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Futuristic At the Edge of the Apocalypse, an Eternal Principle

Well, Cassidy and Natalia have turned up, so unless there is a particular need to RP moving in, I'm fine with skipping along a little. Though, perhaps we should each given an idea of how the interactions would play out with each other, personality-wise, for the sake of future posting. i.e. Cassidy would abide by Renée's directions, likely more reclusive than Natalia, boringly ardent in their training regiment and military studies, but pleasant and polite with everyone.
Renée would be surly and when forced to interact would immediately fall back on the one paradigm she understands how to behave in - that of a superior officer. She would continue to attempt to live as if she were alone out of stubborn refusal to go along with orders she feels are outside the scope of her duties, and would become irate easily when it was made clear to her that her selfishness was causing problems for her charges. Thankfully she doesn't spend a great deal of time in the apartment.
Oh- and.

100 EXP for the Non-Combat Session between fights. Enjoy.

Oh- and as a Month passed, choose one of the Time Management options from page 136 of the Core Book, and apply it to your character to summarize and benefit from the month spent.
Woo, with 100 XP I can buy... nothing! Oh well. Since the drop isn't scheduled until tomorrow, should I just wait until then to post?

I'll bump up my intelligence by 1 with time management to get to a round 40.
I like it, it's fine, don't worry! Ehehehe..

I just need for everyone else to post as well as the two of you who already have, and I'll be ready to make my next post.

I'm already giggling about it IRL.
So assuming they each have a dedicated heavy lift rocket in low lunar orbit (LLO), we have about ten hours until Units-03 and 04 hit Earth atmosphere, assuming they do a completely insane full burn minimum time transfer from LLO to straight into the Earth. Thankfully the AT field will save them from dying of radiation poisoning as they cut straight through the Van Allen belt, but they'll strike the atmosphere at a whopping ten kilometres a second. The energy output from that is going to be... about a tenth of Hiroshima. Each. It'll be a pretty big fireworks show. I hope they aren't landing on Tokyo-3.

On the upside, once they reach the atmosphere, it will only take them about twenty exciting seconds to hit the ground ( ;) ).

This is all assuming, of course, that Japan is conveniently going to be on the side of the Earth facing them when they hit. Otherwise they're vacationing in Canada or something. Or have to make a sane transfer orbit into LEO and deorbit on target, which will take the better part of two days.
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Ten Hours, AT Field Guidance allows them to make rolls to home in on the angel and be aimed at it as things get closer. :D

Speaking of which, can't wait for someone to go outside so I can describe the Angel.
Are Kelly and Romanova in the Bumblebee with Durant or are they in a separate transport? I got the impression they were all travelling together.
I assumed you would get in the same transport - we were all together, no reason to travel separately. Did I accidentally imply otherwise?
Upon rereading stuff, I am now realizing we weren't actually going to earth yet.

I feel stupid.



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So 71, and 51. You're slightly off target, a bit farther out to shore.

This means you'll take longer to get into battle once it starts.
Not that it changed the fail/pass, but a 10 is a 0 in the 40K game lines~

Unless double 10s. That's a 100. Followed by bad things.
Welp, let's see how Huggy manages.



Haha, pretty typical.

So, uh, how shitty does missing both rolls turn out for me?
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