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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

Ah. And how do the Fate Points add in? And how do I get more of them?
Right- Fate Points let you muck about with your rolls, to put it simply.

To be more precise- you can spend them to screw with your rolls, doing things like inverting the tens and ones place, adding DoS's....

When spent that way, they regenerate between sessions- which I will loosely define within the game as we go, letting you know when they replenish...

Or. You can /Burn/ a Fate Point; permanently removing it from your repertoire. Doing so is an option when you would otherwise be dead- in which case it assures your life at the cost of crippling injury in some way, shape, or form. You cannot recover Burnt Fate points outside of extenuating circumstances- as things are written, there is no way outside of GM Fiat to recover a Burnt Fate point, but I will likely have some scenarios that can result in just that, if things seem like you'll need them.
Cool deal. I'll keep that in mind for the future fights.
Right. Another thing you can use them for is to recover 1d5 Wounds to your pilot- however, you cannot heal your Evanglion in this way. That said- there /are/ instances in which you can take damage to yourself while piloting the Eva- the Stigmata effect comes to mind, as does falling damage.

I'll have a more precise list of just what can be done with Fate Points later, when it's not 2 AM and when I have read the book.

@Bardiel , Your action- you have one round to kill it before the Angel reaches melee with you. And then your gonna have a bad time.
lol I understand.

BTW, I just found a PDF for Dark Heresy, so I can start checking in that book for what the Evangelion one doesn't reprint.
So, is the OD or Unit-01 next in line in this new turn?

Unit-01's still got its' umbilical cable, but the pallet gun is either depleted or destroyed. Charging in with the progressive knife might not be the wisest course of action, I am guessing. Perhaps to get another pallet gun and Unit-00 aim there shot?
If you Full Auto with the MAS Pistol you'll be at +50 BS, with an additional hit for every DoS up to its RoF of 3.
The writing for the OD is great fun to read. If it is allowed, I am happy for the 1 WUP to be used: I had kept it reserve, though that was more to do with the misunderstanding in the rules.

@SephirothSage, can the MAS Pistol be equipped and fired in this turn or is there movement to acquire it, preventing full auto?

Going to go through the rolls here, so to get to grips with the rules.

Name Class Range Dam RoF Br Pen Clip Rld Special
MAS Pistol Pistol 40dam S/-/3 1d10+1 E +1 3 30 1 Full Maser, Compact

Rolls to be included in IC post when made.


34BS +20 for Full Auto +30 from Spotting at Point Blank = 84BS

So that's 6 DoS?

For Hit 1:


For Righteous Fury, is it the target the original, baseline BS value? Oh, it does!


For RF from Hit 1:


For Hit 2:


For Hit 3:


So, that makes 11, 6, 5, and 5 for the damage rolls.

Depending on the Angel's AP, there may be 1 or 4 attacks that causes some harm?
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Nope, Righteous Fury is confirmed at your modified BS. Roll another Damage die and get another 10. MASER weapons are Proven (4) so any damage die less than 4 is treated as 4. You can't get less than 5 for damage.
When I look at the MAS Rifle,

MAS Rifle - Range 80 Dam, Class Basic, Damage 1d10+2 E, Pen 3, Br +1, RoF S/3/-, Clip 30, Rld 1 Full, Maser

What does the Br of +1 and the Rate of Fire of S/3/- mean?
Does the Burst setting get bonuses to hit? I see a post up above that the full auto for the MAS Pistol gives a +50. I'm just trying to come up with all the bonuses I can to be able to hit my target.


[QUOTE="Random Word]No, but you do have to make some choices (typically before you roll, but who cares).
Are you going to Aim (Half Action, +10 BS) and fire a single shot (Half Action)

Or are you going to fire a Semi-Automatic Burst (Full Action, +10 BS, one extra hit for every 2 DoS)?

If you Neutralize that takes a Half Action, only leaving enough for a single shot.

You're at Short Range, so you get a +10 to your BS.

never mind; I found it already posted here.
Will the Spotting bonus still apply next turn or is it for one only?

Random Word] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/posts/?post_id=3139341 said:
Renée Durant[/URL]
4th SAG is making an attack, 1d5+3X damage to the Body, Pen 3. Unlikely to do anything.


42nd AAG is Splintering into a Magnitude 2 and a Magnitude 1, the Magnitude 1 is approaching to within 30m and Spotting from Point Blank range to give Unit-01 a +30 to BS. Probably going to die horribly.
I'm trying to work out whether to get the Pistol and then gain distance away from the Angel, so as to go full auto next turn, or get the pistol and single shot?
Awww, he has to move to get it? His weapon wasn't actually destroyed and his WUP was technically spent from the get-go. This is just a fluffy way of retconning the fact that he had the MAS Pistol all along. If you have to run for the pistol, you're better off just firing the Pallet Rifle full auto. Three hits from the Pallet Rifle are better than one hit from the MAS Pistol. Then again, you do know in advance that your first hit was a confirmed Righteous Fury and your subsequent hits sucked. I guess you can just single shot the MAS Pistol.

For the record, @Sherwood, the only reason he has the +50 to BS is a +20 from Full Auto and a +30 from Point Blank, which he gets because I'm moving some of my helicopters with the Spotter Talent within 30m. I can only spot for one of you this turn, or you'd have the +30, too. If I had Fireflies I could spot and grant Markerlights for a total of +40 to one of you and +10 to the other (who could then get their own range bonus as appropriate, probably another +10 from Short Range). I'm prioritising Unit-01 because he has higher BS and had the actions to Full Auto where you had to Neutralize. Plus you're better off just stabbing it with a knife when it comes ashore.

Oh, right, @Bardiel you misunderstand Righteous Fury. It doesn't make a new attack, it just adds damage to an existing attack. You didn't hit 4 times, you hit once for 16 damage and twice more for 5.
No problems. I am still getting the hang of everything.
Teamwork is the Essence of Angel Takedowns- consider that this is the weakest Angel you will face the entire game.

Consider that if it hadn't been for teamwork, it could have very nearly one shot one of you.
I was hoping that the MAS Pistol would have been available. If I had known how the pools for WUP worked, I could have also started with the MAS Rifle, saving a Fate Point in trying to Breach the AT Field. Oh well...

So, if Unit-01 gets the MAS Pistol and uses a Single Shot, that means that it is +30 for the BS. This means a value of 64 BS for the roll. If we take the already rolled results, that means a Hit, with 11* Damage plus an additional 6, giving a total of 17 Damage in that round?

*Or does the value cap at 10, since you get to roll Righteous Fury? Though, that would suggest that if you "miss" the RF roll, you'd loose out on the +1 bonus from the weapon's damage, which seems unlikely from a rules standpoint.

Ah, I get the difference for Righteous Fury now. I think the terminology of "Hit" and "Damage", and their respective rolls, as opposed to "Aim" and "Damage" got me mixed up.
Close, the +1 Damage only applies to the first damage die. Subsequent damage dice from Righteous Fury don't get the +1. You couldn't have known we had MASER tech unlocked, so wouldn't have had the MAS Rifle.

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