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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Dakup said:
but if it's an "Impenetrable shield"
like an impenetrable shield, meaning attacks can't really bypass it, they have to hit it. I never said it was as strong as one.

Also, can we seriously just drop it? Did you guys not see that I've come to an agreement to drop all my ends of the argument on the whole overpowered thing? I mean, you've already made the cabbages inedible. Do you really need to go and destroy them too? Seriously... MY CABBAGES! (Hope you all understood that reference xD )

One last thing then I am done. Skill level to be able to drum up that much skill, and Chi to be able to melt stone walls, and melt garbage cans is highly unlikely in some that young. She's going up against a Two chi Blockers and A more experienced firebender, I don't think she will be able to unleash that much destruction, Unless she is a prodigy.

Didn't see your new post.

It didn't make it into my last post until it was too late.
heat to melt a garbage can? You realize metal melts at like 1600 degrees. I think only a lava bender could do that.
Well to be fair, Aang was already a master airbender by age 12, and Toph was essentially a master earthbender at 10, and she learned from badger moles. Then again, Aang was the Avatar (Not to mention he lived in an air monastery), so he had an advantage, but age really isn't that big a factor unless Akira had no formal training whatsoever.
Like I said. Didn't see the last post until it was too late. The matter has been dropped.
It's Akari, not Akira... That's really starting to get on my nerves... Real big issue with improper spelling of names and all that, so sorry if I sound like a jerk or something, but... Spell it right, dammit.
You also have to take into consideration Air monks are "monks" they live and breath martial arts, and Toph was blind and literally did the same, then you look at a normal person like Bolin, Katara, and Mako. They put time to learn but by no means were they masters at that young. Even Jinora was a master at a young age, but she was no where near Tenzins level and she dedicated every ounce of energy to study.
You may or may not be right. All I know is that one of the meanings of Akari is 'the light', or something along those lines.
Also have to remember that japanese works are not as simple as Aka and Ri. It depends in what tense its used as well as what Kanji are infront, combined, and/or after. Japanese is a very complicated language.

On a side note, my PlanetSide2 is almost done undating. 5/9.5 gigs downloaded
Kaine said:
Also have to remember that japanese works are not as simple as Aka and Ri. It depends in what tense its used as well as what Kanji are infront, combined, and/or after. Japanese is a very complicated language.
On a side note, my PlanetSide2 is almost done undating. 5/9.5 gigs downloaded
Course, but in this context, it means that >.>
...Well this escalated quickly and descended even faster =P

I'm glad you guys were able to work it out and I guess just for the sake of having my view point and for you all not to think '"Why is Nessie allowing such things? Is she insane?" I will state my reasoning behind all this...(This is not open for discussion anymore points have been stated and decisions have been made.)

I do agree Akari is overpowered, but at the same time UltraYuseke and I have talked it through and we both agreed that when the time comes if Akari is still a villain she will be defeated no questions asked. If you think about it a lot of the villains are overpowered, hence they take an entire season or two to defeat. Fire Lord Ozai was tough to defeat. Zuko was too until he changed. Azula...that chick was crazy strong and overpowered( I mean blue flames?). Amon had the power to bloodbend without a full moon and take away bending that itself is way too much power. Unalaq became a freaking evil avatar for crying out loud. The Red Lotus broke out of the unbreakable prisons. And last but not least Kuvira had that spirit weapon thing that could blast away towns. So yes Akari is overpowered, but in the end she will be defeated unless she changed like Zuko (That is entirely for Ultra to decide)

As for chi-blocking. If I remember correctly when ever Ty Lee chi-blocked someone not only did they loose their bending but their blocked limbs became numb. I remember Katara being completely paralyzed on the floor and Soka's arms dangling like spaghetti. So for future references if someone is chi blocked they will be paralyzed for the remainder of the fight/event. They can regain their mobility later on through the RP of course.

In regards to the heat sensing. Firebending is more than just fire..."firebending represents energy and life" and Heat is a form of energy as I was kindly reminded in physics 1063. I agreed with it because I do believe benders are connected with their elements. A trained earthbender can feel waves under their feet and from what I recall with Toph it can be from great distances. You guys stated that it was because Toph was touching the Earth and forming a connection that's why she was able to sense stuff. And I agree but if you also recall, When Katara was learning bloodbending from Hama she asked her to bend the water in the flowers. In that case Katara wasn't touching the water in the flowers and she was still able to take the water out of the flowers. As for bloodbending itself you don't touch the water in another person's veins. You can't even see it yet they are still able to bend it. Another less intense example is when Katara and Aang brought water out from the geysers. Jet told them to feel the water underneath the earth. So I don't think that the only way to bend an element is to touch it. Therefore I do think Heat sensing could be possible just as Glass bending was made possible. ;)

What else am I missing that was discussed...oh yeah lightning bending! Here's a quote straight out of Avatar wiki. "When the yin and yang collide together to become whole again, lightning is created, with the bender only guiding, rather than controlling, the lightning's direction" Therefore no lightning bending. You can only redirect it. You can't bend it. So no controlling people's nervous systems =P


If there are any other questions, concerns or feel like I"m being unfair, please PM me about them I wont bite your heads off. On the Contrary I want as much feedback as possible so this can be OUR Rp.

I don't want any OOC drama pretty please, so if this happens again just drop it and wait for me to come and clear things up. I know I'm not as active as most of you guys (I come back with 2+ pages to read every day XP), but I'm still here and my word is still final, unless I have to abandon this and give off GM to someone else.

We're too far along in the RP to have people drop it because of a simple misunderstanding. So, again, if there are any further complications treat them as you have today, in a mature manner. Thank you guys for not making this a bigger mess than it had to be and resolving this as adults =)


I shall resume with the health points =)
Quick question: Did my post count as damage to the spirit? I think I understand how it works, but I just want to make sure before I edit my post.
Yes, but even with that post, the spirit's still up, so I'm going to make a post with the spirit that happens just before Sogata's finishing attack.

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