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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

Pointman. It may be obvious if you have seen the DH corebook, but without it, the scales and the term basic/advanced for skills lacks context, as does the rate of gaining WUP/SUP. Anyway, that's a matter for another time.

There is 35 Assets and Drawbacks each. Oh, the Skills in the Ranks can be purchased... but then what about the Characteristics (Simple/Intermediate/Trained/Expect)?
You're a Neo-Spartan like Natalya, I take it, from your Characteristic base values. You need to pick two Positive Traits from Pg 8, and two Negative Traits from Pg 9. Then cut back to 25 Depth worth of Assets. Then add Command to your list of skills, you get that along with your Common Lore (War) for being a Neo-Spartan.

Each of (Simple/Intermediate/Trained/Expect) adds an additional +5. So it's in total (+5/+10/+15/+20). Each has to be bought in order, for the XP cost listed.

Whoops, no, I totally read it correctly. You MUST take a minimum of 10 Depth worth of Drawbacks. You cannot take more than 25 (And receive points for them). You can therefore never have more than 25 Depth for Assets.
Yes, Neo-Spartan is the archetype. Two Traits of each were selected. I grouped them with either the positive or negative, so that may have thrown you off. Sorry, I based the format off of your character post, Random Word. I did not realise that there was a limit of 25 inclusive of the 10 you get from the Career. None of them have come into play so far, so correcting that should be okay, right @SephirothSage?
Hmm... I don't see any Positive or Negative Traits from the Neo-Spartan lists in your Commendation or Potential Concerns sections. Did you forget to list them in your character sheet?
Aha! They are not listed. I have them in the text file, but forgot them when trying to write up the character sheet in bbcode because of the subsections. I'll include them later.

Positive were Loyalist and Know Your Enemy*

Negative were Memento and Know Your Place.

*I don't know what the Hatred Talent does, since it says it is the same as in the DH corebook. Out of curiosity, does the Trained For War addition to the Breach value of ranged weapons include those of E-Scale?
Breach will never apply to non-E Scale. If you're fighting something with an AT Field in person, NERV can't stress how much you're doing it wrong. Also dead. Hatred is +10 WS for all Melee attacks against the target.
*whistles* You better get yourself back to an elevator in a hurry. You need to be withdrawn for repairs. Or given a shield or something. You're in a world of hurt.
Or you can stay up in the field to Neutralize for @Sherwood ,who just arrived on the field in time to see you tanking that heroically for civilians!

Thankfully, Synch ratio on you isnt high enough for Stigmata effect.
Okay, wait, he's fine. I'm using my Reaction to deploy a Barrier Plate for him. He has 16 Armour on his Body now, and 3 TB, for a total of 11 damage reduction after AP. He only suffers 5 damage to his Body, and it has 11 wounds. He can tank those all day! Barrier plate probably asploded, though.
I can't wait to get a full sized Progressive Sword; with the Hatred of Angels that I have and my WS so high, I'll toast 'em quick.

So, what do I need to do now? I see that the AT field needs to be fully suppressed, then we can nail it's Core. Do I need to roll that, and if so, what do I roll?
@Random Word, thanks for the save. I have Steel Giant and Hulking Frame, so if any Eva was going to try to tank a shot, I thought it should be Unit-01.

@Sherwood With SR50, that's 5 ATS for you. If you spend 3ATS for Neutralise, the Angel's AT Field will be down, leaving you with a spare 2ATS for whatever else. (Although, after taking the hit, I don't know if splitting it 4:4 might be an overall safer option.)

@SephirothSage Just to understand how the mechanics work:

The Barrier Plate deployed as a Reaction by Renée provided an addition 6AP for Unit-01. This effective gave the Eva 16AP.

Samael's attack had 8Pen. This means 8Breach was achieved against the Eva.

Unit-01 has 3TB (derived from its' Toughness of 35.) This soaks 3 from the 8Breach resulting in 5 Damage.

The body of Unit-01 has 11Wounds, leaving a net of 6Wounds left.

Does the AP of the Body component remain available in the event of another attack, or is it permanently lost until repairs on conducted?

I made a macro linking the character sheet for the start of the IC post. If everyone does the same, it might make looking up each others sheets a bit easier.
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Not quite, but close. Breach and AP are different. Breach applies to Deflection. The Angel's 8 Breach was actually wasted on your 0 Deflection. It's 8 AP reduced your 10 Armour to 2. The barrier plate restored you to 8. Your TB made you soak a total of 11, leaving 5 damage.

@Sherwood I'm not sure what your options are, because the Angel is under water. @SephirothSage will have to tell you if you can still shoot it. If you can, you have a choice between firing semi-auto for +10 BS and up to your MAS rifle's semi-auto rate of fire hits, or aiming (+10 BS) a single shot called shot at -20 BS on its core to kill it or body to help push it into critical damage. Critical body damage has a lot of unpleasant stunning effects which can prevent the Angel from fighting back while you hit the core. You technically don't need to Neutralize if you don't want to be a team player. Your rifle has +1 Breach, and you have the awesome asset that grants you +2 Breach on all weapons. You're guaranteed to Breach the Angel right now. If you Neutralize it lets turrets/tanks/etc harm it, as well as making it easier for Unit-01's Pallet Rifle to Breach.

I think I forgot to account for a +10 BS for being at Short Range for Unit-01 because the Hornets are spotting. Unit-00's MAS Rifle has a much longer range, so you're already at Short Range and get the +10 BS regardless.

Can you copy/paste that macro for us?
Thank you for that. I made a bookmark of the post in question first. @Random Word, if you go to your profile and select "post macros", from there you can create a macro. For myself, I made one titled Cassidy Kelly, put the name into the text box and embedded the link to the bookmark.


Renée Durant

This means, that when you go to make an IC post, you can select the macro from the bottom of the page, before continuing with it as normal, as you can see with my recent posts. For nWoD games, I tend to link to the filled out character sheets hosted on the Dalines site, which is very convenient, I find anyway.
Wait a second. @Sherwood how did you get a MAS Rifle? Did we get a free technology unlock for MASER tech? I haven't completed any research projects yet, nor been told about free research points to spend. I can make unlocking MASERs a priority, if you'd like. They are pretty useful.
The MAS Rifle is listed as being Tier 1 and costing 1 WUP, which may be where the mistake arose? I opted to save the 1WUP from play for when better things would be available. I take it that Maser Technology must be Researched before it can be used in play?
Yes, most technologies are unavailable until the OD decides to tell Research to hurry up and finish them by bribing them with research points. You don't need to worry about 'saving' WUP. You reallocate them every Angel attack. You don't get to keep what you buy with WUP, but you can just buy the same thing again next Angel if you want to.
I recall that the weapons were "on load" each turn if you spend the WUP. How do you acquire the more advance equipment, some have values like 7 WUP? Does the pool increase after each battle or do you choose to spend the XP from each battle to temporarily purchase the WUP et al.?
What the 'on loan' part means is that you return all weapons purchased after the battle and your WUP are refunded. So if you have 3 WUP you can buy 3 WUP points worth of stuff for a battle, return it at the end, and buy a completely different (or the same) 3 WUP worth of stuff next battle.

For instance, if you had 3 WUP right now and spent it on a Gatling Gun I could ship it up to you in an elevator to replace your Pallet Gun. As it stands, I'll just be shipping you up another Pallet Gun (This is purely fluff. Your weapon wasn't really destroyed. If it had been, you would have to spend 1 WUP on a second Pallet Gun, which would be pretty lame.) If you had had the Gatling Gun when firing on the Angel, you would have scored a whopping 5 hits. I actually erred on the side of sanity and assumed the conflicting rules of 1 hit per DoS and 1 hit per 2 DoS clearly meant 1 hit per 2 DoS. I was wrong. You actually had enough DoS to score 6 hits, and the Gatling Gun has a RoF of 5. Those 5 hits would have been pretty impressive. I don't think you have the 3 WUP required to buy one, though.

Yes, you buy WUP with XP, like any other Talent. You can see the entry in your Career.
There is only 1 WUP and 1 SUP available at the start. So, does purchasing additional WUP accumulatively increase the pool for each major conflict/progress of the RP?
Okay, okay. Just got back from some Post office business.

@Sherwood Well, you can attack the Angel with your ranged weapon at a -20 Penalty to your BS due to it being underwater- and Neutralizing takes your first turn, but is free to maintain after the first turn is over.

Neutralizing might also let your ally get the killing blow- it's down to 1 Deflection right now, though, from spending ATS on it's Cross Beam... so just shooting it might actually work.
Random Word]Wait a second. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7773-sherwood/ said:
@Sherwood[/URL] how did you get a MAS Rifle? Did we get a free technology unlock for MASER tech? I haven't completed any research projects yet, nor been told about free research points to spend. I can make unlocking MASERs a priority, if you'd like. They are pretty useful.
I was getting the MAS Rifle from the Talents given to me at CharGen. I snagged the Auto Balancer for my Structural Upgrade, and the MAS Rifle for my Weapon Upgrade.

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