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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Okay I'm going to start marking the health points... Please forgive me if I mess up I'm only a human using the Tapatalk app =S

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eeeewwww... Tapatalk...

@Flutterby You know... I kinda find that to be too one-sided thinking to just do all of that to a person's character without even thinking about how that character would actually react to that attack. Also, didn't I say that Akari moved locations...? She's hiding in the shadows, not standing out where anybody can see her... You can't have a fight if you don't even give the other RPer time to actually respond to actions and all of that, or consider what they've actually done with their character's location and actions at present time... Besides, even if you leaped at her while she was standing where she could be leaped at, her weapon would have been spinning around in a dome like shape at the time... I honestly can't go along with that attack at all. I also find it highly illogical to even be able to see Akari anyway, even while she was standing there. At most you would've seen the part of the weapon that was out where the fire's light reached, and not her actual location.
Your kinda overpowered anyway, I would just take it man. I have just been reading and you seem awfully god moddy over there.. ( -_- ")
I haven't done anything with Akari besides fire a few shots with fire and attacks that don't even hold any real value other than keeping focus towards her... My whole plan on this was make her similar to Azula, where she's seemingly overpowered at first, but never actually fight them any further than a few attacks until near the end of the whole thing. Then, when it comes down to things, she gets beaten up and all that. The plan was for her to show she isn't a pushover or weak, then have her leave before there's any actual fighting or injuries between the people involved in the fight with her.

Besides, accepting those hits would literally mean accepting my character be completely defeated, since those hits literally immobilize my character. Only one leg and one arm? Kinda takes away everything she has. Right arm's her weapon arm, and one leg down, no walking possible.
@UltraYuseke Your last post said "hiding once more in the shadows with her weapon at rest." I took that to mean she stopped moving and so did her staff, if thats not how it was intended, i apologize. However, I do not feel that it was unfair. Your character is rather untouchable, and in the current situation, none of the other characters can attack her at all. That is a little unfair. IIt might be a stretch that Opal can see her, but it was as faintly as possible and from above, so its a reasonable stretch. I feel that if I was being unfair, I wouldve said my character completely paralyzed your characters entire body. I am just trying to even the fight a little, you have said yourself Akira is a little overpowered. I dont think loosing one arm and bending abilities from one leg is so bad. Your character can still walk or run, please reread my post, as Opal only disabled bending in that leg. As for the amount I did, it was one leap with two hits as she landed, I do not feel that is unreasonable. Your character also has plenty of chance to attack mine as she scambles to safety.

That being said, I fully believe you can still use the Azula thing, perhaps make a few more definite attacks on our characters before making your exit, since youve been injured and dont want to lose the fight. You could easily make use of the tunnel I just mentioned to escape to another part of the city. I do not think it is fair to say 'I want my character to be like Azula so nobody hurt her' after starting a battle. When you start a battle, you must accept your character might be hurt.

Your opinions have been noted, and I apologize, I will try not to upset you again. But I will not be changing my post, sorry.

I would also like to request you dont try to kill off my character because of this.
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I'm not against her getting injured in a fight. I'll drop everything else if I can get an appropriate reaction time from the leap though, since anybody would have some kind of reaction to that punch to the shoulder before a person who punched from above would have time to get over and hit a person's leg.

Akari gets punched in the shoulder -> two/three second interval where Akari would clearly be able to react while Opal goes from up above Akari to on the ground where she would be able to hit Akari's leg -> Akari's leg hit.


Flutterby said:
weapon at rest.
By the way, just for clarification on that, weapon at rest means back in regular state and propped up on her shoulder(s). Won't really use that towards the current situation of things though, since admittedly, that would be switching it to her left hand and holding it on her left shoulder if not placed across both shoulders.
I think you are misunderstanding how that attack was meant to be. If it is unclear in my post, I apologize, and may edit it to better reflect my idea. That being, Opal leaps from the ledge, and as she is falling (at a roughly 45 degree angle across the alley) hits the shoulder full on and then a more glancing blow to the side/hip (with the other hand). The blow to the side/hip disabling bending for a short time. After which, Opal would land and probably slide a little, then begin running towards the other end of the alley. I did not think it necessary to describe every little step in a casual roleplay where there havent been problems understanding before. Since we cannot agree on whether or not this is okay, I think we should have @NessieAlways decide.

And I apologize if I misunderstood that line of your post, I only took it to mean that her weapon was no longer spinning, thus the 'dome of protection' was not around her.
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I still think there would be time to react between the hitting of the shoulder and the hitting of the leg. Also, 45 degree angle? Can't really have much of that in an alley. Alleys are small, which doesn't really leave room for that kind of angle. Either way, I'll still go along with it, since that seems to be the only way to move forward on this. I could've brought up something that, in all honesty, would've legitimately made the sneak attack ineffective, but that would be a jerk of me, especially since it's something that only me and Nessie really have full-blown knowledge of right at the moment.

(I'll say it, but won't really use it at present time. Akari can actually sense heat, sorta like Toph can sense vibrations. Came to an agreement on that with Nessie a little bit ago, but since that was only just before this fight really began, but after the spirit was around, I'll save that for a skill she gains later on.)
I disagree with your premise of the angle. In my mind, if someone is 6-10 feet off the ground, such an attack at such an angle would work, even in a tight space. Since you have brought it up, I would find it a little implausible that your character, even as powerful as she is, would sense the presence and actually pay attention to it while fending off attacks from the front. Thats just my opinion though.

I would really prefer to have Nessie resolve this, so there isnt any hard feelings. I dont want hard feelings over something so trivial.
Flutterby said:
while fending off attacks from the front.
Like I said, not going to give her that power now. Also, there weren't any attacks going on at present time. Either way, we don't really need to wait on Nessie or anything, since I'll just go along with it. Do expect me to throw in some kind of reaction to the surprise attack though, but I won't make your attack completely null or anything. Just a little moving based on being hit that reduces the effects slightly, but still makes her get injured by them quite a reasonable amount.
Although I dont agree with your reasoning on that, I suppose it is a good thing you have decided to forego the addition of another extra power for now. The second blow was made a glancing blow to account for some kind of reaction without having to wait for a separate post, as it becomes tedious to post blow-by-blow and that isnt how we have been roleplaying thus far. I do not think it fair for you to reduce the effect of the first blow, as it should be a complete surprise to your character. Thank you for your input.
I was just going to make the arm just as useless for combat, minus the being unable to use it for something like opening a door. Pretty much the amount of damage was reduced by her kneeling down slightly as she got hit, enough that her arm isn't really paralyzed, but can't raise all that high, making combat with it ineffective, but things like bringing the hand up by the elbow to eat an apple, or open a door, still possible for when she escapes. Has no real effect on the proceedings of the fight aside from making her escape a little more possible by giving her a hand that can actually open up an escape route while she's still carrying her weapon.
I dont personally agree with her reacting before actually being hit and made aware of Opal, but if it wouldnt bother anyone else, I wont object.
Eh, I'm kind of against the whole "Heat sense" thing. I just fail to see how even a firebender could be able to detect heat. Perhaps be more RECEPTIVE to it, maybe, but being able to do something like detect the exact position of a candle wouldn't make any sense. An airbender could do it, since they can actually feel the air currents and vibrations in the air, and earthbenders can do it, since they can feel the vibrations in the earth, but heat doesn't work like either one of those, since it doesn't radiate that far at all. Unless she had thermal vision (Which I don't think should be allowed) or what she was sensing was giving off the temperature of a nuclear reactor, it just doesn't seem feasible.
I mean as she gets hit, in reaction to the sharp pain, she moves her arm downward. It'd more be of an automatic reaction to the sharp pain. It's just so that I'm actually able to have Akari escape without leaving her weapon behind, not really to change how the fight goes.
If the arm paralysis is really such a problem, your character could go on the defensive until bending is restored to her leg and then rocket/fly away as firebenders do. Just a suggestion. But at this point, this argument is absurd, I dont think anyone really cares if she opens a door or not.
Coming into this as someone unbias since i havent read the rp so i dont know what is going on. It is plausible that a skilled firebender could sense fire up to a certain range. All benders can sense elements of their given nature within a certain radius.

Example being metal bending. So if a fire bender was on one side of a wall, it stands that they would sense the fire of a candle on the other side of a wall. However, i only see firebenders being more resistant to heat but as Zuko proved, a Fire bender can still be burned. Also for lightning, if you don't channel it correctly, it can and will shock the shit out of you leading to but not limited to dizzyness, paralysis, unconsciousness and death.

But that's fire. We're talking about heat itself, here. I'll concede that the candle was a bad example, but metalbending involves actual rock particulates within the metal. The firebending equivalent would be finding small traces of electricity in the human body (Which is much more minute than rock in metal), but by that logic you'd be able to manipulate the very nervous system of a person (which, while similar to bloodbending, is nowhere near that level, seeing as the body is about 60% water and the electrical impulses would be too minute to exploit.)
Hmm... I agree that they can sense the presence of their element, but not be able to see through them. If the slightest air current came by, which would be common in cities with high buildings, they can't feel the vibrations in the around them. It would be extremely fuzzy, like how toph described when she fwalked on sand for the first time (in response to jamaicanviking's argument of sensing air vibrations).

Firebenders can't manipulate electricity, but they can produce it and direct it. Not bend it from afar, in my opinion.
Think about it this way. Zuko was able to heat his body with firebending, yet there wasn't any actual fire, just heat.

I think that's proof that firebenders could possibly be able to sense heat.
Not really, they can control heat. But they can't sense it if it is disconnected from them (essentially no medium)

Metalbenders & Earthbenders could never sense anything through seismic sense if they didn't have a medium between them and their target :o
That was his own internal temperature, however, and he manipulated his chi in order to do that. Moreover, Azula could have done that when she was trapped in the ice by Katara, but she didn't, despite being much more skilled in firebending than Zuko.
And I'm back. *Sees whats been going on.* *Sighs* I'm going to give my 2 cents. if you don't like it well than that is too fucking bad. Zuko used his CHi to heat him up, not his bending. You can not, in a sense, see chi. @UltraYuseke I'm agreeing with Blackjack on this. Your character is overpowered. I have been the villain in a lot of RP's, and I understand that there is a point to every villian, I understand that you can't make it easy, but you're driving it to impossible. I know that you need to make a villian hard to beat, but you're really pushing it to that point where she's too overpowered. There are a few things you might be able to help me understand.

The weapon is a spear lance that can break off into segmants connected by chains.I can understand the swinging, but if it's an "Impenetrable shield" The speed that someone of her size and, looks like muscle capacity would not have the ability to do. If I was to guess at the speed I would say 200 MPH, which no one can do.
but also by directing it in a way one could manipulate polarities. cause you have to make one point of your body to attract the electricity so you can bring it inside of you and then shoot it forth. Great example was in the newest Korra book. Whats his face super charged a LOT of electricity and directed it back into the boss. (trying not to give too many spoilers here)

It makes more sense to me that an air bender could feel different pressures over actual vibrations. Even a normal human can feel pressure differences. Small but there.

As for the nervous system. Think of it like an electronic. If your nerves get over stimulated from electricity one would recieve either paralysis at the least, but maybe even permenant muscle/skin/soft tissue/and nerve damage. I dont see someone being able to react. And for you to react even with training, youre only going to lessen the damage of a physical attack not something that that your body absorbs like electricity.

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