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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

Oh, wow. I didn't even know she hit the core. I'm surprised it didn't explode spectacularly, the Energy Critical Damage table for Cores is brutal and tends to level districts.

Nice job pilots, that was an incredibly clean Angel kill.
I take it that the Surplus and Research applies only to the base, and the 250 xp is for the pilots?
Huzzah, victory!

Unit-01 has the Flagship Distinguishing Feature.

"additional 1d5 + Fellowship Bonus surplus after every battle unless the Evangelion

was defeated... "

So, does this add an additional +25 Surplus to give +50 Surplus as the battle outcome?

Oh, that means 650XP to spend on Kelly too.
Fellowship Bonus. The tens digit. 25 Surplus is a huge quantity. Most battles have a collateral of 30-50. You kept it down to 3. NERV is ecstatic.
Gendo is smiling.

Which isn't always a good thing.

But right now it is.

Even if your commander /isnt/ actually Gendo.

Anyway- you gained +6 Surplus from that, not +25.

Nice try.

Just one issue- I love your little format thing for the Post-Battle report..

But this was the 2nd Angel, not the Fifth. :D
Yeah, I wasn't sure if the first three were accounted for or not. I'll fix that.

Purchasing the following with all that sweet sweet surplus:

Variable Terrain (10 Surplus)

5x Barrier Plate (5x2 Surplus)

1x A-Type Equipment (10 Surplus) - Because paradropping Evas is awesome. No, of course there was nothing more useful to spend that billion dollars on. Shut up.
@Sherwood did you want a Progressive Sword/Greatsword? If so, I'll put the 20 Research points into getting us to 20/30 on Heavy Progressive Technology. Otherwise I might put it towards Ablative or Positron Tech, as both are expensive and awesome.

Do note a Progressive Sword is 5 WUP, so make sure you buy some with XP.
Absolutely. I would have had the Progressive Sword starting out, but it was not available to me yet.
So, where is the xp cost for raising my scores? Is it in the Evangelion book, or do I need to look it up in the Dark Heresy one?

The chart is a little confusing to me. Am I reading it right where it shows the line of "Skill Proficiency" to raise your number by three for 100 xp?
Ah, no, it explains how to read the table somewhere.

It's Name - Number of Times it can be purchased this Rank - Scale (Evangelion/Personal) - Cost in XP - Type (Skill/Talent) - Prereqs
So how much can I raise my Skill for that 100 xp cost? Is it only by one?
Skill Proficiency lets you add a skill to your list. Skills are things like Common Lore (Soviet History), Charm, or Tech Use. Testing a Skill while not proficient is a Characteristic -20. So if you tried to fix a toaster without Tech Use, it's Int -20. Buying Skill Proficiency for 100 XP lets you take the -20 penalty off of a new skill. You need Skill Training to get +10 to a Skill, or Skill Mastery to get +20 to a Skill.

If you want to raise a Characteristic, like WS, you're looking for the table above on pg. 36. It costs you 100 XP to raise WS by 5. Each column across the table is another cumulative +5, for a total of +20 if you reach the fourth column, paying the XP cost for each column in order.
So the first boost of +5 costs 100, then the next is 250, right?

That makes sense to me now.
And where are the costs for those? And I see two different xp listings; we only got the 250 points, correct?
Ah. I see I am showing my noob-ness. I'll just stick to raising my WS and BS by 5, and banking the other 50xp for now.

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