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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

That he shall!

I also have a devilish plan to pull aswell if they ever speak, a tricky fox that cannot resist a wager, perhaps a game would catch her eye?
of course not~!

i just wana play with the fox, how could you look at me like I'm some old lecherous fool TT~TT
Orikanyo said:
That he shall!
I also have a devilish plan to pull aswell if they ever speak, a tricky fox that cannot resist a wager, perhaps a game would catch her eye?
You've peaked my intrests. Ina can't resist a wager, but know that she is great with games. (It's because she cheats). But yeah she would certainly appreciate a game.


Orikanyo said:
of course not~!
i just wana play with the fox, how could you look at me like I'm some old lecherous fool TT~TT
Lol, besides I'm pretty sure that Ina would never be romantic. She's too butch (mainly because she's gender neutral).
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romance shall come if it wants to, in truth the thing on the line is hardly on such lines, but shall remain secret!
Orikanyo said:
romance shall come if it wants to, in truth the thing on the line is hardly on such lines, but shall remain secret!

Also, I'm using this line sometime.

yar, the things hes after ain't her booty if yea catch me drift yar.
So, just askin is all since I don't wana be left behind on accident, do we have a set start day?
Alrighty, I'll await it then. I'll be abit since I have class later in the day, so may be abit slow of the start up due to it.

You focus on that test, good luck!
Orikanyo said:
Alrighty, I'll await it then. I'll be abit since I have class later in the day, so may be abit slow of the start up due to it.
You focus on that test, good luck!

And no worries!

If you'd like I can give you a brief summary of what im planning on posting so you can start writing your post =)
As above, that would be wonderful, so I can plan a way to screw up everything : P
Okay so I'll be starting the post describing Fire Fountain City. (If you see the lore there should be a small background as to what happened. I'll be elaborating) then I'll open saying an old couple took in the avatar and their friends and they've been helping them heal and stuff. I'll have Riichi (who is also staying with the old couple) out in the market running errands for the old hag. He'll run into a kid who's handing out flyers and that will be the next event. I'll probably end there so I can give the team and others a chance to enter the scene.

Also for those starting in RC and the Spirit world I'll summarize and continue off the stories of Ryo, Kavi, Shizuko, and Izumi.
just keep throwen em at the avatar, see who sticks.
everyone get into the Csapult, were gona go on an adventure.

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