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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

So, did I tag the bad guy with one or two more levels of success? How many more rolls do I make?
From the sounds of it, they'll be desperately needed, assuming there is even a city left with all the collateral!
S'ok. We forgive you. But, if it happens again, we will hunt you down and make you watch endless episodes of Barney the Dinosaur! Mwuhaha!
She's right.

I have the LSD drop tab and the flashing lights room already hooked up with a Plasma TV.

But no, more seriously- the Collateral was the Spawn, and the Angel's action was to move deeper into the bay.
Sorry for delays. Just moved addressed for a post grad and am setting up all the utilities. Should be back online Tuesday.
Finally finished and with internet again! Opting to use Full Auto on the Angel with the MAS Pistol. So, to check, with a 39 BS + 40 BS bonus from support units, that means DoS under 79 count to Hit?


Is that 7 DoS to Hit?
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As it is Full Auto, that is 3 rolls for Damage, correct? Is there any other factors at play here, like Righteous Fury? (I don't have the rules with me, since I am using a different computer, but will hopefully get to download them soon.)
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Damage rolls:




That makes 5, 5, and 7.
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It's even better than that, actually. 39 BS + 20 from Full Auto + 40 from Support Units for a final BS of 99.

You'll need to calculate your Breach. Check if you have any talents for improving it, especially with DoS. Check your weapon's standard Breach. Add... I think half your ATS if you're close enough to the target as Breach. If it exceeds their ATS you can roll damage. Otherwise it bounces off harmlessly.

It's too bad you didn't have the MASER gatling cannon. You'd have 5 hits!

Should we just screw being scientifically plausible for the sake of the game and have Unit-02 and Unit-03 land? They've been waiting forever. Maybe the Angel took ten hours to manifest from the rift or something.
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This is the MAS Pistol.

Name Class Range Dam RoF Br Pen Clip Rld Special
MAS Pistol Pistol 40dam S/-/3 1d10+1 E +1 3 30 1 Full Maser, Compact

So, that is Breach 1, however, according to this:

Trained for War - After years spent with a

gun gripped tightly in their hands, Neo-

Spartans have gained a preternatural

connection with the modern implements of

death. They treat the breach of any ranged

weapon wielded to be two higher than it is

listed to be.

That would make it Breach 3? Has the ATS for Natalia and Cassidy been stated on their respective turns?
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That would make it 7 Breach total then? Surely that gets through, otherwise Unit-00 and Unit-01 won't have a chance of surviving until next round for the cavalry to arrive! :P

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