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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

Did Unit-01's umbilical cable survive the Cross Beam attack?

@Sherwood, Unit-01 is going to likely need a new Umbilical and rifle, so that'll take up their turn, however, Cassidy can put forwards 4 ATS, keeping one in reserve. Natalia could Neutralise and take a shot(s).
I'm getting ready to start work, but I will try to post on my break. If not, it will be up wheni get home
SephirothSage said:
Most rolls, are D100's.
I thought most rolls in play were d10s, rather than d100s? I suppose it is a mix. Anyway, did Unit-01's umbilical cable survive the Cross Beam attack, as it happens?
It did, yes.

And the D10's are, outside of damage rolls, being used to simulate a 1-100 roll. So I just roll D100's in a automated Die Roller like this.
No, most rolls are d100's. When playing on a tabletop you usually roll two differently coloured d10's: one for the tens digit and one for the ones digit. You use d10's for damage.
True, the roller does makes things simpler, if it does lose the drama of rolling in front of your peers :P

Only time I've had to roll d100 was for Call of Cthulhu, and there the 2d10 option was similarly used.
Do I add my ballistics skill to the roll? I assume that I have to roll high.
Nope. If you look back at previous rolls by Bardiel you can see how they work. Lower is better. You want to roll under your modified BS.
Then perhaps I should go for the blade. That skill is much better.
True, but you'll have to jump into the bay and swim the 200m or so to reach the Angel. You're in B-Type gear, not C-Type, so you suck underwater.
True. Well, my roll is made. I don't know if there are any bonuses from the MAS Rifle to help me hit
No, but you do have to make some choices (typically before you roll, but who cares).

Are you going to Aim (Half Action, +10 BS) and fire a single shot (Half Action)

Or are you going to fire a Semi-Automatic Burst (Full Action, +10 BS, one extra hit for every 2 DoS)?

If you Neutralize that takes a Half Action, only leaving enough for a single shot.

You're at Short Range, so you get a +10 to your BS.
Yes, but more importantly it stops it from getting it back. So long as you are both collectively holding its ATS at 0, it can't use the splodey cross and it has Deflection 0, so conventional weapons can hurt it.

Right now it only has 1 ATS, which is trivial to Breach, but as your OD I care much more about next turn and not having Unit-01 tank another hit like that. Thus my standing orders to Unit-00 to Neutralize first.
Yea! I'll tank to save civilians, but when it is avoidable, Cassidy won't need to get boiled/vaporised.

Can the Magnitude 3 forces attack, with damage counting no matter how small with the Field down, or would the Angel's TB still soak weak results, like an Eva would?
Yes, it still gets its armour and TB, just like an Eva. Conventional forces will never do much unless you invest a lot in upgrading them. They're here for their special abilities, which help you deal more damage and not die.
Ok, now that I'm back home, I can tweak my post to show that I'm using my AT Field to drop its defenses, so even if I miss, it is still going to be vulnerable to attack by Unit-01. With that and my roll, I think I missed if the MAS Rifle doesn't add to any of my numbers to hit.

I have Weapon Expert; does that add to my roll, and if so, how much? I'm hoping to have some kind of a hit in this fight.
Weapons Expert makes your successes more impactful, rather than boosting your chances /to/ hit.

Basically- Weapons Expert drastically improves your Breach on succesfull hits; Usually, it takes two Degress of Success to get one breach.

With Weapon Expert, you proudly declare. "Fuck the AT field!" And get a point of Breach for every Degree of Success.

The system is not very forgiving, sadly.

Anywhoodle- it didn't attack this round, due to being currently limited to melee attacks as you both neutralize it, and it claws at you both.
Ah. So I have to hit first, then Weapons Expert makes it even worse. I got it.
Well, it looks like a lot of teamwork is needed until we boost our stats enough to hit on a regular basis.

How much is a Degree of Success when I hit?
Right- success is determined by the gap between your roll, and your relevant Attribute.

IE, on a Weapon Skill roll..

You roll a 4, have a WS of 53 or so?

That's five degrees of success.

It's every unit of 10 down from your stat that you rolled. With the same stat, a roll of 43 is a single Degree of Success.

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