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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

I dont think feelings were hurt in the discussion so i like to think of the arguments as educational. In my own opinion, they started heated but were worked down through discussion. I think it was quite nice :3
I just want to say that something happened, so i'm going for a ~3 weeks long hiatus starting next Tuesday.
There was a reason for the 'gone who knows where' part... I literally didn't want a chase for a huge number of reasons... Number one, can't have Fudo find out Blake's an airbender yet. Two, Blake and Fudo are going to end up fighting again, reason for which Fudo went chasing after her. Three, a fight with the injured avatar wouldn't turn out so well for either side now that he's in avatar state. Four, it was all only to wake Jeng up, meaning anything past that would probably have the opposite effect on things. I could keep going, but I don't want to type my fingers off this early in the morning.
You forgot something however, any earthbenders that just saw her bend know she is not an earth bender. Im pretty sure the way airbenders bend and earth benders bend are way different. Air is more well..like air its fluid and blows and the person who uses it seems to move like the wind, earth benders unless they have the sub bending of sand have aggressive stances. There's no way she can fool a earth bender
I simply said I don't want FUDO to know she's an airbender. Did you not read that part? I specified Fudo, not everybody else out there.
Still, that's not the point... The point is, I'm doing something between Blake and Fudo, and if Fudo finds out Blake's bending is air before it's time, could screw up my entire plans with them.
I feel like I miss so much every time I leave this computer =S

That's what I get for being a full time Engineer student and traveling back home for MLK day =S

Catching up right about now and writing a post soon...forgive me for my absence.

@too much idea

Thank you for letting us know about your finals week...Good luck! I hope you do splendid!

Do you want us to do anything specific with your character during your absence? ex. Drag her along...leave her...have her captured? O.o

Bringing this to the OOC

"Lightning, also known as "the cold-blooded fire", is considered the most powerful firebending technique, and its use was available only to a select few firebending prodigies and masters"

In regards to @Otakuyaki 's comment

"Lightning generation is the ability to generate and direct lightning. It requires peace of mind and a complete absence of emotion."

"Some experienced firebenders are unable to generate lightning because they do not possess inner peace. If a firebender who harbors inner turmoil tries to generate lightning, it would only cause a miniature explosion."

So no I do not agree with the idea of a person not being able to firebend but being able to generate lightning.
Yes, but that only further heightens the requirements of a firebender with little control of fire, but high control of lightning. Given that, according to both of you, it comes from a peaceful and clam mind, that doesn't directly tie to a firebender's ability to firebend. Also, jsut because during the hundred-year war it was restricted to prodigies and masters doesn't mean only prodigies and masters could learn it, just that nobody but those who could produce lightning knew how to train for it.

I still think that a firebender with little control of fire could produce lightning, as the producing lightning's an entirely different process from firebending. Lightning requires peace of mind, while firebending requires passion. Neither actually requires the other. It could be a character without any passionate emotion, but with no inner conflict either, so they wouldn't have much to drive them and give them the ability to produce effective fire, but still control lightning. The only direct tie between the two is that both go under the category of energy, which could be completely unrelated as to why a person could use lightning, but barely control fire. I do think it's possible to have happen.

Okay, I mistakenly posted this in the Character sign up area, so I'm going to repost here:

The episode you are talking about is called "Bitter Work". In it Iroh tries to teach Zuko how to make Lightning, but Zuko was too full of emotional turmoil to be able to do it. Iroh even states that you don't control the lightning, you are just it's humble guide. So, to bend lightning, one would need complete peace of mind.
"It is not fueled by rage or emotion the way other firebending is. Some call lightning the cold-blooded fire. It is precise and deadly, like Azula. To perform the technique requires peace of mind." -Iroh

With that in mind, firebending is fueled by emotion, while lightning is requiring peace of mind, and isn't fueled by emotion. Therefore, a person lacking strong enough emotion or rage, could be entirely weak with fire, but if still at peace of mind, be capable of creating lightning. Also, Some call it the cold-blooded fire, as it's the opposite of regular firebending, which is fueled by emotion or rage. I still stick to it, that it would be possible to have happen, just extremely rare. In fact, I'd say that a firebender that's taught under air monk ways would possibly turn out that way, so I'm pretty sure it would be possible.

If a character has no emotions and no conflict then what is the point of the character?

He/she will lack drive and character development becoming only a blob in the RP.

And if it was the case that the two weren't connected then anyone, including non-benders, would be able to generate lighting since, according to your description of it, Lighting only requires a peace of mind. That is most definitely not the case.

Yes times changed after the 100 year war and there are more firebenders that can generate lightning, but like the sentence says, Firebenders not Lightningbenders.

The fact that firebenders can create fire out of thin air is because of chi. Chi is the energy within ourselves. If a firebender can't firebend that means they can't control the energy within them. If they can't control the energy within them, they will much less be able to separate it to form lightning.
NessieAlways said:
If a character has no emotions and no conflict then what is the point of the character?

He/she will lack drive and character development becoming only a blob in the RP.

And if it was the case that the two weren't connected than anyone, including non-benders, would be able to generate lighting since, according to your description of it, Lighting only requires a peace of mind. That is most definitely not the case.

Yes times changed after the 100 year war and there are more firebenders that can generate lightning, but like the sentence says, Firebenders not Lightningbenders.

The fact that firebenders can create fire out of thin air is because of chi. Chi is the energy within ourselves. If a firebender can't firebend that means they can't control the energy within them. If they can't control the energy within them, they will much less be able to separate it to form lightning.
Zaheer eventually overcame attachment and gained what I would call a lack of emotion. It's what allowed him to fly. I've only gotten part of what's going on here so I should probably back out of the conversation ^_^ ;;

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