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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

And for the description of the Angel, all I can say is: Ewwww.
Its' difficult to visualise the Angel, and that's no bad thing. Currently, I imagine it being a cross between a lanky, cyclopean Sachiel and a Shadow from the Persona game series.
What does my character know of this Charon Initiative? Goals, motivations, political alignmets, stuff like that. In other words, if she works with these guys to get her eye back, is she making a deal with the devil?
You know they are one of the Corporations that splintered from the same economic and political initiative that spawned Nerv, and that they lead in Cybertech. Beyond that... nothing /yet/.

The Op Director.. may know more.
Ok. I just wanted to make sure that there was nothing that I was supposed to know that I wasn't doing right.
Have we all completed our first turn?

At least it isn't the Cheiron Corporation, or it might be someone else's eye. ;)
To check, as it is a new round there is a new pool of ATS. So, that means Cassidy can spend another 3 ATS to Neutralise the Angel's AT Field (having spent 5 last turn) and have 2 ATS left over for their own Deflection. Are they also able to attack this turn?

Or, does the Angel have 8 ATS each turn, so the most it can be reduced is by 5, leaving it with 3 for its' own nefarious deeds?

EDIT: Didn't see the IC thread. The alerts didn't come up for some reason.

I'm not sure how the BS skill is used. Since it is percentile, is it roll 2d10 and add Eva BS skill?
Nope. You rolled a 0 for the tens digit, and a 6 for the ones (Which is an awesome roll, BTW). You compare that to your modified BS. If you aimed first, you get a +10 bonus to your BS. If you fired Single Shot, you get another +10 bonus to your BS. If you fired full auto... well, consult the rules, it's a bit complicated but very powerful in DH. You scored a number of degrees of success equal to the difference between your roll (6) and your BS after modifiers. Let's say you had 60 BS after modifiers. That's a difference of 54. I can't remember if that's 5 or 6 Degrees of Success in DH. In Black Crusade and Only War it's 6. I think in DH that was only 5.

I could have deployed Fireflies to give you Markerlight and another +10 to BS, but I figured the -20 to the Angel's BS to hit you was more useful. Plus Dragonflies can shoot where Fireflies can't. Handy when the AT field is fully neutralized.

Oh, right, ATS. Yes. You have to commit ATS to Neutralizing. It isn't like damage. If you stop Neutralizing, its ATS goes back to full. Keep your 5 committed, Unit 00 will add 3 more when it spreads its AT field.
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I'm not sure if the bonus for aiming would apply here. Let's say it was a Single Shot (since we don't know the rules for Full Auto off hand) to add +10. The BS would now stand at 44 BS. Difference is therefore 38. Would that mean 3 Degrees of Success? If this counts as a Hit, then with the Pallet Rifle, 1d10+2 is rolled for damage?

Name Class Range Dam RoF Br Pen Clip Rld Special
Pallet Rifle Basic 50dam S/2/3 1d10+2 I +0 0 6 1 Half Carbine, Reliable

Countermeasures are a better use until Unit-00 is able finish Neutralising.
That is a 3 Degree of Success hit, yes.

Roll your Damage, and also roll the bonus damage added from Random's Asset's and such- taking into account what she added with the stingers and like, as added into your own attack.
The bonus for aiming can apply if you want. Aiming is a half action, shooting is also a half action. Whether you hit is not up to you. The Angel may still elect to spend its reaction to Dodge, if @SephirothSage so chooses. It may also have other, more unpleasant tricks up its sleeve. Should you have hit, you need to work out your Breach and find out if it equals or exceeds the Deflection of your target. Let's naively assume Samael is using a standard Deflective Spread Pattern, like you. In that case it has a Deflection of 3. Unfortunately for you, you're wielding the Pallet Rifle, a miserable failure of a project that offers a whopping +0 Breach. Your ATS is also 0, because you're Neutralizing with all of it, so you have a total Breach of... 0. But wait! There's more! For every two Degrees of Success on your BS test, you gain one Breach. Which nets you... 1 Breach. If you Aim, you get 2 Breach! Which does not equal 3. Your bullets bounce harmlessly off of its AT field, unless SephirothSage declares otherwise.

OOC I gave you terrible advice in ordering you to continue to Neutralize and engage. IC Renee is not flawless, and this fighting Angels thing is a new branch of military science. She will quickly learn that if you can't completely neutralize the Angel, and are wielding a terrible gun, you're better off keeping your field in Deflective Spread Pattern and waiting for a better opportunity to Neutralize.
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Hmmm... if Unit-00 were not arriving, then melee with the Progressive Knife would be the only recourse.

OOC, I understand that there is no point to commit everything ATS-wise, to attempting to Neutralise in this situation. Similarly, IC, Cassidy is following dogma (and a superior's order) to attempt to Neutralise in their first encounter. Although, some logic is behind it, as they expect Unit-00 to deploy its' own Field within moments and allow for a proper offence to begin. In the meantime, it helps to stall the use of more AT Attacks... it is hoped.
Oh, for the record, then:

Magnitude 3 Tanks: 17th Armoured Battalion

Magnitude 3 Hornets: 42nd Air Assault Group

Magnitude 3 Dragonflies: 4th Special Air Group

Actually... I could punch you through. You have a Breach of 2, and only need one more. If I spend a Fate Point I can get you the two more DoS you need, which is more fun than you not getting to roll damage. I just have to come up with an IC justification - I'm going to declare that the complete obstruction of Unit-01 prevented Samael from being able to see the attack coming, and the MAGI detected an irregularity in its AT field which I highlighted on your targeting system. Together that let you punch through. All of that is moot if @SephirothSage elects to Dodge and scores even a single DoS, though.
That gives:

1d10+4 Depleted Plotonium Rounds*

1d5+3 Dive Bomb**

1d5+2 Improved Countermeasures***

*For 1 round, the AP in all body areas of the Angel is cut by 2. This mob cannot fire or use any abilities for the next Turn.

**The enemy tests Intelligence or takes a -10 penalty to attack actions until the OD's next turn. The Mob takes 1 damage after using this Manoeuvre due to inevitable losses.

***Any opponent attacking the targeted ally that round takes a -20 to BS.

If Cassidy aims, that makes a BS 54. Difference of 4 DoS.
Ah, no, I'm not electing to use Dive Bomb. I don't want the Hornets to pointlessly sacrifice themselves just yet.
Let me roll ahead 'o time, so I know what to post.


It managed to /critically fail/ it's dodge.

So if you go through with that all, it /does/ hit.
No need for the pointless casualties, yet. Do Mob/OD attacks effectively add modifiers and/or do damage when the AT Field is up?

I don't mind spending the Fate point, if you rather keep it for future, that is if I can do so to assist in this scenario.

Okay, say a Fate Point is used, and Breach 4 is reached. Samael is unable to successfully Dodge. How is damaged worked out, what do the +Values add to the rolls?
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The conventional forces accomplish nothing but giving you the defense bonus (besides pretty fireworks), unless @SephirothSage rules otherwise. They have Breach 0 always, and the Angel still has Deflection 3.

When I spend a Fate Point I can grant 2 DoS. You can only grant 1. 1 DoS doesn't get you the last point of Breach you need. Save yours for a re-roll later.

God in Heaven, I forgot how broken Full Auto was. Full Auto is a Full Action, but grants +20 BS and lets you hit once for EVERY DoS. You're limited by your FA RoF of 3. So if you FA you're still BS 54. You still need me to bump you up to 74, but if I do you get to roll damage 3 times. Nice.

No, wait. It's DH. The text conflicts itself. It's probably meant to be every 2 DoS. Which is fine, since I'm putting you up to 6, anyway.
Included the Nerv rolls in the post (included the modifiers).

Magnitude 3 Tanks: 17th Armoured Battalion rolled 5

Magnitude 3 Hornets: 42nd Air Assault Group rolled 6

Magnitude 3 Dragonflies: 4th Special Air Group rolled 7

Okay. So, if FA is used, that means 3 attacks for Unit-01.

That's 12, 3, (the third was 8, but that may not get included if the addition attacks are every 2 DoS).
Oooh, was that a natural 10 on your first roll? Righteous Fury Time! Roll to hit again. If you hit, roll another d10 and add it to that attack's damage. If that one rolls 10, you win at the game and add another d10 damage.

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