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Fantasy Aurora - The Supernatural Continent


Read the rules prior to posting your character bio, along with organizations and settings/locations if you can (So you can get a grasp of the realm at hand).
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Pivot, Noxmead Tavern

I swear, this place has too much goin on, I'll be having targets left and right. This place'll have me rich, it will, Asad jokingly mused to himself, right hand coiled around an ivory bit of parchment bearing a particularly flamboyant signature. His lips were curled into a satisfied grin, eyes almost a lit as they swiftly darted across the embellished, ebony wording across the parchment clutched in his hand. Another assignment completed, this one having been an intimidation rather than an actual killing job. In accordance with the assignment's completion, a reasonable amount of gold would be supplemented at a designated location, to be collected at his leisure.

For the time being, however, he celebrated.

Tufts of grass clung to his obsidian-colored boots as he trotted onward, in the direction of an old-fashioned tavern, one of the more notable ones throughout Pivot's vast landscapes. The sun radiantly beamed down upon the back of his neck, illuminating his surroundings in vibrant yellow, almost akin to gold. A single hand lowered his darkened hood, revealing his full, almost wise countenance as he closed in upon the entry point to Noxmead Tavern. He hastily placed the parchment within his cloak, left hand lightly grasping the handle, before pulling it open.

Almost immediately, he was met with a peculiar warmth, the familiarly tolerable scent of various drinks wafting past his nose. The interior was busied with an array of folks having a good time, and the noise was quite audible, as one might expect. Suppose I'll grab a couple drinks before collecting the gold, may as well enjoy myself a bit, and that gold isn't going anywhere.
Eryndir had arrived in town by eveningfall, leading his brown laden courser by the bridle. Most businesses had closed for the day, including the saddlers' and tanners' stalls, and the streets were mostly empty. As he strolled through town he soon took notice of the tavern standing just down the street. A sizable wooden sign hung just above the tavern door with the words NOXMEAD TAVERN written in bright red letters. Eryndir stood in front of the tavern for a moment, listening to the sounds of merriment and revelry from inside. At this hour, the inn was packed. Eryndir was tempted by the inn's welcoming charm and he needed a place for bread and board before he could continue his journey tomorrow morning.

At the moment Eryndir walked inside, he had drawn a great deal of attention to himself. Elves were a rare sight in the Human kingdoms, and it was not uncommon for people to stare at their long pointed ears with fascination. Nearly everyone inside also took notice of Eryndir's blades. Although it was not uncommon for people to carry weapons around these parts, almost nobody carried two swords at once, much less strap them to their backs like a bow or quiver. The innkeeper raised his head as he heard the creaking of the front door, then measured the outsider with his gaze. Eryndir silently took a seat at the counter with a slightly gruff expression written on his face.

"What will it be sir?"

"Some wine, please." replied the elf.
Anyone who heard his voice could easily detect his foreign accent. The innkeeper wiped his hands on his apron and filled a simple wooden tankard with red wine.

"Have you any rooms here tonight?" asked Eryndir

"Aye, that we do. It's twelve crowns a night, plus a few for your drink."

"That should not be a problem, then."
Ayesha Monet


The white haired elf pulled her dark purple hood up to cover her face as she walked along the street of Pivot. She was getting a little uncomfortable with the stares from the humans. She knew, of course, that there are other elves here too, but she was not in the mood for interaction. She was still mad with her parents for making her come here. She missed her home and the purple sky, despite being away for only a week. As much as she hated this trip, she was able to put up with it due to the new things she sees here. As she turned around the corner, she noticed an elf, walking inside a tavern, and her immediate reaction was just to watch him. Once he was out of her sight she walked over and looked up at the tavern's name. Noxmead Tavern, she read the sign to herself. The laughter and chattering from the inside could be heard clearly from where she was standing. Most of the voices sounded scary as most belonged to men. She stood there, trying to decide which is the best option; walk in and get a room or try to find another place to rest.

The small midnight elf stood there, in front of the tavern, thinking.

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Deadwood, Northeastern Outskirts

Light, fragmented due to the futile efforts of the sun, attempted to break through the obstruction that was the forest's canopy. Corresponding with these erratic pockets of light that danced within the trees, an equal greatness of shadows played within the mix. Beyond the droves of undead that wandered only for hunger, perhaps the forest itself was designed to disconcert any traveler. Were the shadows the moved a member of the unholy? Perhaps a meager animal that wished not to be seen? Or perhaps it was merely the wind in the end that cast these illusions of discomfort.

'How much more, must I gambit with Death to find an answer,' Alex's disposition faltered as she reached the forest's edge. For near a week she traveled through the Deadwood fores, not only searching for an answer, but as well the question. Must one say, what she longed for was purpose, but even that, she did not understand.

A familiar light shone upon Alexandria's form upon exiting the confines of the shadow infested forest. A welcoming, unobstructed glow that illuminated everything whilst providing a warm care to her skin. However, she showed indifference to this change of scenery, unable to truly appreciate the feeling of safety that came with this setting. With her left hand grasping the remnants of her right arm, she trudged forward. 'What was this feeling called? Exhaustion? Discontent? Boredom perhaps?' At least when she reached the city she could resupply, that for now, was a purpose.
Pivot, Undisclosed Location

Kyou carefully traced the front of his cloak before slipping it over the lower half of his face. For a few seconds, the red and black clothing of the midnight mercenary shimmered as small beads of mystical energy seemed to be sucked from the environment. Yes, this was something that came as naturally to Kyou as breathing came to the average person, however feeling all your senses and muscles instantly become stronger never got old to Kyou.

'Well... time to get to work. If the information is correct, their camp should be some time to the north.'

Kyou took a deep breath as his hands sunk into the bark of a nearby tree. Then in a similar fashion, he sunk his other hand into the trunk of the tree. Using this same method, he managed to climb the tree. Soon, his body rested on a tree branch as he prepared himself. He stood up and leaped to the next tree, then the next one, then the next one. After a few minutes, he stopped atop a rather high tree. He leaned forward so he could get a better look at the land under him.

'There's six of you eh?'

Under him was a group of six men with swords and other weapons. One of them held a silver necklace while the other was counting gold pieces. One of them let out a hardy laugh "That was too easy! Did you see how I stabbed him. He squealed like a child!"

It seemed Kyou had finally found the bandit group he was searching for. A few days ago, he had taken up a job to 'take care' of a bandit group that had been harassing the area. Kyou took another deep breath as he prepared for the battle that laid ahead.

'Let's do this...'

In an instant, Kyou dropped from the tree and slammed his fist into the head of one of the bandits, instantly knocking him unconscious. The other five bandits stared in shock for a few seconds before one of them spat out "#@*%! It's the Crimson Ghost!" They leaped to their feet and readied their weapons. Kyou went into his fighting stance as he carefully watched his five targets. The contract said that he would only be paid upon termination of ALL the bandits. He would have to be careful enough not to let any of them get away.

"Don't all go at once now..."

The first bandit raised his sword as he prepared to attack. He sloppily swung his great-sword at Kyou, which he dodged with ease by simply stepping to the side. Kyou then gave the attacking bandit a swift punch to the head, instantly knocking the man unconscious. Dust kicked up around Kyou as the bandit's limp body hit the ground.

The bandits gave each other a knowing look before they darted further into the forest in separate directions. "Run! He can't catch us all!"

'I should've knew this would happen. I guess this is what I get for being soo cocky.'

The bounty for the bandits wasn't high enough for him to bend over backwards in order to catch them, and besides they probably wouldn't be attacking any one in the area any more. The mystical energy left almost as quickly as it came. He then began to make his way towards the nearest tavern he could think of.

'I need a drink, Noxmead should do. I swear that I'm forgetting something though...'

Behind him lay the unconscious bandits that he had knocked out. They would wake up with some bad bruises...​
Noxmead Tavern, Pivot

@Mistic @Lorkhan @Kirito Kei

Asad's head lightly tilted upward as a low bell resounded towards the Tavern's entrance, signaling the arrival of more. A dusty mug of mead was now clasped in his hand, absentmindedly murmuring a low, "thanks" as a loaf of great was gently set before him by an assistant of the bartender. His muscles relaxed, smirk wide with heightened satisfaction, back reclined against the chair. Pressing the mug against his lips, he felt his brows furrow to a slight degree as a single individual, elven by the looks of it, strode forward. A high elf, judging by his appearance.

Heh, ain't seen many high elves round here. Know quite a few of em have political power in Pivot, but here I thought they were all too pretentious to swing by an old-fashioned little place like this. Just goes to show, eh? Perhaps he'd thought a wee too harshly about the High Elves. With somewhat sufficient reasoning, of course. Most High Elven beings could be held in high renown because of the race's innate talents and capabilities. An unfortunate effect, however, being that some of them were aware of that fact. Thus, ego's, you know....

"Shame they don't have any high-elven wine, eh?" Asad humorously drawled, curiously eyeing the elven newcomer. His liquid pools of brown drifted towards his elf's most peculiar set of blades, over his back like a quiver for arrows. A dual wielder? Well, ain't that somethin...

@Kel Vas (Which city in particular did she reach?)
(Sorry for the late reply bin busy in irl)

Nomad Tavern, Pivot

The warm, morning air and radiant sky glowing with sunlight suddenly changed. The weather became cold gust of Artic breeze flowed into the town. The sky began to darken as dark clouds rolled in from the north. Any un-guarded lampposts would blow out. From the woods Zetherian would walk from in between two trees. He looks towers the small town, and in the distance could hear the sounds of drunken laughter. A bar filled with mortals who no dough had committed grave sins. He began to walk towers the Tavern before he disappeared into a puff of black mist. His demon half was hungry for souls...and blood.

@Apex , @Mistic , @Lorkhan ,@Kirito Kei
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A sharp discomfort struck Eryndir in the gut. His bones began to chill, and there came a sick feeling in his stomach. Eryndir could feel the presence of a threatening and ominous force, but could not determine what it was exactly. Concerned, he lifted his head from his drink and took a long stare around the inn. Nothing was out of the ordinary, as it seemed. The fireplace still roared, the musicians strummed their harps, and the clamor of the tavern-goers was as boisterous as ever. Perhaps the wild has gotten to my head. thought Eryndir. Without trying to pay too much mind to his suspicions, the elf shifted out of his seat, tankard in hand, and strode towards the hearth. His fingers were still quite numb from the cold.

That was when the whole nasty affair began. A towering animal of a man who, from the moment Eryndir walked in had not taken his gloomy brown eyes away from him, got up and approached the elf. Two of his companions rose with him and followed closely behind the the thug, not straying more than two paces behind. "There's no room to be had for you here, vagabond!" rasped the brutish man, now standing right next to Eryndir. "We don't need tree-fuckers like you in Pivot. This is a decent town!"

Eryndir only sipped his wine and moved away. He glanced towards the innkeeper and caught him sulking away from the whole mess. It did not even occur to him to defend Eryndir. After all, elves did not hold high regard among humans.

"All elves are thieves!" the brute went on. His breath was a disgusting mixture of beer, garlic, and rage. "Do you hear me, fairy-boy?"

"He can't hear you. His ears are full of shit." joked one of the thug's lackeys, cackling. "Get out of here, tree-fucker!" shouted the leader again.

Only now did Eryndir look at him. "I'll finish my drink, first."

"We'll give you a hand." hissed the leader. He knocked the tankard from Eryndir's hand while also shoving his back to the wall. After the gang had their laugh, the elf approached the thug, this time with an exasperated glower on his face. The thug and the elf stared each other down, their heads nearly touching together. Eryndir's hand drew close to the knife on his belt.

Noxmead Tavern, Pivot

"That's quite enough," came a soft voice, though despite the deafening hum of the Tavern the phrase would deliver clearly to it's intended ears. A pale hand slipped from it's purple veil and rested on the dorsal of the hand of the high-elf that hovered over skin-splitting weapons. A figure cloaked in velvety royal purple placed it's thin frame between the tense men, attempting to lower the anger levels. Moving on from its uncommon color, the cloak itself seemed too big for the wearer as a large portion of it fell on the floor around them. The hem of the purple garment was soiled by a layer of dark mud, the fraying of the edges told tales of it's use. The hood completely covered the wearers face, and it almost seemed as if they had a stick pushing the top of it upwards. Her separate hand parted the soft curtain guarding her body and reached out to grab the wrist of the brute leader who began and encouraged the soon to be battle, allowing her euphoric touch to mend their broken nerves. Her happy-touch left the high-elf first, feeling quite certain that he wouldn't be the one to push her aside and carry on with his previous ideas.

Only an hour ago Clementine was sprinting through one of the many forests of Pivot with fear in her eyes. Hunters, men and women disguised as men who yearned for her magical horn had been hot on her heels after baiting her in with a child crying out for help. She remembered losing her worn, leather shoes after sinking into a particularly soft patch of soil, although not even that could slow a fleeing Unicorn. The illuminating beast now caged into a dying human body, had lost the pack in the maze of stone and smoke. Afraid of a second meeting the hidden girl began wandering through the city, paranoid and sagging from the world of gray that surrounded her. She tolerated elven kingdoms, but humans made their cities in such bland, unearthly ways. Maybe she couldn't find anything beautiful while peering through misty windows, or perhaps Clementine was holding a subconscious grudge against humans, either way she was still lost in a town of violence. She had somehow wandered her way into a bustling Tavern and seated herself in one of the darker corners. She had no money to buy with, only time to waste. The Tavern had been peaceful up until the high-elf strolled in. She barely noticed him at first, but the shift in conversation forced her to lift her sleep head. The sight of him brought her back to the day she was saved by the elven people from the hands of greed filled men and the three bewitched widows condemned her, the most sacred of land dwelling creatures, to living hell. Clementine didn't understand the affairs of two-leggeds, so when a brute, almost thrice her size, began terrorizing the elf she became confused.

She hadn't meant to involve herself into two-legged matters, but she did not want to see the humans belittle the elfs because one of their kind could not control himself. She managed to gather up one of each of the callused paws of the brute subordinates into a single one of her own hands. "Please," she said again, a glimmering piece of moon white hair falling from the hood of the cloak as she faced the human men. "Will you allow yourself to enjoy your stay at this wonderful home of lodging and feast without a bloody brawl?"

@Lorkhan @Apex @Everyone at the Tavern
(I'm late! I'm sorry! I didn't get any notifications!)
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A pool of dark red blood slowly seeped from the old mans throat. Serana wiped her black steeled dagger, on the bark of a old large tree. She was particularly bored and killed a sweet old man. Who meant nothing to Serana by any means. She wore her usual outfit. Her mask also over her face. So that nothing could be identified of her other for her red eyes. She walked away from the man silently. His mouth was agape, and eyes dead, but in shock. She walked till she got to a town. She was in Pivot, having a contract to fulfill and was quite bored.

She had to wait for the contract to arrive at a tavern and it looks as if she had found it "Noxmeand Tavern." Sshe muttered to herself. 'What a stupid name' she thought to herself. Usually bitter herself and negative. She walked in. And more then a few heads turned into her direction. Her dark presence usaully put strong or weak feeling of fear and seines in their emotions and physically. Depending on strength.she Leander against the right side of the frame of the entrance doorway and started shad pinging her black steel daggers.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.bd4cbe35c9a80ec77a740577b071a28d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.bd4cbe35c9a80ec77a740577b071a28d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.ccc08cb3812109274480b6c48cb928b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.ccc08cb3812109274480b6c48cb928b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ayesha Monet

Location: Noxmead Tavern

Ayesha sighed and decided to enter the tavern. She had a bad feeling that she'll get into trouble there, but she decided to enter anyway. There were many people carrying weapons with them and she scolded herself for not bringing any weapons with her. She reminded herself to bring something next time as she walked over to take a seat. Her hood was still up, covering most of her face and the shadow played the perfect role, like she wanted it to.

As She looked around, she could sense a few people in the room that stood out from the rest. She decided to keep an eye on them, in case something funny happens. She crossed her arms then leaned back on the chair.

{sorry haven't post for a while >~<}
(I apologize for not posting, it refused to inform me of any posts.)

Vengryn muttered something, somewhat annoyed by the looks he received as he went towards Noxmead. Oh look, a humanoid dragon in armor fashioned as a suit and a fancy hat. Seriously, damn humans are so easily impressed. Chances are that it'll only get worse in the tavern. Drunk humans are so annoying. Best chance is that at least they'd be easy to con out of coin. What a lovely thing, being able to talk smoothly.

He walked into the quaint tavern, quite amused. What can he say, a fight between an elf and a human was almost starting, and it was clear most of the people in here have been drinking. Mix being drunk with their silly awe struck faces upon seeing afancy looking Draconian walk in, and he might as well simply see coins. He was sent here for a job of getting supplies, this just made it easier.

N E R I S S A | P E M B E R

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Location: Deadwood forests -> Noxmead Tavern, Pivot

Mood: Pain/Frustration/Exhaustion

Tags: @Apex @Vengryn Seke @Mistic @DarknessSpirit @RowdyPotato @Lorkhan @Lord Anubis

Beaten down by a mere scrag--a simple leech!--woe to think the woman who limped past was a feared assassin, indeed! Blood seeped from open sores across her limbs to paint her armor an ruby red, flashing brilliantly in the sunlight the moment she emerged from the forest's hold.

"Damned beasts," she ground out and took a moment's rest to bask in the light. "Damned Phalanx, the both of them! Damn them and their petty ways!" A sigh emptied her chest to mingle with the cool breeze sweeping past. Her arms lifted with the wind while her feet rose to a perfect ballerina's stance, all effortless on the part of the Changeling. How she would have loved to let her eyes fall shut and allow the wind to carry her away...

Alas, the ache of the leech marks kept her mind steeled in the present. And so, Nerissa continued on.

When she entered the city a mere half hour later--aided, perhaps, by drifting along the wind--the rogue straightened her stance and forced a solid gait. She kept her right hand along the handle of its misericorde, drawing a sense of determination from its chilled steel. Not long afterwards, a tavern came in to view, its NOXMEAD moniker painted in a bright red across the front. Its appearance seemed to lack the vulgar and ungraceful qualities of a true pub and caused a curious brow to raise, but in she went without another thought--only to stop dead in her tracks the moment she passed the threshold.

It seemed the Changeling had stumbled upon the beginnings of a riot between an elf and a human band, but such was a trivial matter in a pub. No, what caught Nerissa's eye was the armored Draconian, a rare site indeed. Should that not have been enough, a demonic woman--vampire, perhaps?--stood off to the side, sharpening her weapons for whatever fiendish purpose she had in mind. Another ominous presence sent a shiver rolling down her spine. Her glassy eyes darted about in search of the source, yet came up empty-handed; nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Nerissa drew a silent breath pushed a strong step forward, ignoring the pain it caused. As thought without a care in the world, the fairy brushed past the raging humans and the ethereal woman attempting to calm them. Using her shoulders and a harsh "move" to part the crowd, she strode forth to barkeep, a midnight elf and cloaked human at her side, and dropped a pile of silver coins to the counter.

"Get me a room," she ordered, her voice strong yet strained. "I'll take a pint, as well."
The tavern stood tall in front of Mei-Ling, the letters ''Noxmead Tavern'' being written in red on the front door. Although the architecture was rather plain compared to what she was used to, the building seemed sturdy, and that was the most important. The little pandar walked in the residence, and instantly noticed that the atmosphere was tense. Question was, had the brawl already happened or would it inevitably start soon? Mei-Ling didn't care. She was tired and disappointed, having just helped an old man free his house of spirits. The fool hadn't listened when she explained that forcing the spirit out would only pass the problem onto someone else. However, he thought that the spirit would never calm down, and as such, she had had to drive the spirit anyway.

The little pandar sat herself by the counter and sighed. This minor setdown wasn't the first she had encountered in the main continent. Alas, the continent of Aurora had been rather disappointing so far. Most people didn't seem to understand balance, only being greedy and impatient.

But then again, she hadn't been here for long, and it was to soon to judge this land. While se was remiscening on her travels she studied the people in the room. It was seemed to be mostly humans, but they were a few elves, and there was a very curioua slooking creature that reminded her of what a dragon should look like. It looked rather silly with it's armor and tophat, but then gain she probably looked silly in his eyes. She had noticed that a few people had been staring at her, seeing how Pandar were unusual here.
Oi, what's one of them Draconians doing in here? Tavern's not every been crowded with folk like this, honestly, Asad mused to himself, brows arching as his scrutinized gaze gradually followed the draconian individual from across the tavern. The mercenary's brilliantly brown eyes flickered back and forth between the number of individuals of numerous races, flecks of mead dripping to the table as his grasp over his mug began to lessen in his current state of moderate absentmindedness. A number of thoughts were whirling around in his head - questions soon following them. "Heh, bout to spill my drink seein these blokes," He murmured to himself, brows creasing as his head came back into focus.

Odd day, no doubt...

And alas, only to get odder...

Asad paused in the midst of a sip, head tilting as his eyes rested upon the windows. The warm, subtly comforting heat that so permeated the interior of Noxmead Tavern seemed almost purged as the air itself grew cooler, the formerly vibrant skies purged in the coming of overcast, darkened clouds. He almost winced as a lamppost just outside seemed to fade in a brief, small emission of fiery sparks. A single bead of sweat trickled down his forehead as he detected... a presence? Something there, something looming, and yet visibly, quite nothing at all. Most odd.

Doesn't t feel like a storm. Though rather wary, he diverted his attention, keen to keep his mind off such things. He sighted a woman (@Ravel ), easily parting the crowd in the midst of her saunter. Attention piqued, he listened in upon her requests as she stood in front of the counter. Her strong inflection was... unusual, in his mind, anyway. A warrior, could she possibly be? Or something else? His following inquiries would possibly answer such.

"Sure you'll be able to drink a whole pint, eh?" He jocularly asked.
Location: Pivot, Noxmead Tavern

Zilfer walked down the street following a sinister presence that he felt the instant he entered the city of Pivot. He knew the moment he felt the presence that it was demon like himself, no doubt looking to feed. Being a risen demon, Zilfer has taken it upon himself to either try to save his kind or to slay them. Unfortunately most other demons don't want to be saved and he is forced to go with the latter option. Zilfer suddenly felt a chill in the air, clouds began to roll in, and the lamppost ahead of him faded out. He picked up his pace and made his way further down the street, hoping he wasn't to late. His search brought him in front of a tavern full of mortals having a good time, enjoying their drinks. He could hear a fight going within the Tavern and people laughing and carrying on but there wasn't any Demon involvement that he could tell. The presence however, was stronger than ever at this point so he knew this had to be in the right place. He looked around and didn't see anyone but the presence was there and it was strong. Zilfer turned his gaze back towards the tavern and noticed a man walking down the street, headed for the tavern himself. Zilfer waited for the man to walk by, and then used his ability to manipulate the shadows so that he could slip into the mans shadow to hide for the time being. He needed into the tavern to keep an eye out for this lurking evil, but most folks weren't to fond of Demons hanging around, risen or not.
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Sera a raised an eyebrow under her mask as more people entered. She started to allow her mind to drift, thinking about how long it would take for someone to realize she had red eyes and was in fact a vampire. Her presence would have set a feeling of fear and eeriness in the room, yet she sensed other demonic presences as well. Serana swiftly pulled a knife from it shealth and threw it across the room landing In between the bartenders fingers perfectly. He looked up at her startled and she said. "Drink. Now." He quickly nodded and quickly got to work.
Complete darkness truly fell upon the town, and fog began to roll in from the woods. The air grew colder ice slowly began to form along the buildings in small quantities. Zetherian flowed about the towns road ways, and back ally's in search of prey. He could sense the corrupted souls of men expecially within a tavern. His hunger grew stronger sensing two dark presences within. A demonic entity also roamed within the Tavern along with a vamperic presence. In the darkness he smiled for soon he would feed, however the abundance of food was overwhelming. From outside he could see a heated argument. A group of two men stood next to the window. A shadowy clawed finger stretched from the darkness outside pointing to one of the men. A sliver of dark mist flowed from his finger towers the man.

In a matter of moments it reached the Tavern window seeping into the Crack flowing inside. It crawled up the man's back flowing into his ear feeling nothing more then a cold chill, as the man shivered looking about from the sudden chill. Outside the man would see a lone woman in a white dress black raven hair, and bright green eyes. She glowed with innocence smiling seductively towards the man. She beckoned him to her then man hit his friends arm" lad do you see this lass outside she is beautiful, and she's calling to me!" He said in a drunkin/seduced state. His friend turned around looking out the window" I don't see any woman jack you liar!" The man said. Jack waved his hand at his friend" lad she is right there look I'm going to her tell the boss if he around, that I'm escorting a lady home safely !" He said with a sluggish smile. Slowly the drunken man made way towers the door.

@Ravel ,@Vengryn Seke ,@Mistic, @RowdyPotato ,@Lorkhan ,@Kirito Kei, @Kel Vas
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Zilfer continued to hide in the mans shadow as they entered the tavern. Zilfer stayed alert, searching for any sign of the demonic presence he had been feeling. To make matters, worse Zilfer could feel another evil presence within the bar, vampiric in nature, however that wasn't as immediately important to him. Zilfer was on a demon hunt and he wouldn't allow it to distract him. As they walked through the tavern Zilfer tried to listen in on any conversation he could understand for anything suspicious, when something interesting to him caught his ear.

"Lad do you see this lass outside she is beautiful, and she's calling to me!" Zilfer turned his gaze upon two men talking beside a window just a few feet from him. "I don't see any woman jack you liar!" At this point Zilfer looked out the window as well, but he didn't see the woman either, and it was suspiciously dark outside now. Zilfer focused on the spot and let his eyes adjust to the darkness and it was then that he had found his culprit standing outside, waiting for his meal to come to him. "Lad she is right there look I'm going to her tell the boss if he around, that I'm escorting a lady home safely!"

Zilfer watched as he went to walk out the tavern door and he immediately exited the man's shadow he had been hiding in. Zilfer walked up to the man that was exiting the bar, ignoring the eyes upon him from scene he had just made and grabbed the man on the shoulder. "Look pal, that woman out there is mine. You even think of walking out this door to her and I'll make all of your worst nightmares a reality" Zilfer said, staring into his eyes and exuding his demonic presence in order to terrify the man into staying inside the bar.

Zilfer pushed past him and walked out the tavern door. He stood in the utter darkness and let his eyes attune once more, which wasn't hard being that Zilfer thrived in the darkness. The darkness fuels Zilfers abilities, makes him stronger, faster, more agile, and gives him great stamina. Zilfer turned his gaze towards the Demon and let a smirk play across his face. "My most sincere apologies friend, no tables left and the Inn is at full occupancy. Looks like you won't be dining here tonight." Zilfer said sarcastically and awaited the demons response.

@Lord Anubis
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Serana watched the whole scene, she sensed a very demonic presence and another one, outside grew suspiciously dark out, obviously demonic presence, and she watched as a man literally detached himself from a mans shadow, she watched him with a smirk as he threatened the guy to back off from his "Lady". She watched him walk outside, and took a long drink before stepping out silently, only the lamppost cast an eerie glow between the two other demonic presences and Serana stood at the door, unnoticed by the somewhat "good" demon.

Turning herself into the black mass of shadows, she was now a black transparent form of herself. All black, transparent, dark, eerie form of her, you wouldn't be able to make out any certain facial features of her, but by the form of the shadow you could tell it was dark, evil,'and most definitely female. Her red, orangish eyes glowed however. Hearing what the good demon said she teleported In between the both of them, although far off to the right so that nobody would be able to touch her, an none would be facing her back.

"Then I suppose you should both leave." She said coldly but amused.

N E R I S S A | P E M B E R

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Location: Noxmead Tavern - Pivot

Mood: Enduring > Curious > Enraged > Confused > Tired

Tags: @Apex @DarknessSpirit @Skylerclauz92 @Lord Anubis

Nerissa moved to lean her weight against the counter in a feeble attempt to have her bloodies legs from the strain, but even her arms were left weak and aching and the Changeling drew back with not-so-subtle jerk. There seemed to be no open stool at the bar's counter, leaving Nerissa with the only option to stand and endure the pain.

The sound of a voice aimed at her ear yanked her head to side and drew her mind from the sting. Her eyes fell upon a cloaked individual, a hood shadowing his face.

"Sure you'll be able to drink a whole pint, eh?"

She caught his teasing tone, but that didn't stop the rise of a condescending brow. A moment later saw the bartender place her own mug at her hands. Nerissa placed the stein to her lips and, with a roll of her eyes at the man who spoke, downed the spirits inside in a matter of large gulps. Not yet satisfied nor numbed with the buzz of alcohol, she slammed the mug to the counter and called out for another. She wiped the froth from her lips with the back of her hand and turned once more to the man at her side with a glance or two at the looks of his own drink.

"I think I managed quite well, don't you?" she offered, another stein placed before her. "Ah, honey wine, is it...? Hm. How cute." Her words, though strained, fell from her tongue coated in mockery. Apparently pleased with her snide reply, she raised the stein once again, but the hiss of a blade cutting through the air halted her attempt.

Nerissa once again dropped the mug to the counter and jerked her head from the throwing knife embedded in the wall to the woman who threw it. Her eyes narrowed at the brazen demon, her hands lowered to the handles of her own blades her hips. She turned, her jaw dropped with intent to shout obscenities at the woman, but again was Nerissa cut off by an odd series of events.

Another chill had rolled down her spine, signalling the presence of some other demon nearby; a human once terrorizing the poor elf had a sudden change of heart and, eyes glittering with lust, called out to a woman in the window; as the human made for the exit, another demon emerged quite suddenly from the shadow of another, and loomed dangerously over the seduced man to whisper foul words in his ear before exiting himself; the demon woman from before become nothing but a mass of shadows and hurried for the exit after the other.

An eerie silence loomed among the tavern's once-jovial air, followed soon after by hushed whispers and wonders. Nerissa only blinked once, twice, and turned once again to the counter to sip her drink, hoping for the numbing fuzz of drunkenness before the adrenaline rush wore off.

"Do tell me," she remarked to the man, her tone casual, as though such events were commonplace, "do you venture here often?"

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