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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Same here, today is classical mythology for me, sadly the name is a lie. It's only Greek myth. A disappointment to me since I know it back forward and sideways already.

Regardless of that, Takeo might have to work abit to get that fish to bite, free spirits, while friendly, not exactly easy to pinn down. Also look at the competition aswell, so many new ladies you'd think he's never left home!

Also thankful I found that name database easily because I'd rather not make up 9 names... Also they make a neat rhymn.
The thing is Takeo won't take anyone as his actual romance partner. For a fling? Sure he would take Jeng for a night of fun. But with his business, he can't just the person he falls in love with on first sight :P If they aren't prepared to handle/help with his business then he has litte interest in the other.

And I found the rhyming names funny xD
Heh, sounds like a fungi.

Aye, careful though, each one of em is fiery as their mother... This Cal knows well... The fights were things of legend, and it's up to big bro to sort things out.

As for my boyo's work its... hard to call it a job, pay is infrequent as you live off your earnings from artifacts, and most the time he has to keep the drink running, which is more important then simply pleasure, he DOES have a spiritual horror stuck in his forehead.
He can be a picky guy.... Pus he needs his father's and mother's approval... If they don't....well life will be hard :P

That must be an intresting experience... Takeo has a personal spirit that protects him... And you have a spirit stuck in his head...... xD I can imagine awkward moments with the two.
"Hello fellow spirit how are yo-" *incomprehensible screaming*

Still trying to get the feel of this spirit down, yea he/she is filled with utter hatred, but this possession thing is new, might have him/her turn around abit. We'll see in time.
Aye, only way I'm outa this rp is if notifications screw up, a massive problem arrises(not likely, and if personal I would say something) or ya'll kick me out(you guys like me right? TT~TT
*paps* I like you! Don't worry you have to try in order to get kicked out :P Just don't be OP or do any BS and your good with me~
So basicly be a decent roleplayer and a half decent person, easy enough to do.

Sadly what is easy enough to do isn't easy enough for a great deal of folk these days, not pointing fingers around here just three women just walked by talking shit about a person they knew, gona insult somebody? The least you can do is tell it to their face.
As the more talkative of the new recruits I bid thee hello and good morning/evening.

Good luck with school, atleast have better luck then me, sat in an empty class for an hour before I figured out the class was canceled today. : /


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