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I agree with all of that except for the cold blooded fire. To me it feels like it contradicts itself and ill put why. Maybe you can enlighten me a little better.

First up is Azula. She was a crazy mo-fo. Her cold blooded, merciless nature is why she had blue flames. This is a common known fact. We all know this. We also know that she went bat shit crazy at the end of the series. A person who is crazy is far from a "calm, peaceful mind" I don't remember 100% cause its been a long time but didn't she even use lightning in a huge fit of rage for the final battle? This is see as "cold blooded fire"

However, we also know for a fact that inner peace is required to allow the lightning to flow through you. Iroh Zuko Mako and a few others have proven this many times. One must have a clear mind and be resolute to use such a skill. So how does being at peace, mean its cold blooded? These two different techniques are completely different and opposite.

The only conclusion i can come up to is that while anyone can generate Lightning, Redirecting it is an entirely different skill in and of itself. If this is the case, it stands that technically, it is plausible for a person to be able to "bend" lightning but it would take the massive training for peace of mind to redirect it, as well as the ability to generate it on the fly, and there would also be a third aspect to which is unknown, but this would grant the user the ability to manipulate it. But no ones done it yet so someone would have to be creative.
Kaine said:
First up is Azula. She was a crazy mo-fo. Her cold blooded, merciless nature is why she had blue flames. This is a common known fact. We all know this. We also know that she went bat shit crazy at the end of the series. A person who is crazy is far from a "calm, peaceful mind" I don't remember 100% cause its been a long time but didn't she even use lightning in a huge fit of rage for the final battle? This is see as "cold blooded fire"
She had perfect control over her emotions until the end, which is basically a reflection of 'calm and peace of mind', since she had control over the emotions that would've given her a lack of peace and calm to her mind.
She actually did use lightning though... she struck Zuko with it, leaving Katara to freeze her and chain her... O.o
yeah but she was murderous. like ALL the time xD . that in itself should eliminate the peace of mind i would think, the only difference i could see with that would be not that you need peace, but simply calm. Anyone can be Calm, but to me being peaceful is way different. Guess im putting to much thought into the words used. Yeah for kids shows D: Guess 12-16 yo dont think that much. /sad
AS for the fit of rage, she had the opposite, but same status. She had a single overflowing emotion, which negated the mind's ability to focus on anything but upholding that emotion, thus the mind had no time to be out of a peaceful and calm state itself, since that would throw the overflowing rage into a mass confusion of emotion while mixed with the complete suppressing of emotion. That's how I see it, at least.


Kaine said:
yeah but she was murderous. like ALL the time xD . that in itself should eliminate the peace of mind i would think, the only difference i could see with that would be not that you need peace, but simply calm. Anyone can be Calm, but to me being peaceful is way different. Guess im putting to much thought into the words used. Yeah for kids shows D: Guess 12-16 yo dont think that much. /sad
Actually, peaceful isn't what's required, it's peace of mind, meaning no otherworldly traumas or things to take the mind from the sole group of existences it's current at focus.
I still don't think anyone can manipulate/bend lightning. It's canon information that they can only produce and direct it :o

Iroh and Zuko could only redirect it because they used their own bodies as a medium. In a way, I guess you could bend lightning if it strikes you, but apart from that, I disagree O.o
UltraYuseke said:
AS for the fit of rage, she had the opposite, but same status. She had a single overflowing emotion, which negated the mind's ability to focus on anything but upholding that emotion, thus the mind had no time to be out of a peaceful and calm state itself, since that would throw the overflowing rage into a mass confusion of emotion while mixed with the complete suppressing of emotion. That's how I see it, at least.
Ah but see you also make a proven hidden point here towards the aguement of calm vs peaceful. If your singular rageful mindset is "im going to kill you" and your only emotion is anger, and you are not confused but solely focused on the destruction of your enemy, your mind is still "calm" which would be enough to produce lightning ;D

So again, im putting to much though into peaceful mind vs calm mind.

As for the bending i was simply saying if you think about it, bending lightning is a "plausible" theory, but there is some missing third aspect that one has not figured out yet. But in my mind, bending lightning would be unlike any other element. You cant just through out lightning and playing with it for minutes or hours. It would literally be, you generate said element, you direct it, you have a split second to alter its course, it eeither strikes target or misses, rinse repeat. Lightning is going to want to travel and its going to do it fast, so at most all i see you doing is altering its course and thats about it. =/

Guess i should go post :0 you guys are awesome /scuttles away
It would be a process of splitting balanced positive and negative energy in the air to attract and create more electricity to keep it flowing and control the path. It would be possible, but would require extremely high concentration, speed, and perfection on the timing.
The show never specifically stated bending as impossible, but they did claim it because of lack of information on how lightning actually works as something they can create and direct.


Otakuyaki said:
There is no chi in the air though :/
Lightning isn't chi though; it's pure positive and negative energy. It's possible to crate lightning in the air, as there's both positive and negative energy everywhere.
Hmm... I was just denying your theory of splitting the yin and yang in the air... I have a reasoning behind it, but I would rather leave chi to the old men back home.
you could also look at it like metal bending, there are minute particles of earth in steel, when you generate lightning, there should still be something, even small, to slightly control it. If this wasnt the case, lightning always takes the path of least resistance, all you would need is a metal band and rubber gloves and you could deflect lightning away from you, or even a metal rod. as long as the metal rod is closer than you are, it would always direct away from you. those are just examples, cause i for one, would not carry a metal rod everywhere xD !
UltraYuseke said:
Lightning isn't chi though; it's pure positive and negative energy. It's possible to crate lightning in the air, as there's both positive and negative energy everywhere.
Positive and Negative energy exists everywhere... but not in the form of chi. Chi is essentially one's life force. In real life, and it can be inferred to hold the same meaning in the avatar universe, this is because Iroh mentions that our body stores it in a well of chi, in the gut. It wouldn't make sense for air to have it.

Lightning hasn't been stated to be pure positive and negative energy. Iroh mentioned that, when a firebender separates the yin and yang in their chi, they then bring their fingers together, allowing both to collide, and this produces lightning. The lightning is produced when both sides of chi are brought together. A spark between the two opposites.
PErsonally. I think Lighgtning bending should just summon Thor. Cause Thor is awesome and always wins, except of course when he doesnt. >D
Otakuyaki said:
Positive and Negative energy exists everywhere... but not in the form of chi. Chi is essentially one's life force. In real life, and it can be inferred to hold the same meaning in the avatar universe. It wouldn't make sense for air to have it.
Yes, but chi isn't involved in the process of creating lightning. Generating lightning's purely the separation of positive and negative energy, and releasing the built-up energy when the two energies collide back together in an attempt to regain balance.
Kaine said:
PErsonally. I think Lighgtning bending should just summon Thor. Cause Thor is awesome and always wins, except of course when he doesnt. >D
Ahahaha, I've never liked superheroes xD so i don't share your liking to Thor.


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Yes, but chi isn't involved in the process of creating lightning. Generating lightning's purely the separation of positive and negative energy, and releasing the built-up energy when the two energies collide back together in an attempt to regain balance.

It is chi, that's why iroh mentioned it. Split your chi into the yin and yang, let them collide, and direct it. He has referred to it quite specifically in the episode where he tried to teach Zuko lightning-generation.
I agree Thor is a superhero these days, but i was into Thor and Norse mythology long before Marvel made it the cool thing to like.
Chi is just purely energy though. Chi is simply a perfectly balanced mix of positive and negative energy. It's still possible using the energy in the air. It's possible for a firebender, which can control his chi (energy), to turn the energy in the air to chi.
Has firebending ever been mentioned canonically to be a conversion of natural energies in the air to chi?
Wait so lightning is generated when the win chi of one finger and the yan chi of your next finger collide as they are expelled form the body. You realize how obscenely destructive that is. If thats how its generated then there is no effing way a person should survive when they get hit with lightning. O.o yay for kids shows making it seem like you can shrugg that shit off like dirt.
Kaine said:
Wait so lightning is generated when the win chi of one finger and the yan chi of your next finger collide as they are expelled form the body. You realize how obscenely destructive that is. If thats how its generated then there is no effing way a person should survive when they get hit with lightning. O.o yay for kids shows making it seem like you can shrugg that shit off like dirt.
One of the reasons why I am opposing lightning manipulation is because the canonical fact that lightning can't be bent freely is lightning's own restriction. If we lose that restriction, it can greatly alter the balance of power in this roleplay.
Actually, firebending is the control of energy. Fire is created out of positive energy extracted from the person's body, or other sources such as the air.


Otakuyaki said:
One of the reasons why I am opposing lightning manipulation is because the canonical fact that lightning can't be bent freely is lightning's own restriction. If we lose that restriction, it can greatly alter the balance of power in this roleplay.
I'm not really pushing to allow it, I'm just proving it would, theoretically, be possible, since that seems to be what was being talked about.
But when you look at it, how is lightning bending more overpowered than lavabending. To me LAva was always OP i mean just getting within like 10 feet of lava in the RL can give you 3rd/4th degree burns.


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Actually, firebending is the control of energy. Fire is created out of positive energy extracted from the person's body, or other sources such as the air.

I'm not really pushing to allow it, I'm just proving it would, theoretically, be possible, since that seems to be what was being talked about.

I was trying to say the same thing, i think its possible, but i think i perrson would need to be like ultimate master.
Lightning's a lot less dangerous than lava, to be honest. Lava, once it touches you, you're pretty much screwed, even if it just touches one foot. Lightning, on the other hand, normally has to hit the heart, head, or create a direct hit to the center of the stomach to really kill you. Otherwise, the lightning will usually either hurt like hell, or knock you unconscious for an unknown period of time. It's very rare to actually die from lightning, with Zuko as proof by his heart being hit by lightning and him still having lived a good long life afterwards.

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