Avatar: The New Generation

(Uhhh... Akio's a girl D: She's wearing a dress and everything...)

"My names Akio and my brothers outside were twin earthbenders from the fire nation were travelers and regular compettitors at tournaments" then Kio walked in his usually spiky hair was wet now...

"what happened?" "I had to chase Xeon up a stream cuz, he was chasing boars..."
"Hello, Limmy, hello Jia, hello Viv, hello Kio and Akio."

Kiara slightly opened her eyes as Jia complimented her, she glared her eyes at her and then grumbled. She scowled and finally went back to sleep.

"Sorry, she is not good with new people... It takes her a while."

Zen apologized for Kiara's behavior.


Meanwhile a mysterious figure lay in the darkness of the hideout, twisting a small seedling between his fingers.

"So when do we get to play, I'm bored already.... They've been telling me it's time to play, we should be going out and there and having 'fun'."

The creepy figure smiled, the way he said fun was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

(Men can wear dresses too!)
Faith's eyes wandered about the restaurant while her ears lazed about, only taking in half of what was said. She didn't feel like she fit in with any of the others, and although she was sitting by them all she kept a mental distance. Odd, it seemed, that all of her recently nominated 'companions' had so much in common. The knowledge of other benders spread all across the known world was something she was well aware of, but things such as the 'fire nation' were completely unknown to her. Even as she looked about the restaurant her face betrayed her thoughts rather well; screwed up with a tint of pink in her cheeks.
More and more individuals introduced themselves, and Vivian couldn't help but note that most of them were Firenation. There was still a little residual tension between the Fire kingdom and the other nations, but Vivian herself was not judgmental. She was only curious as to why so many Hotmen were here, in this small town, and where they were headed next.

As it had amid the restaurant fight, Vivian's attention shifted onto the brunette, Faith, who was keeping to herself and avoiding eye contact. Now that things had quieted down, Viv was able to give the other girl a proper evaluation. Faith seemed a bit older than Vivian herself, perhaps nineteen or twenty, but her golden eyes had the look of a lost child. Heart swelling, the airbender addressed her quietly. "Faith, was it? The Firenation is an empire of mainly firebenders, renowned for its citizens' pride and spirit." She paused. "It's ruled by Firelord Zuko ... I'm sorry for rambling, but you seem a little lost. Are you from a very small town as well?" Small indeed. If Faith didn't know what the Firenation was, she'd probably have to have been living under a rock for the past 150 years.
Faith's expression became stunned as she looked at Vivian, the air bender who had aided her previously. She wanted to ask how she knew what she had been thinking, or possibly even why she had helped her in the first place, but as usual, she was lost on words. It took her a moment to reply, her brows furrowed in thought and strained concentration. "H-How... how did you know..." She stopped speaking, aware of how uneasy she sounded. Red rushed to her cheeks but she pushed forward, trying to ignore it as best she could. "How did you know I was thinking of the Firenation?" she asked inquiringly, looking straight into Vivian's eyes. "I mean... t-thank you for telling me, I guess I've just never heard or seen much of the world before..." She seemed to purposefully ignore Vivian's last question, finding a renewed interest in her old battered shoes.
Jia leaned back and grinned, taking a menu from the stack the waitress had given them. "Kou-chan?" Kou looked up at the woman in response. "You're a master fire bender, right?" Jia leaned forward, fluttering her eyes prettily. "Do you think you could teach me?" Hoping he would say yes, Jia put on her cheesiest smile.

Kou stared at the woman before him. Did she just ask him to take her in as his apprentice. Well, he didn't have anything else to do. "Sure." Kou quickly sent a small burning flame towards Jia's face, seeing how fast her reflexes were.

Immediately, Jia took Kou's fire and directed it upwards as it slowly dispersed into the air, showering down tiny little sparks onto Jia. "Well, well, well... I'll be in your care Master Kou." Jia bowed her head respectfully, she couldn't wait to start learning from a master fire bender, even if he was younger than her.

Kou smirked and leaned back in his seat, she had potential. Clearing his throat, Kou took a menu and began to look through it, wondering what he should get. "Oh, and as you master, you will be paying for me." Kou told Jia, his eyes never leaving the menu.

Jia's mouth dropped at Kou's words. "B-B-But, I don't have any money." Jia blushed furiously at the statement, all her money had been used to pay off the damage at the restaurant. She didn't even get her meal! Jia fumbled around with her hands, trying to find something to distract herself.

"Then go make some." Kou said expressionlessly. If this woman didn't have money, then what else was she supposed to do other than make some? Seeing the hopeless look on her face, Kou sighed and frowned. "Fine. I'll pay for myself this time." Folding his arms, Kou began to list off a whole bunch of food. "Curry rice, ramen, onigiri, sushi, tempura, siopao-" After all, Kou was a growing boy. Jia gulped, happy that she wasn't paying for the boy this time, she could feel her wallet shiver in fear.
Vivian knew she must have hit right on the money when Faith's face turned into a mask of shock. Training with Tenzin had been some of the best few years of her life; it was he who had taught her how to read signs and sense emotions. A good airbender, after all, was in tune with the world around her, with a solid understanding of how energy and spirit connected everyone and everything. Vivian's perceptiveness and Faith's open face made it easy to guess what the golden-eyed girl was thinking, and it was simple enough to address so Viv had addressed it.

Of course, none of her training helped Viv from feeling extraordinarily creepy at that moment. Without being able to explain her training in full, the airbender just shrugged and offered Faith a half-smile. "Just have a knack for guessing, I suppose," she quietly responded, fingering the tattoo on her left wrist with her right hand. Just a lucky hunch, yeah.

Vivian also noticed that Faith avoided the question on her home ... That was fine. Some folks were just very private about their past, and Vivian didn't have a problem with that. "So what brings you through these parts?" she asked, hoping the question wasn't too personal.
Akio watched everyone make conversation while she remained quiet, she didn't know anyone here and she felt awkward sitting there fidddling her fingers or playing with the curls inher pigtails Kio wasn't having the best time either they only knew their own world and were scared to interact with others

Kio finally decided to say something he was tired of feeling ignored

"during the war we wer forced to flee and live our childhood in the fire nation we went to a fire nation shcool there, but after everything they did... I can't hate them I mean not all fire nation are bad in fact I still have friends there...
Jia grinned at Akio. "I like her already!" Giggling softly, Jia gave Akio a thumbs up and a little wink before askung the girl more about herself. "Akio," Jia started, a far off look on her face. "Do you like flowers?" Jia grinned happily, snapping out of her daze.

Kou smirked at Jia's stupid question and continued to order his food. The poor cooks were going to run out of stock at this rate. "Soba, yakisoba, gyoza, and some-" the waitress sighed in relief, her wrist was feeling very strained from writing down all the food this kid wanted to order. "Seedless grapes on the side. For the main course, however," the waitress cut Kou off and left the table, she didn't have anymore papervto writ edown what Kou wanted.
"uhh... well I used to think the sakura trees were pretty" Akio looked down embarassed for giving such a stupid answer to her question Kio looked at his sister and laughed at her awkwardness "don't worry she's always like this around new people"
Jia gave Kio a carefree smile, telling him not to worry about it. "Used to? I like Lotus flower." Jia smiled softly remembering the lotus plant her mother had before... Jia shook her head, getting rid of the negative thoughts. "How about you, Kio?" Jia leaned back in her seat, enjoying the little conversation she was having with the two twins.
"well I'm a guy so I don't really like flowers but I do love animals and nature I love being outside" Kio smiled and laughed a little at the thought of himself rolling around in a meadow of flowers

"yeah... I used too past tense, you see after our mother died all I think of when I see a Sakura tree is her... and that just reminds me that she's gone forever..."

Kio looked at his sister seriously a certain sorrow in his normally bright eyes "you know mom loved you just as much as me..." "you know that's not true... she always saw me as an un-loving monster..."
"Oh." Jia frowned at Akio's explanation. "I'm sorry to bring up such a memory." Jia hit down on her lip, feeling very guilty about making the twins recall such an event. "For the record, I think you're both great people. Even if I did just meet you an hour ago." Jia flashed the twins a charming smile, trying her beat to lift the heavy atmosphere.

Kou pouted slightly as he watched the waitress dash away. "I wasn't even half way finished.." Turning back to the group, Kou sighed resting his head in his hands as he proceeded to try and blow a strand of his foreign blonde hair out of his face. "I'm bored. What to do.." Remembering that he heard his apprentice say something about flowers, Kou butted into their conversation by saying, "I like firelillies." Call him racist just because it's a Fire Nation flower, but to Kou, he really did feel there was something special about those flowers.
"Oh, no its okay, really she's a bit sensitive about it I used to get hurt a lot when we trained together because of that she thinks mother liked me better but really she just babied me because I used to be much weaker" Kio had a slight almost apologetic smile

Akio looked up at Jia "well thank you, you seem like a very kindhearted person to me thank you for listening to our sad, boring past" Akio was still a little upset but she tried to hide it and put on a smile she didn't want to depress anyone
Kou got up from the table, gesturing fro Jia to follow him outside. "Come, young grasshopper. Let's have your first lesson while we wait for the food." Kou undid his blonde hair quickly and put it back up with a hair tie, not wanting it to get in his face. Is that why the monks shaved their heads? Kou mused as he left the restaurant.

Jia hopped up from the table and quickly hurried after her new fire bending teacher. "Well, it was nice talking to you." Jia gave the twins a quick wave before meeting up with Kou just outsidebod the restaurant. "So, what will we start with today, sensei?" Jia giggles before doing a respectful bow to Kou, who returned it with an even smaller version.

"Just the basics." Kou shrugged before doing a bunch of very complex looking moves, leaving Jia speechless. That was basic?! "That was just a combination of a bunch of basic moves combined together, if you can't do that, well. You have much to learn." Kou folded his arms and sighed, feeling much too lazy to reach this overgrown pupil. Then again, Kou was a prodigy.
"See?, their training" Akio wanted badly to train harder. She wanted to be the best she'd heard that its possible for an earthbender to bend metal, she wanted to do that...
Zen just quietly ate his ordered meal as the others chatted and soon the Firebenders went for training. Interesting group of people we have here together, if they were going to be stuck together for a while, it could be they were in for a crazy adventure.

(Maybe after some intros it might be time to have something happen, I have an idea if you are interested...)
(Eevryone went to restaurant, Jia was attacked by a pervert so she retaliated. His gang started attacking, we fought back. Police came and arrested us, they said we now have to stay together and be watched by a firebending prodigy named Kou Lim. We've gone to another restaurant for food, introduced ourselves and now Jia is training with Kou while the rest of us get to know each other)
PyroWarriorZ said:
(Eevryone went to restaurant, Jia was attacked by a pervert so she retaliated. His gang started attacking, we fought back. Police came and arrested us, they said we now have to stay together and be watched by a firebending prodigy named Kou Lim. We've gone to another restaurant for food, introduced ourselves and now Jia is training with Kou while the rest of us get to know each other)
(lol, yeah that's about it)

Kio sighed "the foods here, you work way to hard" he started eating his food rolling his eyes at his twin sister Akio was determined she didn't care if she missed a meal or two... she took a small peice of sheet metal and tried to bend it, only bending it an inch
Aisha looked at Akio,"Are you having trouble with metal bending?"Aisha said as she sliced her pie to pick it up with her fork.Aisha's hood sat on her head once more,her eyes covered by the shadows dancing from her hood.Aisha smiled at Akio sweetly,awaiting her answer.
Kou was about to put a fire off of a cabbage cart when he heard Kio say something about food. The fire bender quickly turned away and completely forgot about the burning cabbage cart. "Food?" Kou rushed inside the restaurant and took his seat, grabbing most of the food, considering he was the one who ordered most of it.

Jia jumped when Kou's sudden attention turned to Kio and watched him rush into the restaurant. "I'm sorry about this." Kio apologized to the cabbage merchant. Quickly putting the fire out, Jia frowned when she saw that most of the cart and its cabbages were already burnt down. "Well, goodbye." Jia waved goodbye to the cabbage merchant and hurried into the restaurant.

"My....my....MY CABBAGES!!" Kaba Gi pulled his green hat over the sides of his face and wept for his beautiful cabbages. A group of police came by and picked the old man up by the arms and dragged him away from the wrecked cabbage cart.
Faith looked into the eyes of the other girl again, this time trying to tell decipher her thoughts. "Even if you have a good knack as you say, I don't see how you could possibly tell I was thinking of the Fire Nation of all things. Like, as you said... most everyone, o-or... everyone BUT me has heard of it, so why would you arrive at the conclusion I didn't?" she inquired. She had most definitely began to open up, and she found herself pleased that Cane's training had at least rubbed off on her a bit, even if she was lousy at bending water. He had always taught her to never accept a simple response from another when involving a matter such as this.

For some reason Faith had expected the question, but at least it was easier to answer than some of the other things the other girl could have asked. "Money... mostly," she responded simply, her eyes wandering to the table. "I have very little at all, so I've been looking for work. I'm a water bender, but... a very, very novice one. So far I haven't had much luck, but I've been trying." She shifted her gaze again to Vivian's, trying to think of a way to change the topic so it wasn't so much about her. "Mm, what about... you? Are you from around this area?" Her voice still had that slight awkward note to it, but it wasn't nearly as evident as it had been previously.
"why are you a metal bender?..." Kio ran in huffing and puffing "T-the horror... the poor cabbages" Akio and Aisha looked at the boy eyebrows raised "what?" was Akios immediate reaction "... I don't wanna talk about it... O.o "

Sai Haruko Takumi walked into a village with only one thought he needed to fine food gor days all he ate was nuts that he food on trees. He stepped over the rocks on the ground and kept walking. His bird pet Cray was on top of his head just sitting down. H Sai took a look around him and sighed. "Will I ever find a decent place to get some food?" He muttered and looked around.

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