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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Where are you currently in your RP? I want to make a character that is situated somewhere around there so I'm not forcing you guys to go somewhere to join in.
Coriandr said:
Where are you currently in your RP? I want to make a character that is situated somewhere around there so I'm not forcing you guys to go somewhere to join in.
We're all attending a circus with spirits that are being forced to be a part of its attractions, going through abuse and the like. Right now, the characters who are attending the circus act, have just discovered the section of the show with spirits. What was planned was that Jeng(the avatar) and his friends would be more interested in what goes on behind the scenes with the spirits, but would eventually learn of the circus's improper treatment of the spirits, and work towards freeing them. This will be met with the difficulty of the circus troupe members and the spirits that have been "trained" to hang on the ring master's every word.
Any specific place where the circus is?(Like, North-Eastern Earth Kingdom, middle-ish of the Fire nation, or an already made place like Omashu?)
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It's in the Fire Nation, I think somewhere in a village near the capital.

Also @Yanire I hope you aren't getting the impression that we're ignoring you! I've just been waiting for an opportunity to find a way to reply fluidly.
Okay. At this point in the timeline are people moving from nation to nation casually(as in, firebenders in the Earth Kingdom, waterbenders in the Fire Nation, etc.) or are they still separate?
And a certain drunk duo are making their way inside behind the scenes.
@Coriandr Not sure how much Avatar you have watched, but the RP is set after Korra, when the spirit portals have been opened. People have begun to mistreat spirits and colonize the spirit world, making the spirits angry. That's where the Avatar comes in- keeping the peace between the two worlds.

As of right now, I think we have one Avatar, one earthbender, two spirits, two non-benders, a firebender, and a waterbender
Flutterby said:
@Coriandr Not sure how much Avatar you have watched, but the RP is set after Korra, when the spirit portals have been opened. People have begun to mistreat spirits and colonize the spirit world, making the spirits angry. That's where the Avatar comes in- keeping the peace between the two worlds.
As of right now, I think we have one Avatar, one earthbender, two spirits, two non-benders, a firebender, and a waterbender
And an air bender
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Flutterby said:
@Coriandr Not sure how much Avatar you have watched, but the RP is set after Korra, when the spirit portals have been opened. People have begun to mistreat spirits and colonize the spirit world, making the spirits angry. That's where the Avatar comes in- keeping the peace between the two worlds.
As of right now, I think we have one Avatar, one earthbender, two spirits, two non-benders, a firebender, and a waterbender
I've watched the first series, not even kidding, 8 times just within the last 5 years, not to mention when it was actually on TV, and The Legend of Korra twice. Not quite sure what's wrong about my CS, besides maybe not adding a personality? Could you explain a bit more what you think I did wrong? Are towns supposed to be run down by spirits or something?


Do you mean how he was "dazzled by what they could do"? Because spirits never seemed to me like the kind of... species, I guess? The kind of species to flaunt their abilities or use them frequently without a good purpose, hence why there might be a circus.


Okay, wasn't sure if you felt I needed it but I'll edit to add something.
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Coriandr said:
Okay, wasn't sure if you felt I needed it but I'll edit to add something.
Of course I need it.

How can I accept a character if I don't know how they behave?

Giving them a personality is defining who the character is.

It gives them life!

Sure their personality might change throughout the RP as the character develops, but there has to be a foundation set first so the character can grow from it.
Coriandr said:
I've watched the first series, not even kidding, 8 times just within the last 5 years, not to mention when it was actually on TV, and The Legend of Korra twice. Not quite sure what's wrong about my CS, besides maybe not adding a personality? Could you explain a bit more what you think I did wrong? Are towns supposed to be run down by spirits or something?
I was adding that in response to your question about how people are traveling nation-to-nation, as I believe Nessie based most things on how things were at the end of Korra (which I never saw any of). The political climate is similar to that, so the prevalence of travel would also be similar.
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