Vivian gave a sigh of relief as law enforcement arrive on the scene, clad in dusty police chain mail and armed with what look like electric gloves, probably straight from Republic City. Officers began heaving gang members away from the restaurant, binding them, and throwing them to the side- there sure were a lot more thugs than Viv had originally counted. Someone must've called the whole gang down. The airbender glanced into the restaurant, as most spectators were doing, and was surprised to find that no officer was assisting the brunette girl ... She looked as if in trouble. Vivian jogged toward the scene.
((No. lol jk))


Jia used the powerful gust of wind to her advantage and used the air to fan out her fire and use less of her own energy. The men fell back in fear of the fire, it was obvious that none of them were benders.

That was easy. Jia shrugged and watched as most of the men scurried out and away from the restaurant. Calmly walking back inside, Jia was horrified at the damage. I'm going to have to pay for this...aren't I?

"Yup." the owner said from behind the fire bender, as if reading her mind. "Yes, you are." Jia pouted as she handed the owner her yearly savings, it was only a medium sized pouch, but it was just enough to pay for all the damages.
Hikari gave her a completely emotionless look, and blew and even stronger gust of wind through.

"This is a restaruant, not an arena. If you dumbasses feel like fighting, go somewhere where civilians and innocent people are out of the way so you don't injure or kill anyone." she said calmly. "Now, unless you'd prefer to stay here, I suppose I can just force you all out."
"One. You don't order people around. Two. You just caused so much damage here, who knows how much it will cost to fix this." Ishiran replied.
Jia felt like she was going to cry. "My...my money!" Falling to her knees, the fire bender began to tear bend (lol is it wrong that I felt like tearing up while I was writing this? xD ). Getting up from the wrecked ground, Jia sighed and pulled a few men out of the restaurant.

"Batter up!" Jia kicked the first man up into the air and spun around, kicking him far off and landing at the police's feet. Spotting the police, Jia paled for a moment. She and the police didn't have a very good...relationship.
Before she could help the brunette, the thug ran away. Vivian took a look around; it seemed like most of the gangsters were either being apprehended or had fled the scene. Good. She straightened up and extended a hand to the girl with the javelin. "My name is Master Vivan Dey. And you are ...?"
((OMG you should do a titanic scene with your wind! xD I'M FLYING JACK! I'M FLYING!! Ahem. Sorry))
Kiara dug her claws into the ground as it blew through the restaurant to keep herself from being blown away while Zen held on to the saddle as tight as he could while the wind flapped through his gums making him look like he had a demented smile.

Once the wind stopped, he and Kiara followed Jia outside as police arrived.

"Of course, they arrive just in time to be late. When we could have used them 20 minutes ago, no where to be seen, now that we don't need them they come to bother us and rather cause more trouble. Useless..."

Zen muttered under his breath making sure no officer could hear him.
The police walked up to Jia with a very disappointed look on their faces.

"Jia Lan. Why am I not surprised." the leader clicked her teeth in disappointment. "Would you care to tell me what happened?" the police leader leaned back and tapped her metal armour impatiently.

Jia looked down at the ground like a child being scolded. "They were harassing me and I just pushed them away." Jia glanced up at the serious expression on the leader's face. "They were the ones who started the fight in the first place." Jia mumbled, pointing at the gang.
Kio and Akio were walking minding there own buisness when they saw police crowded around a restaurant "what do you think happened there Kio?"

"I don't know sis, maybe we should go see for ourselves" they took a closer look making sure not to get too close
"Um... Faith Brinhold," Faith replied, accepting the hand a little awkwardly and offering a weak smile. She realized now that the girl was a bender as well, just like herself, only with a different element. It comforted her a bit and helped weaken the barrier that she had automatically formed between them. "Thank you... for... uh..." She trailed off, fumbling for the right words. "Mm, thank you for helping me back there... with that man..." She scratched an imaginary itch at the back of her head, trying to sound and feel less awkward while carrying on a normal conversation.
Hikari sat back down and sighed. She had blown a few papers around, but no real damage. It would take time to clean up.

She glared at Ishiran and said, "I didn't think that blowing wind through a room could cause damage."
((que for a Haruhi "D*** these rich people..."))

Faith looked around the restaurant with a look of slight exasperation. She had been there only for a small bite to eat, and now she doubted that small bite to eat was even intact. She heaved a sigh off her shoulders, self-consciously playing with a strand of curly brown hair.

It's like...

Rich Person: *sigh* What a mess. Do you know how much it'll cost to find a new clean house?))
Vivian nodded and gave Faith a small smile, then looked around at the damage to the store. It was appalling. Broken wood and glass lay on the floor, and there were dents in the wall and ... Ceiling?! There were also a couple of spatters of dark fluid; whether that be blood or soy sauce Viv could not tell. Oi. With the money it would take to fix all of this damage, Hiroshi would surely never pay her a reasonable price, if he'd buy her harvest at all. Vivian looked back at her vegetable cart, frowning, only to find it laying on it side, its contents trampled into the dirt. Some of the gangsters must have knocked it over as they were fleeing the scene. A look of despair crossed the airbender's freckled face; her grey eyes returned to Faith. "Excuse me for a moment," she said distractedly, and then ran off to assess the damage to her wares.

It was bad. Only a few of everything remained intact; tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and cabbages sat on the ground around the cart like rotten corpses. Vivian felt tears rising up as she stared, feeling hopeless. That was a great harvest. It should have paid for at least a couple of treatments for her father, food for a month if they spent it wisely ... Shaking a little, Vivian slowly bent down and picked her cart up off of the ground. Today was not turning out to be a very good day.
Kaba Gi fell to the ground in shock as he walked back from the wash room. His cart was completely destroyed and...and...

"MY CABBAGES!!" Old Man Kaba pulled at his white hair and hit the ground in frustration. "Why does this keep happening to me?"
Faith nodded and watched Vivian leave, for a moment considering following her. However, her old mind set kicked in and she instead walked over to the nearest table and heaved it upright. Its contents had already been spilled and trampled over on the floor, but she salvaged what she could and put it back where it belonged. She looked around at the damage again and wondered how much she may have contributed without even realizing it. A sharp pain of guilt stabbed her in the chest. Her pockets were practically empty, she had very little money at all. Her eyes darted to the javelin that she still held, the thought coming to her that it could be worth something. She walked over to the restaurant owner and offered him\her the javelin, saying as steadily as she could: "I'm sorry for the damage... I don't have much money, but will this javelin make up for anything I damaged?"

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