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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken


I see what you are saying, but I don't really want to delete them. Even if they posted very little they had some involvement with the story and taking that out would leave an awkward read. I did take them out from the Character sign up though. That's updated with the current characters who are playing and have been accepted.

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For the record I do not approve of bunnying, but seeing it was just a little I'll let it slide ;)

Although next time let me know before you post my character doing something so we can both agree on it, kay? Kay!

Second Izumi's dad was captured by spirits way before she wanted to go to republic city. If you read her bio in the CS you'll see that the only reason she wants to go to Republic City is to be with her brother since she lost both her parents =S

With that said it isn't possible that Izumi's father told Maka's dad not take her since he was abducted way before that.

I'll make my post when I get out of classes! =)

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I'll correct mine I knew about the father thing but completely forgot >.< yay for posting so late. Who was her guardian so I can put that in there? Or should I change that part completely?

Nah you don't have to change it completely =)

Her guardian is Niyok, She's the village's healer...Sort of like Katara in LoK

I should probably make a short NPC sheet for in the Overview...
Maka would know this was her guardian?

EDIT: Edited my post took out where Izumi moved and changed father to Niyok, lemme know what else needs to be changed :0
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I'm pretty sure...unless she's a clueless, oblivious girl. =P

I'm working on a future RP I want to make

I need to figure out some coding first so I'm using this page to try it out

With that said If I accidentally post something here please disregard it.

I'm going to try my best to only click the preview button, but if I mistakenly press the post please forgive me =P
Sooo Should maka be stuborn and muster up courage and follow, or leave her friend in the forest of strange. Decisions decisions. Input?
Yeah sorry about that...I thought it'd give it a little bit of a push instead of the usual "Oh no I haven't done anything. I don't know why they're here!" Idk it seemed to work. Jeng reacted amazingly =P

waiting for @Kaine so I can post for all three characters instead of doing separate posts for each.
lol just postededed

Sorry i meant to psot last night but my posts tend to come out weird when im in a sleep deprived delirium.
I have to wait for some kind of medical assistance to come over to my poor little cheese girl. Once that happens, I'll add in what's going on with Blake and Fudo over by the edge of the city.
I'm guessing he's referring to my little girl of age nine that's laying with severe injuries, crying as she's forced to stare at her dead parents...? xD
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I'm guessing he's referring to my little girl of age nine that's laying with severe injuries, crying as she's forced to stare at her dead parents...? xD

Oh alright, I'm guessing she's near the scene of the incident, I'll post :P
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I'm guessing he's referring to my little girl of age nine that's laying with severe injuries, crying as she's forced to stare at her dead parents...? xD

I'm a She...not a He D=

But yeah that's what I was referring too!
Sometimes, when I press certain keys, I realise my Ctrl key is stuck, so I end up opening [save as] windows or [Computer] windows...
Ooh, I really hate when stuff like that happens. For instance, my keyboard has the shift and caps lock keys basically connected, and I can often times hit caps lock by accident.
My old computer's space bar didn't work.

Sometimes I would write a whole paragraph and realize there were no spaces. It just looked like a huge one paragraph word =P

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