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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Actually, firebending is the control of energy. Fire is created out of positive energy extracted from the person's body, or other sources such as the air.

From what I know, the sun tribe called it an expression of passion. Whether Ozai and Azula's passion for their ambitions are positive or not, that is a matter of perspective. I wouldn't really call it a control of energy, more like expressing, but I can't really argue about this, because this is growing to be a matter of perspective on understanding the canonical information of the avatar universe.

I understand that the spirit world is abundant with spirit energies, as mentioned by Raava when Korra entered the spirit world to save Jinora, but I have never heard of such energies being in the air(of their corporeal world). If it's something uncanon in this rp, then sure, not really much of a way to argue against that.
Actually, look at my Zuko reference once more. The lightning hit his heart, but didn't kill. Therefore, if done properly, the lightning could probably save a life. Think about it as separating the negative and positive, and letting them collide without release, therefore generating a high electrical current in ones fingertips for a moment, and if pressed to another object, will spread that electrical current through, without taking the form of lightning. It would basically be the same as a defibrillator.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Actually, look at my Zuko reference once more. The lightning hit his heart, but didn't kill. Therefore, if done properly, the lightning could probably save a life. Think about it as separating the negative and positive, and letting them collide without release, therefore generating a high electrical current in ones fingertips for a moment, and if pressed to another object, will spread that electrical current through, without taking the form of lightning. It would basically be the same as a defibrillator.

omg true

but Zuko seemed like he was in so much pain ;D;

my baby
That was because he got hit by the lightning form of the electric current, not the slowly-released current that builds up ni the fingertips as the two energies collide back together from separation.

It could also be conversely used to shock a person like a taser by allowing it to travel into the target at a higher rate of speed. This would allow a person to do the results of those gloves Amon's people had, but straight from a bender.
Hmm... I'm not sure if firebenders can control the voltage of their lightning, especially because they can't control it. :P

But it would be funny if Tomoki just took a firebender placed his fingers to someone's chest and screamed: "CLEAR!"
Actually, it's not a control of voltage. It's not allowing the lightning to release, thus causing a build-up that makes the release of the lightning or electric waves higher speed as the pressure builds up. It's not controlling voltage, just the amount of electric waves entering the target at one moment.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Actually, it's not a control of voltage. It's not allowing the lightning to release, thus causing a build-up that makes the release of the lightning or electric waves higher speed as the pressure builds up. It's not controlling voltage, just the amount of electric waves entering the target at one moment.

Hmm... But Iroh stated that they had to direct it, and whenever they used lightning, it was always pretty powerful, so it can be inferred that they direct it because they would be unable to store it, releasing it spontaneously after the lightning is generated. If they hindered the lightning, that would defy Iroh's statement of, "You are it's servant...", would it not? This can mean that they direct it because they cannot hold it. This is further proven by Mako's job producing electricity in book 1 of LoK. They wouldn't need a bender to provide the input of energy into a hulking machine if they could just store it and release it over time. If they held it, it would probably shock them as well.

Also electricity does not travel as waves, electromagnetic forces travel as waves.
That was more of an example to relate it to a taser or defibrillator. Also, releasing of it isn't immediate. Think about how they sometimes build it up moving their hands, electricity trailing behind their fingers before they actually shoot it at the target. They're storing up that split energy, and then when they let it release, the more build-up, the stronger the discharge. The discharge can occur with the split energy pressed to the skin to simulate the release of electricity of a defibrillator or taser, thus generating the same effect based on the build-up of split energy.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]That was more of an example to relate it to a taser or defibrillator. Also, releasing of it isn't immediate. Think about how they sometimes build it up moving their hands, electricity trailing behind their fingers before they actually shoot it at the target. They're storing up that split energy, and then when they let it release, the more build-up, the stronger the discharge. The discharge can occur with the split energy pressed to the skin to simulate the release of electricity of a defibrillator or taser, thus generating the same effect based on the build-up of split energy.

Hmm... If the lightning trails from their hands, that's even more proof that they can't hold it. It means that they are producing lightning that they can't hold. :/
Actually, that's more of the slight bit of split energy that collides back together as they build it up. The amount trailing behind their fingers is nothing compared to what's released just after, meaning they can hold a really high amount, just the rate they collect it makes for them splitting too much energy at once, letting tiny bits collide as they go to keep from letting the small bits that do collide back together as they build it up from setting a chain reaction with all that they do have stored and split in their fingertips.
If I may write my own hypothesis:

I believe that the reason why lightning trails from their hands is because of the forceful separation of their yin & yang chi. Since it appears to be volatile, one can infer that chi is not meant to be split in such a way in the avatar universe. Therefore, firebenders producing lightning expend strength to keep the split yin and yang separate, and produce more of both as lightning is being discharged before they fire their lightning, which will explain their large cyclic movements, it keeps the yin and yang separate whilst keeping the lightning away from their bodies. However, they cannot keep them fully separated, thus the trailing lightning. However, once they bring their fingers together, they are letting the large amounts of yin and yang driven with their fingers collide, thus creating a large amount of electricity that they spontaneously discharge as lightning. Therefore, the steps of producing lightning would be:

  1. Begin to separate the chi your body produces into yin and yang
  2. Keep the yin & yang separate with large movements while you continue to separate more yin and yang, as lightning is being discharged due to the inability to keep the yin and yang completely separate(using cyclic movements will bring the yin and yang to your fingertips centrifugally whilst keeping the discharging lightning at a comfortable distance from your crotch & face)
  3. Bring fingers together to let the amassed yin and yang collide
  4. Direct it immediately

Another reason why I don't believe that they can store it is because when Zuko redirects lightning, Iroh taught him to bring the lightning to the gut, the well of chi. This suggests that they store the lightning as chi, so that it is directed through the body(the medium of redirecting) as chi to prevent harm to the body from lightning.

I am sorry, but I could not understand your previous post. I do not understand what your subjects and objects are referring to. "They" and "it" are both rather obscure when you are including two different subjects/objects.
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Here's the order of actions that would go along with my hypothesis of how it works. We're both working on pretty similar lines of this, so to be honest, it could be possible we're both correct and that both ways are quite possible.

  1. Begin to separate the chi your body produces into yin and yang
  2. Keep the yin & yang separate while separating more, with those small bits that collide being released because of the movements to prevent a chain reaction colliding all of the energy.
  3. Slowly come to a stop on collecting the energy and hold them separate until time to release the separation of the two energies.
  4. Direct it as the separated energies collide, with the release only being required as the energies collide. The more energy allowed to collide at once, the faster and stronger the flow of the electricity, simulating various effects involving the electricity or lightning produced.

Also, this is a little late, but a little hypothesis on why Azula's flames were blue. Red flames is the product of controlling positive energy that flows inside of the user's chi, while blue flames is the product of negative energies in chi. The energies drawn from the user's chi is based on the positive or negative state of the source dragging the energy out; example of Zuko's desire for acceptance being the initial form of his hatred towards the avatar, that positive desire dragging out positive energy from the chi. Azula wanted purely to kill the avatar, and that negative desire drew out negative energy from the chi.
I get the feeling that we are reading too much into/analysing the avatar universe too much :P


Best we leave this here, especially because this has grown to be an argument based on perspectives.

Your opinions will be yours, mine will be mine. It appears that both of our opinions are informed opinions, so this should be a good conclusion.
We'd actually both be just at the edges of where the circles connect, each half inside one circle, half inside both. That's how I see it, and I agree, we'll leave this here.
Otakuyaki said:
I get the feeling that we are reading too much into/analysing the avatar universe too much :P

Best we leave this here, especially because this has grown to be an argument based on perspectives.

Your opinions will be yours, mine will be mine. It appears that both of our opinions are informed opinions, so this should be a good conclusion.
Omg i laughed so hard. Reminded so much of a time in highschool when our teacher tried to tell us about hidden meanings in the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles. xDDD!!!

So uhm. Question. When maka is fighting someone, or training really, not fighting, can i accidently chi block someone and paralyze their face, or their body. I thiink it would be hilarious. "OH hey i wanna try this new move" "Damnit girl unchi block me" "I CANT I DONT KNOW HOW I EVEN DID IT >D!"
Hmm... Technically, you could utilise acupuncture to undo the stemming of the chi flow in the face. But if you hit them in the acupuncture spots around the temple, neck and face, the most that would happen to the face might be numbness, difficulty to talk, and dizziness(possibly vertigo).


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]If I make a fourth character, which I probably will some time soon, that can happen to them xD

So many characters xD
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]'Eh, nothin' compared to Miyu. Heard that at one point, she'd played over ten chars in a single RP.

WWWHHHHHYYYYYYY. Ill stick to Maka and chompi thx :x
I suggest that we remove some of the older people from the RP that haven't posted/posted minimally. It'll help clean up some of the clutter and we won't look like have a roster full of characters when we have much less in reality.
Hmm... We don't need to remove them, we can just classify them as an inactive. :3

That way, they can re-enter.
The thing is though, some of them are really far behind and would have a VERY hard time getting back into the groove of things

For example, Jay Kannan is still technically at the president's lunch, I believe

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