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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

@Sinister Clown


Just so you guys know the show wont be until later on in the RP once everyone is going xD

It'll be a sort of "Group up"

But your characters can see the animals in the mean time! =D

Or just go back to town and cause some ruckus xD

I'll make my post tomorrow. I'm too tired to write anything semi cohesive right now =S
Well, seems my notifications haven't been showing ya'll chatting. What's up?
He'd be all be happy to give applause and flattery, makes sense he would be there. He has a uncanny ability to be at the wrong place at the right time.

I'll get to the post soon, need to actually get home and eat, phones aren't the greatest thing to type up posts.

Go ahead and include the guy in your shenanigans, he's pretty hard headed if you need something to throw.
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Plus now that another spirit came to take her kill, I'd imagine Ina would be working VERY hard to get it back, should be a good show.
aww thats boring, ending the game so suddenly...
thats a good idea.. perhaps... as an opportunist I'll wait for the most inconvenient(ie, gets in the way) time to do so, regardless, the winner gets the prize!
Well, seems the show is running off without it's audience, and exploding the drama bomb from the get go.
Either way, cal's going for a jog.
Not bad, pretty much just waiting atm, that and college work so... Not to bored.

That and currently rping a rogue A.I stuck in a toaster within a rp about traveling the stars... soo... Not bad really.
............................ I'm jealous now...I don't have any RPs to reply to so I'm just awaiting.... And my video games are sooo far.... (Like a good ten feet from my bed)

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