Avatar: The New Generation

A new airbender was in town and he only had one thing on his mind....SWEEETS Yuna ran for the nearest candy store "let me get 5 pounds of snickers 6 pounds of butter cups,12pounds of gummy worms and the most cotton candy you cna fit on a stick!"
When the airbender ran out of the store he smacked straight into Sae who was going towards there falling to his butt he quickly backflipoed off the ground. He notice Yuna's clothing which showed he was a Airbender.

"What the....wait are you a Airbender?" He asked the boy because he was confused by his hair.
( i didn't even notice that"

"Awwwww my coton candy" Yuna whined and then noticed that he bumped into someone "Why,yes I am an airbender why do you ask?" He says smiling sweetly
Sai looked at the candy and then looked back at him "Uh well I never seen on before they are pretty rare." Sai said while makeing a fire in a bubble of water. And tossing it up and down.
(That my friend defy's the laws of physics)

"Oh well yeah I am actually would you mind holding this" Yuna gave sai his candy and proceeded to take off his clothes handing him that too and for a few minutes he was stark naked and a few minutes later he had on something more modern "I love being an air bender,but I hate the culture I mean why must I be bald and wear robes? I'm hot might as well flaunt it right?'
(I know righy my sister told me to put it)

"That was pretty fast...." Sai shuddered st the fact that he saw someone else naked. But regained his conciousness to the situation. "Oh I am Sai, Sai Haruko Takumi I am a fire and water bender and no I am not the avatar." Sai held Yuna's candy noticeing how heavy it was.
The airbender held back a grin at Faith's sudden outburst- or, well, as much an outburst as Viv suspected the timid girl could make. When a hippo cow felt threatened on the farm, it would open its mouth and lash out; although Faith looked like the polar opposite of a hippo cow, Vivian suspected that she too felt a little threatened. "Every time someone mentioned the Firenation your face would change. It's very expressive," the blonde tried to explain, biting her lip in thought. "My mentor told me of small pockets around the world where time stands still ... Villages that have functioned in isolation for hundreds of years." Vivian paused, twirling a golden curl in her fingers. "I'm not sure if you come from one of said villages or your mentors just didin't think teaching you about the rest of the world was important, but asking didn't seem appropriate so I just kind of went for it." Vivian smiled. "I'm not a mindbender, I swear."

Ah, so Faith was traveling for work. Viv nodded intently, her mind spinning with questions. Didn't Faith's parents provide for her? Ad why was she only a novice water bender at nineteen? There must not be a master near her area, Vivian thought, and after a moment she decided to ask one question. "Have you considered finding a waterbending master to teach you?" It made sense to further one's skill set to improve job prospects, but maybe something about Faith's situation was different.

Vivian ignored the awkward note to Faith's question, and nodded. "Yes, my family owns a farm near here," She replied evenly, although her lips pursed a little after she had spoken. The farm wasn't doing well ... Her father wasn't doing well ... And even though she and her brothers got along, Vivian wasn't so sure she would still have a job if they took over the family business. Who knew how much longer she could say that she lived at a farm near here.
Accelerate said:
(I know righy my sister told me to put it)
"That was pretty fast...." Sai shuddered st the fact that he saw someone else naked. But regained his conciousness to the situation. "Oh I am Sai, Sai Haruko Takumi I am a fire and water bender and no I am not the avatar." Sai held Yuna's candy noticeing how heavy it was.
A low growl escaped Yuna's mouth he snatched his candy away and walked off "Who the hell does he think he is? Stupid fire bender touching me and my candy"
"Huh? Hey I am more of a Water bender!" Sai said in his defense seeing that Yuna walked away. "All of that bad stuff about fire benders is in the past!"
Sai looks down and turns his back to him and talked outloud. "I didn't ask to be born." He starts walking off.
Yuna turns around "STOP TALKING YOUR STINKY FIREBENDER BREATH IS RUINING THE SWEETNESS OF MY CANDY" he turned around walking off angrily once again (Sorry Sai :'()
Zen looked kind of bored, as he Kou eating his food. He looked to Kiara who had completely fallen asleep under him and his mind drifted back to old memories. A burning house, he suddenly shook out of his past as a metal bender cop came rushing in.

"Kou, the Captain has ordered you to drop whatever you are doing. There is a report of a fire on 3rd and Main Street, however every officer and fireman is pre-occupied with rival gang fights that erupted in the city center. The Captain says you are the only one left... You need to go!"

With that the cop ran off, heading to join his fellow officers in the city center.

"A fire..."

Zen looked to Kou and thought of someone like being left to help all those people.

"Well you are suppose to stick with us, so I guess we will have to follow you to the fire and just help out." Zen's family had died by a fire when their house burnt down, so he wasn't about to let more people die the same way. He would help out however he could. Since the metal bending officers were all busy with the street gangs, there was no one else. He had to help.

"Come on Kiara, wake up. We have to get to 3rd and Main!"

With that Kiara woke up and took off like a rocket, hearing the urgency in Zen's voice.
Akio had finally bent the metal when they told them they had to go "Yeah!, Mom would be proud! I'm a metal bender!" (Sort of...) She had a wide grin and was running all over the place making her hair ties fall out and her long Reddish Orange hair flowed.

She was doing cart wheels now... "Wheee!!!" Kio had to drag her outside
Faith leaned back in her seat with a small sigh, relaxed her shoulders and fixed her eyes on the air bender once more. "I hadn't realized I was so obvious," she muttered quietly, the bottom of her lip trembling softly. "What you said is true... all of it, actually." She fumbled around a little for words before continuing on. "I grew up in one such village I guess, isolated from the outside world. My parents died before I can remember, at least, that's what they told me, so I grew up with a water bender named Cane. He was my mentor and caretaker." Faith paused again, figuring she might as well explain. It was too late to turn back now and Vivian clearly meant no harm. For the record, the girl hadn't even said anything negative to Faith so far.

"I was never really cut out for elemental bending," she began again, adjusting the ribbon in her hair. "So Cane's early attempts to teach me failed quite miserably. It didn't help I wasn't much more than an emotional wreck, for, the people who inhabited the village were all superstitious; they believed Cane and myself to be evil wizards of some sort. None of them cared for me, and when I'd go to retrieve food or supplies for my master I was simply scorned and scoffed at. I think after a while I began to become wary of Cane as well... so my training sort of... died... c-completely. It was years before I resumed with him again, but at that point he had grown old and frail. I wasn't taught much else before he died."

"After his death the village banished me, although I most definitely wasn't going to stay in the first place. Since then I've really only done what I've had to in order to earn a living. That usually means sleeping in the forest or at some elderly man's shack. I've mainly avoided inns as I fit in even less with the rowdy folk, and some of the jobs the innkeepers would try to get me to do weren't at all to my liking..."

Vivian's intelligence was indeed surprising to the girl. She had not only effortlessly engaged her in conversation but had also managed to sway the conversation back to where Faith was from, whether intentionally or not. For a timid girl like Faith, who had almost no interaction with other human beings, someone who could break through her outer shell and gradually make her feel more comfortable was exactly who she needed; not as a friend exactly, but just as an acquaintance. She was well aware of her anti-social nature, but didn't care about it. For no matter how hard she tried, the painful memories of her village always returned.

"Is it nice on your farm?" Faith asked abruptly, this time with much more deliverance and less hesitance.


At the call of the policemen and Zen's announcement immediately following, Faith looked inquiringly at Vivian. "Are we having to go again? I-I've barely eaten anything..."
Vivian's light teal eyes fixed on Faith as she spoke, mesmerized. She herself had grown up without a mother, but without either mother or father ... It must have been rough. The airbender's heart went out to poor Faith as the story took a turn for the worse, detailing a lost mentor, a cruel village, and a life of unhappy wandering. What could one say after something as melancholy as that? Vivian looked down, lost in thought for a moment. She then spoke up, voice soft. "Although it doesn't justify what your village did, people are afraid of things they don't understand." Another moment of silence passed. "And for what it's worth, I think you do have the spirit for waterbending. You just need to be given a chance to believe in yourself." Seafoam eyes met golden eyes in a serious stare. "There are plenty of benders in the cities who would teach you for little to no cost- they just love to share their skills. Maybe you could try finding a new master. I daresay it'd be more enjoyable than hunting around for odd jobs, but of course only you know what's best for yourself." Vivian's freckled face melted into a small frown. "Bending is more than just a talent. It's a gift. And I'm so sorry that people have told you otherwise."

Vivian hoped she had gotten through to the girl somehow, but she didn't want to linger for too long on the subject. Luckily Faith changed the subject. "Yes, it's very nice," the airbender said distractedly, waving a hand in Faith's direction. "A little difficult lately, but I can't really compl-" A police call echoed through the diner, calling Kou to action, and Zen was quick to offer the group's assistance. Vivian groaned. She hadn't even ordered yet! One glance at Faith told her that they were thinking the same thing. Viv laughed at the golden-eyed girl's complaint and swiped up a couple of breadsticks in a napkin. Handing them to Faith, Viv grinned. "Looks like dinner's on the go tonight."

Suddenly that enormous tigerdillo shot off like a rocket toward what Viv assumed waste fire. She frowned. "A lift would've been nice," She said with a sigh, standing up and exiting the restaurant with a dignified air about her.
(I think we found our running gag, we never actually get to eat properly. Ever!)

It wasn't long before Zen could see the blaze in the distance as he reaching the massive skyscraper building that seemed to reach into the sky. However the officer had down played the seriousness of this problem. The entire building was burning like a firey inferno, these were flames no Firebender could extinguish. It would take 100 firebenders and waterbenders to help quell this fire. What's more, he could hear voices inside the buildings screaming.

There were people trapped inside, a lot of people! They were all trapped and were going to die is nothing was done, he could already feel the heat from all the way inside.

"We have to help Kiara, we, I can't let them just burn. Not after wha-" He clenched his fists.

"I can't..."

Kiara nodded, understanding as she took off into the blaze without fear as Zen rode on top. They jumped right into a broken wind into the unbearable flames. Inside Zen began calling out for anyone, he tried to look through the smoke and follow the voices to try save anyone he could.
Kio and Akio looked at the fire in awe " we may not be firebenders or waterbenders but we can still help! " Akio ripped her dress so it wouldn't be close to the ground and be set ablaze

"Were Earthbenders were as strong as a rock!, were going in there to look for survivors!" Akio and her brother ran in worrying only about the poor people still inside Kio threw some Dirt at a few smaller flames taking them out big flames would be a problem... and inside their earthbending is useless

They only had the dirt in the house to use 
( Building sorry )
Vivian noticed there was a problem. Many of the group still remained, while others had gone off in pursuit of the fire; and those that did I remain had no means of getting to the fire quickly. The airbender took a small trinket out of her pocket, an ivory whistle carved in the shape of a bison; she filled her lungs and expelled the hot air into the whistle's mouth. Although the whistle made no noise, Vivian knew that her sky bison was already on the way. Sometimes having Bluebell around wasn't convenient, but on this occasion it seemed appropriate. Besides, Viv thought with a little smile. She liked to show her friend off.

After about a minute of waiting, a huge shadow appeared on the ground directly above Vivian. Her light teal eyes turned to the sky, where she was pleased to see the underbelly of a larger-than-average sky bison slowly descending. Bluebell touched the ground and gave a loud grunt, blue-grey fur ruffling a little in the breeze. Viv's golden head leaned against the beast, and she gave her friend a tender pat before climbing up into the boat-sized saddle. "Everyone in," she said with a wide smile. "This is my friend Bluebell. He's a real sweetheart, don't worry."
The twins were on the third floor now they had found 2 people a father and son they followed Kio outside to safety while Akio went further ahead it was extremely difficult to breathe she had used cloth from her dress to cover her mouth and nose so she wouldn't breathe the fumes

She saw a sky bison through the window "cough, cough, so airbender girl has a friend..."
((I wasn't getting alerts for my own rp....wow))

Kou frowned at the woman's voice and sighed. "Fine." Getting up from the seat, Kou ran off towards the fire, wondering why they would send a fire bender to do a water bender's job. Sighing at the bothersome situation, Kou jumped and avoided a few obstacles, making a note to get rid of that cabbage cart in the middle of the road.

Jia watched as the person who was supposed to stick with them ran off. "I guess..we should follow him..?" Jia suggested as she got up and followed the rest of the group and Kou. Yay. Fires. Fun. Jia rolled her eyes and she sprinted out of the restaurant, swiftly taking a siopao along for the ride. "I'm not going to let myself starve, now will I?" As Jia ran through the streets, she pulled out the siopao and began to munch on the deliciousness.
((Not receiving alerts either))

Aisha sat on Jia's back,"If you starve,then I have to run...Oh and carry you around.SO!EAT YOUR FULL OR ELSE I WILL DUMP YOU IN A RIVER!"Aisha roared as she pointed Jia in the right direction.

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