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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

Yes, indeed. As was attending two cousins' 21st birthdays. I'll be back on proper tomorrow.

Also, I find the site has dropped the alerts for the IC posts, so when I checked in briefly, nothing had shown. Ach, nothing showed up since Thursday.
So with how the meeting with the Chiron man is going...

To explain cybernetics!

The Op Director will be able to choose to spend surplus, on purchasing cybernetic replacements for lost limbs as the game goes on- with cost dependent on limb being replaced. The eye replacement is free for now- except!

Cybernetic Enhancements/Replacemeve displace you farther from being a totally human human being. Cybernetic enhancements always reduce Synch Ratio, by varying amounts. A wee little eye? -2.

An arm? -5.

Needing full body replacement because you nearly died horribly? -15, maybe more.

Something to keep in mind that is an option. I'll be using Cybernetics rules from base Dark Heresy for "What can be done!" and effects.
Just to let everyone know, I have been getting my butt kicked by packing for a move. I will be going off-line sometime late Tuesday or Wednesday, and not getting everything back on the internet until late Thursday or early Friday.
Is "The King's Lair" your own creation or in the books, @SephirothSage? I think it is quite reflective of the authoritarian and secretive nature of the organisations involved. Although with many Babylonian elements of the stories, especially from Rebuild, I'd like to think the lift is called something like the Ishtar Gate or that the lake of LCL is called the Lake of Sippar, whilst modern naming conventions are used in parallel for most things outside of the GeoFront, like with @Random Word's posts for Reneé efforts to coordinate NERV's actions.

Good luck with the move, @Sherwood.
Noooo! <runs for the totes full of Lego> You'll never get them!
Apologies. The Third of July was my Birthday, and I had other family stuff the fourth- ended up quite busy.

In other, perhaps better news, I've also watched the Rebuilds lately to get a better feel for things. On that note.

I'd like your opinions. Do you want me to try and hunt down a PC for the Third Pilot, or are you okay with an NPC Pilot of mystery and wonder?
I'd prefer a third player, but if you poke around and no one is forthcoming an NPC is a perfectly good replacement.
The Rebuilds are visual impressive. I was going to ask if the transformation upon death into the imagery of The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats occurs or not.
Oh yes. I'm not a fan of 3, but 1 and 2 were fantastic. 4 could redeem 3 if it even pretends to try to answer the absurdly large number of questions 3 raised.

  • What happened to Tabris Base? Is humanity still okay up there?
  • We've clearly weaponized AT technology in the last 15 years and can mass produce Angel-weapons, so I assume there was a civil war.
  • Who put Unit-01 in orbit?
  • Why do such a half assed job of it? This implies whoever launched it up wanted it back down at some point - if Nerv launched it, why? They want it on Earth! If Wille, why does it have security systems they don't control? If Seele, how was Nerv unable to prevent the launch? The timeline here is all messed up. All Nerv wanted was Shinji, They could extract him before launching Unit-01 into orbit if the goal was to deny it to Wille. The fact that they didn't implies either he wasn't IN Unit-01 until recently (LCL?) or someone else launched him immediately after Third Impact and he sat there for 15 years. That can't be true, the defense systems were beyond our ability to construct back then.
  • Why is the Geofront empty except for three people? Who produces the food? Where does it come from? How is the base still functional? How were two Evangelions maintained and launched without staff?
  • How the fuck did Wille build the Wunder without any construction or maintenance facilities? One carrier task force does not build an experimental AT warship around the core of an Evangelion. If they built it elsewhere, was the apocalypse recent? Did Third Impact do that damage, or did the subsequent civil war? It looks like the civil war did it, given the mass production Evas everywhere. Why blame Shinji for that?

This is Evangelion and I'm not holding my breath. I'm pretty sure 4 is just going to be even weirder than 3, and answer even less.
The answer is, as always, simple.

Gendo is an Avatar of both Nylarthotep and Tzeentch, playing them both against each other to maintain his own immense powers of plot fuckery god-hood...

And anyone who questions this will be Gendowned.
Oh, there are certainly questions, and it is entirely reasonable to expect the 4th film to go into greater plug depths of confusion... However that can be entertaining too. That being said, there are some fan theories to explore possible explanations, but it mostly rests on what is confirmed (or not!) in the final film.

P.S. Don't be messin', Gendo!

P.S.S. PC or NPC? PC would be preferred, but NPC can work too. We can try over the coming week.

D.S.S. Ouch.
So I believe I likely have someone, but am waiting on them to have some free time to check out the forum before entering. I'm waiting on replying to @Random Word , because I was asked questions about the 3rd Child that cannot be answered until NPC or PC, and if my friend is it, is decided.

You can always just tell me the files are still classified and I'll get them later, but understood. I have no problem waiting.
If I had my choice, I would like the third to be a PC, but if you don't find anyone interested, an NPC will do just fine.
Another child is getting run over by work.

At some point, as some time, a prodigy of a zerker should be a thing. Soon

Not to be confused with Valve Soon!

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