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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

I'm actually also waiting for a good way to jump in with Blake. Fudo's being held on to and kept from posts until they arrive at the fire nation, so he can have his little episode of being consumed by his strength; perhaps something like an evil spirit possessing him while he's weakened from trying to control his own strength; and him pretty much go berserk n' try to kill the avatar or something.
Well with all the thing the criminals did to spirits I think that's possible, a small angry spirit possesing him to harm the avatar psychically
Beating him would probably be good, make him know hes not all godlike and what not, knocking him down a peg is always good :o
BlackJack said:
Beating him would probably be good, make him know hes not all godlike and what not, knocking him down a peg is always good :o
That'd be mean, as he wouldn't be in his own state of mind. It'd be the spirit's fault, not Fudo's! Don't be so cruel to him and say beating him up's good!
Hey I never said that xD , we just need an enemy here so it's not all fun and games :o


UltraYuseke said:
So... Avatar getting his ass handed to him by Blake at some point because the avatar's still too naive or something sound good to everybody? xD
Look at this :o Hmm sounds like what I just said
BlackJack said:
Look at this :o Hmm sounds like what I just said
Yes, but Blake's not really an enemy. She'd more of get in some kind of argument with the avatar for some reason, the two end up deciding to settle it with a fight (probably suggested by Blake because of her playful Toph status), and Blake teaches him a lesson about how he's still too naive to fill his role of avatar properly.
Thats what I was thinking, not by my guy because my guy just is saying he is not going to treat him like a god
I feel like my chars are dead with how little I have in this RP so far, as well as my lacking of anything to do in the past while.
I've been thinking...Instead of everyone teaming up with the Avatar and having one huge group following around one person, there could be be little groups that help out the Avatar by tackling problems all over.

For example...Instead of like 8-10 people going with the Avatar to the fire nation. The Avatar could take half of the people and send the rest to do some other mission...unless everyone is okay with having a huge group traveling together...

This could help in one, not overwhelming the poor kid,and two more character interaction instead of just a small group talking and all the other characters in the back ground. After some time everyone regroups, new tasks are given, teams can rearrange, and then everyone is off again. Of course everyone will regroup for the big finale. It might work and it might not. If it doesn't the groups can just meet at a common area.

Any thoughts?
I like the idea. Also, I'm thinking of having Blake as a character that never truly joins with the avatar, just shows up before him whenever he's holding himself back (like being naive, letting things get to him, etc.) and teach him what he's doing wrong through a little fight. Sort of a recurring ass-handing to teach him a few things through the course of the story. Then Fudo'll join up, but just constantly be the target of evil spirits or something and always end up in conflict with the avatar that can only be solved with their fists or somethin'.
If I may say something, @UltraYuseke , you also have to understand that he's going to have the White Lotus watching over him, most likely at every step on their trip. Any ass-handling, will most likely put a bounty on Blake's head. Not to mention, Avatar state. You can try, but most likely its going to be her that is put on her ass, not the Avatar. I just wanted to say that.
You're misunderstanding... I'm talking about when the avatar's in a horrible state and needs something to kick him back to his normal self. It'd be more of an obvious "Blake's doing what nobody else has the courage to do: teach the avatar that life isn't a box of chocolate that you cry over when they're gone." kind of thing. It'd more be if the avatar's beating himself up for a mistake, or something like that, and needs somebody to hand him his ass to wake him up.
Not to mention: Chief Fei

We needed something big to make the Avatar like that. I'd say the Spirit Circus. That'll make the Avatar realized that he haven't do anything for the World he tasked to protect
Well to be fair, we have technically only been in the RP for about 2 days, so you can't expect Jeng to do much in terms of protecting the world yet
So question. I see there are a ton of names on the players list but not to many signups. Is there still room to join? Also how often do you guys post if there are spots available. Seems like you have a pretty nice RP going here :D
Well, the thing is, people tend to join in for a couple posts or more and then just drop out afterwards, so the list is deceptively long. There probably is still room, but @NessieAlways has to approve your character first
Ah well my biggest issue is the posting multiple times a day. sometimes i can most the time i cant. but if thats the case i guess that i will make a sheet and we will go from there. as long as the mod is active i will be happeh :D Thx muches

Go ahead an make the CS =) Although I'd appreciate an increase in nonbenders and/or airbenders, choose as you wish. =)

As for the posting, some of these wonderful people are able to post multiple times a day, while the rest of these wonderful people post at least one a day. Honestly I try to post at least once a day, but I do tend to run short of time in my schedule and not post, but as long as you can keep up you're more than welcomed!

This RP isn't necessarily fast (We're barely on the second day), but it isn't mega ultra slow either. I try to keep summaries going in the Overview in case someone need to catch up or a reminder of what's been going on =)

Lol true...but you do post here so we know you're still alive and waiting for your characters spotlight moment
True, true, I do at least let people know I'm alive and not just dropping out without warning.

Also, I think I just realized something I can do with Blake. Blake's able to use wind to mimic the ability Toph had with earth, and she carries around two giant clay pots, so it's highly possible for her to pretend she's an earthbender that just prefers to use her own pots as weapons along with hand-to-hand so people don't know her true element. I mean, she did a good job of beating up Fudo without bending, so it'd work out quite well. Nobody'd get suspicious of why she isn't bending, because she can kick ass without it xD

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