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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

If she one shots the first second Angel on her first sortie with a Pallet Gun that will be hilarious. It's extremely unlikely, though. Angels are usually made of much tougher stuff than that.
Is a separate BS roll required from each Damage or does the first BS roll mean you hit the target, and roll the individual damages?

i.e. BS roll to hit was 6 with Full Auto for (2 or 3?) Attacks

1st Attack Damage Roll 12

1st Reroll 4

2nd Attack Damage Roll 3

3rd? Attack Damage Roll 6
Haha, okay, let's break this down. You don't hit at all if I don't spend a Fate Point. I want to see you hit, though, so I'm spending it. Consider yourself to have 3 hits.

Now you have three hits. You rolled a 10, a 1, and a 6 (Or a 4, you changed your numbers from page to page). Your weapon has a +2 to damage, but what we really care about is the 10. 10's on damage dice are special. When you get a 10 on a damage die, you get Righteous Fury. You roll to hit again. Roll 1d100, check if it's under 34. If it is, roll 1d10 and add the result to the first damage die.

Say you hit and roll that 4. That would make your first attack deal 16 damage to the body, second attack deal 3 damage to the body, and third attack deal 8 (6?) damage to the right arm. It subtracts its toughness bonus from each, -2 for the Depleted Plutonium Rounds if the GM rules they're effective. The 3 probably won't do anything. The 6 or 8 might do a bit. The 16, that's going to hurt a bit.
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Aye. About right on Random's part. I'm doing the math now, then determining how to fluff the damage while I eat my dinner.
The 10, 1 and 6 were the original three that I rolled. The 4 was because I thought it was a "10-Again", like in nWoD. So, I rolled the 1d100 and got an 80. Guess that doesn't count for anything? Therefore the FA attack did, 12, 3 and 8 damage. The 12 might end up doing a little damage, along with the UN attacks of 5, 6, 7 that might do some chip damage, or rather the UN attacks are ineffective because the AT Field is still at 3 ATS for the Angel?
Correct on all counts. Too bad on the not confirming Righteous Fury. I'm sorely tempted to turn that 80 into an 08 for you... If you rolled another 10 it would be awesome.

I'm buying all in, for fun. Your 80 just became an 08. Your Righteous Fury is confirmed. Go ahead and roll another d10 of damage. Roll a 10, do us proud.
Hmm? I don't see the roll. You rolled a 4? Oh well, that's still a 16. That will sting a bit. You should roll in your post, though.
[QUOTE="Random Word]Hmm? I don't see the roll. You rolled a 4? Oh well, that's still a 16. That will sting a bit. You should roll in your post, though.

I included the 4 result with the original results, as well as a note mentioning the inversion by use of a Fate Point.

SephirothSage said:
...See, if it wheren't for how hitting Angels in places that aren't their cores works... Ehehehe.
They tend to be either squishy or hard... But, the chip damage harms them, right? Right? :P
You destroyed it's entire body.

Except the Core, which took 0 Damage, but is now only capable of firing AT Field Powers, and getting hit.

But it's harder to hit now that it's in the water.

Gimme a Dodge check, by the way.... but understand that if you /do/ dodge, the city is taking heavy collateral.
Wow. I was not expecting 16+8 to deal enough critical damage to splatter the body. Is it called shots only to hit the Core?
No, it's a Random Hit table I roll on with a /very/ low chance to hit the core outside of Called shots.

It only had a 4 Armor/TB- Wait..

Fuck, I didnt' take into account it's TB, just it's armor. Forgot that you add those.

Eh, it's fine. Dramatic this way.
It took about... half as much as I thought it did.

My bad..

It has 20 HP in body, 7 to each arm.... I mean, yeah, it's actiosn aren't changed.

It just looks a lot more injured than it is. Because my Math was off.
Awww, knew it was too good to be true. Still, over half the HP on its body gone. Not bad. I'm guessing it's going to 'regenerate' a lot next round. ( ;) )
The Dodge Skill. If you don't have it... uh-oh. Defaulting is a -20 characteristic (Yes, Agility) test. Having Dodge is pretty key if you want to, well, Dodge. You can also opt to be a hero and tank it for the civvies. You might not die.
The Dodge skill is possessed (as an aside, the 400 xp wasn't spent as there was no guide to cost, if they survive, something could be done with that I hope).

If the expected attack is going to cause high civilian casualties, then their protection is the choice.
No guide to costs? Every talent and characteristic lists its XP cost beside it in the tables under your Career. What Career are you?

Oh! You don't have a Career! How did that happen? Haha, your character is a bit illegal. You have too many Assets, don't have any Career benefits or penalties, and you've got more points of Drawbacks than you actually receive Depth for. That last bit is fine. You can only have 25 Depth worth of Assets, and only gain 25 Depth from Drawbacks. The Career bit you really need, though. Pick one and follow the instructions.

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