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Realistic or Modern The school of the awkward teens.


'u' don't worry... Be happy!
Welcome to Haburashi High school. The place where unwanted teenagers nerds or losers thrive.

This is the school where people who are usually nervous about public schools, (or aren't allowed in others) can go! Here people expose their differences and try to find similarities. Classes are easy and anyone can graduate. The only condition is that you pay $5 enrollment fee, (you don't really need to pay to join, just part of the rp), most people can afford it. Not many people know this but the founder of the school was a dentist and a teacher.
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Storm had woken up early to convince himself to go out today -his first day of school- he was nervous that everyone was going to judge him like his last school. He did say he didn't mean to break the guys arm, but nobody believed him. He knew at this school nobody would judge him. Most of the other kids would probably be violent. Plus why would anybody talk to him anyway. It isn't like he's an interesting person. In fact right now the neighbors form across the road are terrified as he is looking at them out the window. He stops looking out the window, and convinces himself to go to school.

At the front gate Storm looks around and thinks: why are there so many security guards? The people here aren't THAT dangerous are they?

He enters the building and looks around.

Storm: "I'm not that early am I?"

Voice from the dark: "don't turn on the light"

Storm: "huh?"

Voice: "nobody here likes light really except maybe 10 students. Your eyes will have to adjust."

Storm: "OK... How may people are in the room..?"

Voice:" Just us-"

Storm: "that's great- ouch"


Voice: "don't interrupt!.. I was saying... Just us AND about 15 chicks.

Storm: ( :o ) "girls..?"

Voice"just kidding"

*Turns on lights*

Voice"The name in Alex by the way"

(I don't want to put anything until sombody introduces a character. This isn't supposed to only be me posting)
Rosalie *looks at alarm clock and sighs* " Is it really already time to go to school?"

As Rosalie gets up to go shower she trips over the little table at the end of the bed.

Rosalie "Ouch!" She screams as she stumbles to the shower.

Rosalie *gets out the shower and gets dressed*

Rosalie " Mom are you up yet it's 6 o'clock?"

Rosalie *gets dressed and does make up and heads off to school*
Alex: "there is a girl on her way here though, she's a childhood friend."

Storm: "What's her name?"

Alex: " Rosalie... Oh and when you meet her... I don't advise spitting on your hand before shaking hands... When I did that she freaked out."

Storm:"... Ok..?"
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Alex: "but yeah she... Oh there she is!.. Hi Rosalie! This is..."

-looks at Storm-

Alex: " what's your name again?"

Storm: "Storm"

Alex: "this is Storm!"

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